FRDM K64F Metronome

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pal/Test/Unity/auto/generate_test_runner.rb	Sun May 14 18:35:07 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# ==========================================
+#   Unity Project - A Test Framework for C
+#   Copyright (c) 2007 Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams
+#   [Released under MIT License. Please refer to license.txt for details]
+# ==========================================
+$QUICK_RUBY_VERSION = RUBY_VERSION.split('.').inject(0){|vv,v| vv * 100 + v.to_i }
+class UnityTestRunnerGenerator
+  def initialize(options = nil)
+    @options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.default_options
+    case(options)
+      when NilClass then @options
+      when String   then @options.merge!(UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(options))
+      when Hash     then @options.merge!(options)
+      else          raise "If you specify arguments, it should be a filename or a hash of options"
+    end
+    require "#{File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))}/type_sanitizer"
+  end
+  def self.default_options
+    {
+      :includes      => [],
+      :plugins       => [],
+      :framework     => :unity,
+      :test_prefix   => "test|spec|should",
+      :setup_name    => "setUp",
+      :teardown_name => "tearDown",
+      :main_name     => "main",
+    }
+  end
+  def self.grab_config(config_file)
+    options = self.default_options
+    unless (config_file.nil? or config_file.empty?)
+      require 'yaml'
+      yaml_guts = YAML.load_file(config_file)
+      options.merge!(yaml_guts[:unity] || yaml_guts[:cmock])
+      raise "No :unity or :cmock section found in #{config_file}" unless options
+    end
+    return(options)
+  end
+  def run(input_file, output_file, options=nil)
+    tests = []
+    testfile_includes = []
+    used_mocks = []
+    @options.merge!(options) unless options.nil?
+    module_name = File.basename(input_file)
+    #pull required data from source file
+    source =
+    source = source.force_encoding("ISO-8859-1").encode("utf-8", :replace => nil) if ($QUICK_RUBY_VERSION > 10900)
+    tests               = find_tests(source)
+    headers             = find_includes(source)
+    testfile_includes   = (headers[:local] + headers[:system])
+    used_mocks          = find_mocks(testfile_includes)
+    testfile_includes   = (testfile_includes - used_mocks)
+    testfile_includes.delete_if{|inc| inc =~ /(unity|cmock)/}
+    #build runner file
+    generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+    #determine which files were used to return them
+    all_files_used = [input_file, output_file]
+    all_files_used += {|filename| filename + '.c'} unless testfile_includes.empty?
+    all_files_used += @options[:includes] unless @options[:includes].empty?
+    return all_files_used.uniq
+  end
+  def generate(input_file, output_file, tests, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+, 'w') do |output|
+      create_header(output, used_mocks, testfile_includes)
+      create_externs(output, tests, used_mocks)
+      create_mock_management(output, used_mocks)
+      create_suite_setup_and_teardown(output)
+      create_reset(output, used_mocks)
+      create_main(output, input_file, tests, used_mocks)
+    end
+    if (@options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?)
+[:header_file], 'w') do |output|
+        create_h_file(output, @options[:header_file], tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def find_tests(source)
+    tests_and_line_numbers = []
+    source_scrubbed = source.clone
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/"[^"]*"/, '')      # remove things in strings
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\/.*$/, '')      # remove line comments
+    source_scrubbed = source_scrubbed.gsub(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '') # remove block comments
+    lines = source_scrubbed.split(/(^\s*\#.*$)                 # Treat preprocessor directives as a logical line
+                              | (;|\{|\}) /x)                  # Match ;, {, and } as end of lines
+    lines.each_with_index do |line, index|
+      #find tests
+      if line =~ /^((?:\s*TEST_CASE\s*\(.*?\)\s*)*)\s*void\s+((?:#{@options[:test_prefix]}).*)\s*\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/
+        arguments = $1
+        name = $2
+        call = $3
+        params = $4
+        args = nil
+        if (@options[:use_param_tests] and !arguments.empty?)
+          args = []
+          arguments.scan(/\s*TEST_CASE\s*\((.*)\)\s*$/) {|a| args << a[0]}
+        end
+        tests_and_line_numbers << { :test => name, :args => args, :call => call, :params => params, :line_number => 0 }
+      end
+    end
+    tests_and_line_numbers.uniq! {|v| v[:test] }
+    #determine line numbers and create tests to run
+    source_lines = source.split("\n")
+    source_index = 0;
+    tests_and_line_numbers.size.times do |i|
+      source_lines[source_index..-1].each_with_index do |line, index|
+        if (line =~ /#{tests_and_line_numbers[i][:test]}/)
+          source_index += index
+          tests_and_line_numbers[i][:line_number] = source_index + 1
+          break
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    return tests_and_line_numbers
+  end
+  def find_includes(source)
+    #remove comments (block and line, in three steps to ensure correct precedence)
+    source.gsub!(/\/\/(?:.+\/\*|\*(?:$|[^\/])).*$/, '')  # remove line comments that comment out the start of blocks
+    source.gsub!(/\/\*.*?\*\//m, '')                     # remove block comments
+    source.gsub!(/\/\/.*$/, '')                          # remove line comments (all that remain)
+    #parse out includes
+    includes = {
+      :local => source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+\"\s*(.+)\.[hH]\s*\"/).flatten,
+      :system => source.scan(/^\s*#include\s+<\s*(.+)\s*>/) { |inc| "<#{inc}>" }
+    }
+    return includes
+  end
+  def find_mocks(includes)
+    mock_headers = []
+    includes.each do |include_path|
+      include_file = File.basename(include_path)
+      mock_headers << include_path if (include_file =~ /^mock/i)
+    end
+    return mock_headers
+  end
+  def create_header(output, mocks, testfile_includes=[])
+    output.puts('/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */')
+    create_runtest(output, mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Automagically Detected Files To Include=====*/")
+    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework].to_s}.h\"")
+    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless (mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts('#include <setjmp.h>')
+    output.puts('#include <stdio.h>')
+    output.puts('#include "CException.h"') if @options[:plugins].include?(:cexception)
+    if (@options[:header_file] && !@options[:header_file].empty?)
