FRDM K64F Metronome
- Committer:
- ram54288
- Date:
- 2017-05-14
- Revision:
- 0:dbad57390bd1
File content as of revision 0:dbad57390bd1:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- import re import sys from tabulate import tabulate def extract_tags(logLines): # These are the Unity tag names we are going to look for. tagNames = [ "UnityTest", "UnityIgnoredTest", "UnityResult", ] # All tags will end up here. tags = [] for tagName in tagNames: # Fetch start and end locations for the start and end markers. startMatches = re.finditer(re.escape("<***" + tagName + "***>"), logLines) endMatches = re.finditer(re.escape("</***" + tagName + "***>"), logLines) startOffsets = [match.end() for match in startMatches] endOffsets = [match.start() - 1 for match in endMatches] # If the amount of start and end markers isn't identical, this is an error. if len(startOffsets) != len(endOffsets): raise Exception("For tag '" + tagName + "', start and end tags do not match!") # Append all found tags to the tags list. for tagOffsets in zip(startOffsets, endOffsets): tagContent = logLines[tagOffsets[0]: tagOffsets[1] + 1] tags.append((tagOffsets[0], tagName, tagContent)) # Sort the tags list by the offset. tags.sort(key=lambda tag_: tag_[0]) # Throw away the offset (once sorted, it is no longer needed). tags = [tag[1:] for tag in tags] # At this point we are left with list of tags, each one a pair, consisting of # (group name, test name, status). return tags def get_test_group_and_name(printableName): match = re.match(r"TEST\((.*), (.*)\)", printableName) if match is not None: return match.group(1), match.group(2) else: raise Exception("Erorr parsing test group and name") def get_ignored_test_group_and_name(printableName): match = re.match(r"IGNORE_TEST\((.*), (.*)\)", printableName) if match is not None: return match.group(1), match.group(2) else: raise Exception("Erorr parsing test group and name") def collect_tests(tags): tests = [] # Build the list of tests, with status for each. curTest = "" resultHandled = False for tag in tags: tagName = tag[0] tagValue = tag[1] if tagName == "UnityTest": curTest = get_test_group_and_name(tagValue) resultHandled = False elif tagName == "UnityResult": if not resultHandled: tests.append((curTest, tagValue)) resultHandled = True elif tagName == "UnityIgnoredTest": curTest = get_ignored_test_group_and_name(tagValue) tests.append((curTest, "IGNORE")) else: raise Exception("Unknown tag '" + tagName + "' encountered") return tests def generate_junit_xml_output(packageName, tests, xmlOutFile): testsCount = len(tests) with open(xmlOutFile, "wt") as f: print >> f, '<testsuite tests="' + str(testsCount) + '">' for test in tests: print >> f, ' <testcase classname="' + packageName + "." + test[0][0] + '" name="' + test[0][1] + '">' if test[1] == "FAIL": print >> f, ' <failure/>' if test[1] == "IGNORE": print >> f, ' <skipped/>' print >> f, ' </testcase>' print >> f, '</testsuite>' def generate_text_output(packageName, tests, textOutFile): testsCount = len(tests) failingTests = 0 passedTests = 0 ignoredTests = 0 testsTable = [] for test in tests: if test[1] == "FAIL": failingTests += 1 if test[1] == "PASS": passedTests += 1 if test[1] == "IGNORE": ignoredTests += 1 testsTable.append([test[0][0], test[0][1], test[1]]) resultsTableHeader = ["TOTAL", "PASS", "FAIL", "IGNORE"] resultsTable = [[str(testsCount), str(passedTests), str(failingTests), str(ignoredTests)]] with open(textOutFile, "wt") as f: print >> f, "==== " + packageName + " ====" print >> f, tabulate(testsTable) print >> f, tabulate(resultsTable, headers=resultsTableHeader) if testsCount == 0 or failingTests > 0: finalStatus = "FAIL" else: finalStatus = "PASS" print >> f print >> f, "Final status: " + finalStatus + "." def unity_to_junit(packageName, inputFile, xmlOutFile, textOutFile): with open(inputFile, "rt") as f: logLines = f.read() tags = extract_tags(logLines) tests = collect_tests(tags) generate_junit_xml_output(packageName, tests, xmlOutFile) generate_text_output(packageName, tests, textOutFile) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 5: print "Usage: <package-name> <input-file> <xml-out-file> <text-out-file>" sys.exit(1) unity_to_junit(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[4])