+      output.puts("#include \"#{File.basename(@options[:header_file])}\"")
+    else
+      @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
+        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h','')}.h\""}")
+      end
+      testfile_includes.each do |inc|
+        output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h','')}.h\""}")
+      end
+    end
+    mocks.each do |mock|
+      output.puts("#include \"#{mock.gsub('.h','')}.h\"")
+    end
+    if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
+      output.puts('')
+      output.puts('int GlobalExpectCount;')
+      output.puts('int GlobalVerifyOrder;')
+      output.puts('char* GlobalOrderError;')
+    end
+  end
+  def create_externs(output, tests, mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======External Functions This Runner Calls=====*/")
+    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:setup_name]}(void);")
+    output.puts("extern void #{@options[:teardown_name]}(void);")
+    tests.each do |test|
+      output.puts("extern void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:call] || 'void'});")
+    end
+    output.puts('')
+  end
+  def create_mock_management(output, mock_headers)
+    unless (mock_headers.empty?)
+      output.puts("\n/*=======Mock Management=====*/")
+      output.puts("static void CMock_Init(void)")
+      output.puts("{")
+      if @options[:enforce_strict_ordering]
+        output.puts("  GlobalExpectCount = 0;")
+        output.puts("  GlobalVerifyOrder = 0;")
+        output.puts("  GlobalOrderError = NULL;")
+      end
+      mocks = {|mock| File.basename(mock)}
+      mocks.each do |mock|
+        mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+        output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Init();")
+      end
+      output.puts("}\n")
+      output.puts("static void CMock_Verify(void)")
+      output.puts("{")
+      mocks.each do |mock|
+        mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+        output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Verify();")
+      end
+      output.puts("}\n")
+      output.puts("static void CMock_Destroy(void)")
+      output.puts("{")
+      mocks.each do |mock|
+        mock_clean = TypeSanitizer.sanitize_c_identifier(mock)
+        output.puts("  #{mock_clean}_Destroy();")
+      end
+      output.puts("}\n")
+    end
+  end
+  def create_suite_setup_and_teardown(output)
+    unless (@options[:suite_setup].nil?)
+      output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Setup=====*/")
+      output.puts("static int suite_setup(void)")
+      output.puts("{")
+      output.puts(@options[:suite_setup])
+      output.puts("}")
+    end
+    unless (@options[:suite_teardown].nil?)
+      output.puts("\n/*=======Suite Teardown=====*/")
+      output.puts("static int suite_teardown(int num_failures)")
+      output.puts("{")
+      output.puts(@options[:suite_teardown])
+      output.puts("}")
+    end
+  end
+  def create_runtest(output, used_mocks)
+    cexception = @options[:plugins].include? :cexception
+    va_args1   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? ', ...' : ''
+    va_args2   = @options[:use_param_tests] ? '__VA_ARGS__' : ''
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Test Runner Used To Run Each Test Below=====*/")
+    output.puts("#define RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS") if @options[:use_param_tests]
+    output.puts("#define RUN_TEST(TestFunc, TestLineNum#{va_args1}) \\")
+    output.puts("{ \\")
+    output.puts("  Unity.CurrentTestName = #TestFunc#{va_args2.empty? ? '' : " \"(\" ##{va_args2} \")\""}; \\")
+    output.puts("  Unity.CurrentTestLineNumber = TestLineNum; \\")
+    output.puts("  Unity.NumberOfTests++; \\")
+    output.puts("  CMock_Init(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  UNITY_CLR_DETAILS(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  if (TEST_PROTECT()) \\")
+    output.puts("  { \\")
+    output.puts("    CEXCEPTION_T e; \\") if cexception
+    output.puts("    Try { \\") if cexception
+    output.puts("      #{@options[:setup_name]}(); \\")
+    output.puts("      TestFunc(#{va_args2}); \\")
+    output.puts("    } Catch(e) { TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_HEX32_MESSAGE(CEXCEPTION_NONE, e, \"Unhandled Exception!\"); } \\") if cexception
+    output.puts("  } \\")
+    output.puts("  if (TEST_PROTECT() && !TEST_IS_IGNORED) \\")
+    output.puts("  { \\")
+    output.puts("    #{@options[:teardown_name]}(); \\")
+    output.puts("    CMock_Verify(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  } \\")
+    output.puts("  CMock_Destroy(); \\") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  UnityConcludeTest(); \\")
+    output.puts("}\n")
+  end
+  def create_reset(output, used_mocks)
+    output.puts("\n/*=======Test Reset Option=====*/")
+    output.puts("void resetTest(void);")
+    output.puts("void resetTest(void)")
+    output.puts("{")
+    output.puts("  CMock_Verify();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  CMock_Destroy();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  #{@options[:teardown_name]}();")
+    output.puts("  CMock_Init();") unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    output.puts("  #{@options[:setup_name]}();")
+    output.puts("}")
+  end
+  def create_main(output, filename, tests, used_mocks)
+    output.puts("\n\n/*=======MAIN=====*/")
+    if (@options[:main_name] != "main")
+      output.puts("int #{@options[:main_name]}(void);")
+    end
+    output.puts("int #{@options[:main_name]}(void)")
+    output.puts("{")
+    output.puts("  suite_setup();") unless @options[:suite_setup].nil?
+    output.puts("  UnityBegin(\"#{filename.gsub(/\\/,'\\\\')}\");")
+    if (@options[:use_param_tests])
+      tests.each do |test|
+        if ((test[:args].nil?) or (test[:args].empty?))
+          output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]}, RUN_TEST_NO_ARGS);")
+        else
+          test[:args].each {|args| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]}, #{args});")}
+        end
+      end
+    else
+        tests.each { |test| output.puts("  RUN_TEST(#{test[:test]}, #{test[:line_number]});") }
+    end
+    output.puts()
+    output.puts("  CMock_Guts_MemFreeFinal();") unless used_mocks.empty?
+    output.puts("  return #{@options[:suite_teardown].nil? ? "" : "suite_teardown"}(UnityEnd());")
+    output.puts("}")
+  end
+  def create_h_file(output, filename, tests, testfile_includes, used_mocks)
+    filename = File.basename(filename).gsub(/[-\/\\\.\,\s]/, "_").upcase
+    output.puts("/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DO NOT EDIT. */")
+    output.puts("#ifndef _#{filename}")
+    output.puts("#define _#{filename}\n\n")
+    output.puts("#include \"#{@options[:framework].to_s}.h\"")
+    output.puts('#include "cmock.h"') unless (used_mocks.empty?)
+    @options[:includes].flatten.uniq.compact.each do |inc|
+      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h','')}.h\""}")
+    end
+    testfile_includes.each do |inc|
+      output.puts("#include #{inc.include?('<') ? inc : "\"#{inc.gsub('.h','')}.h\""}")
+    end
+    output.puts "\n"
+    tests.each do |test|
+      if ((test[:params].nil?) or (test[:params].empty?))
+        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(void);")
+      else
+        output.puts("void #{test[:test]}(#{test[:params]});")
+      end
+    end
+    output.puts("#endif\n\n")
+  end
+if ($0 == __FILE__)
+  options = { :includes => [] }
+  yaml_file = nil
+  #parse out all the options first (these will all be removed as we go)
+  ARGV.reject! do |arg|
+    case(arg)
+      when '-cexception'
+        options[:plugins] = [:cexception]; true
+      when /\.*\.ya?ml/
+        options = UnityTestRunnerGenerator.grab_config(arg); true
+      when /--(\w+)=\"?(.*)\"?/
+        options[$1.to_sym] = $2; true
+      when /\.*\.h/
+        options[:includes] << arg; true
+      else false
+    end
+  end
+  #make sure there is at least one parameter left (the input file)
+  if !ARGV[0]
+    puts ["\nusage: ruby #{__FILE__} (files) (options) input_test_file (output)",
+           "\n  input_test_file         - this is the C file you want to create a runner for",
+           "  output                  - this is the name of the runner file to generate",
+           "                            defaults to (input_test_file)_Runner",
+           "  files:",
+           "    *.yml / *.yaml        - loads configuration from here in :unity or :cmock",
+           "    *.h                   - header files are added as #includes in runner",
+           "  options:",
+           "    -cexception           - include cexception support",
+           "    --setup_name=\"\"       - redefine setUp func name to something else",
+           "    --teardown_name=\"\"    - redefine tearDown func name to something else",
+           "    --main_name=\"\"        - redefine main func name to something else",
+           "    --test_prefix=\"\"      - redefine test prefix from default test|spec|should",
+           "    --suite_setup=\"\"      - code to execute for setup of entire suite",
+           "    --suite_teardown=\"\"   - code to execute for teardown of entire suite",
+           "    --use_param_tests=1   - enable parameterized tests (disabled by default)",
+           "    --header_file=\"\"      - path/name of test header file to generate too"
+          ].join("\n")
+    exit 1
+  end
+  #create the default test runner name if not specified
+  ARGV[1] = ARGV[0].gsub(".c","_Runner.c") if (!ARGV[1])
+[0], ARGV[1])