A metronome using the FRDM K64F board

diff -r 000000000000 -r a7a43371b306 mbed-client/source/m2mnsdlinterface.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-client/source/m2mnsdlinterface.cpp	Sun May 14 18:40:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// Note: this macro is needed on armcc to get the the PRI*32 macros
+// from inttypes.h in a C++ code.
+// Note: this macro is needed on armcc to get the the limit macros like UINT16_MAX
+#include "include/nsdlaccesshelper.h"
+#include "include/m2mnsdlobserver.h"
+#include "include/m2mtlvdeserializer.h"
+#include "include/m2mtlvserializer.h"
+#include "include/m2mnsdlinterface.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mstring.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2msecurity.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mserver.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mobject.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mobjectinstance.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mresource.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mconstants.h"
+#include "mbed-trace/mbed_trace.h"
+#include "mbed-client/m2mtimer.h"
+#include "source/libNsdl/src/include/sn_grs.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 21
+#define TRACE_GROUP "mClt"
+M2MNsdlInterface::M2MNsdlInterface(M2MNsdlObserver &observer)
+: _observer(observer),
+  _endpoint(NULL),
+  _nsdl_handle(NULL),
+  _security(NULL),
+  _server(),
+  _nsdl_exceution_timer(new M2MTimer(*this)),
+  _registration_timer(new M2MTimer(*this)),
+  _counter_for_nsdl(0),
+  _bootstrap_id(0),
+  _unregister_ongoing(false),
+  _identity_accepted(false)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::M2MNsdlInterface()");
+    __nsdl_interface_list.push_back(this);
+    _sn_nsdl_address.addr_len = 0;
+    _sn_nsdl_address.addr_ptr = NULL;
+    _sn_nsdl_address.port = 0;
+    _sn_nsdl_address.type = SN_NSDL_ADDRESS_TYPE_NONE;
+    // This initializes libCoap and libNsdl
+    // Parameters are function pointers to used memory allocation
+    // and free functions in structure and used functions for sending
+    // and receiving purposes.
+    _nsdl_handle = sn_nsdl_init(&(__nsdl_c_send_to_server), &(__nsdl_c_received_from_server),
+                 &(__nsdl_c_memory_alloc), &(__nsdl_c_memory_free));
+    initialize();
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::~M2MNsdlInterface() - IN");
+    if(_endpoint) {
+         memory_free(_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr);
+         memory_free(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr);
+         memory_free(_endpoint->location_ptr);
+         memory_free(_endpoint);
+    }
+    delete _nsdl_exceution_timer;
+    delete _registration_timer;
+    _object_list.clear();
+    _security = NULL;
+    sn_nsdl_destroy(_nsdl_handle);
+    _nsdl_handle = NULL;
+    M2MNsdlInterfaceList::const_iterator it;
+    it = __nsdl_interface_list.begin();
+    int index = 0;
+    for (; it!=__nsdl_interface_list.end(); it++) {
+        if ((*it) == this) {
+            __nsdl_interface_list.erase(index);
+            break;
+        }
+        index++;
+    }
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::~M2MNsdlInterface() - OUT");
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::initialize()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::initialize()");
+    bool success = false;
+    //Sets the packet retransmission attempts and time interval
+    sn_nsdl_set_retransmission_parameters(_nsdl_handle,
+                                          MBED_CLIENT_RECONNECTION_COUNT,
+                                          MBED_CLIENT_RECONNECTION_INTERVAL);
+    //Allocate the memory for endpoint
+    _endpoint = (sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s*)memory_alloc(sizeof(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s));
+    if(_endpoint) {
+        memset(_endpoint, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s));
+        success = true;
+    }
+    return success;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::create_endpoint(const String &name,
+                                       const String &type,
+                                       const int32_t life_time,
+                                       const String &domain,
+                                       const uint8_t mode,
+                                       const String &/*context_address*/)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_endpoint( name %s type %s lifetime %" PRId32 ", domain %s, mode %d)",
+              name.c_str(), type.c_str(), life_time, domain.c_str(), mode);
+    _endpoint_name = name;
+    if(_endpoint){
+        memset(_endpoint, 0, sizeof(sn_nsdl_ep_parameters_s));
+        if(!_endpoint_name.empty()) {
+            memory_free(_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr);
+            _endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr = alloc_string_copy((uint8_t*)_endpoint_name.c_str(), _endpoint_name.length());
+            _endpoint->endpoint_name_len = _endpoint_name.length();
+        }
+        if(!type.empty()) {
+            _endpoint->type_ptr = (uint8_t*)type.c_str();
+            _endpoint->type_len =  type.length();
+        }
+        if(!domain.empty()) {
+            _endpoint->domain_name_ptr = (uint8_t*)domain.c_str();
+            _endpoint->domain_name_len = domain.length();
+        }
+        _endpoint->binding_and_mode = (sn_nsdl_oma_binding_and_mode_t)mode;
+        // If lifetime is less than zero then leave the field empty
+        if( life_time > 0) {
+            set_endpoint_lifetime_buffer(life_time);
+        }
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::set_endpoint_lifetime_buffer(int lifetime)
+    // max len of "-9223372036854775808" plus zero termination
+    char buffer[20+1];
+    uint32_t size = m2m::itoa_c(lifetime, buffer);
+    if (_endpoint && size <= sizeof(buffer)) {
+        _endpoint->lifetime_ptr = alloc_string_copy((uint8_t*)buffer, size);
+        if(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr) {
+            _endpoint->lifetime_len =  size;
+        } else {
+            _endpoint->lifetime_len = 0;
+        }
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::delete_endpoint()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::delete_endpoint()");
+    if(_endpoint) {
+        free(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr);
+        memory_free(_endpoint);
+        _endpoint = NULL;
+    }
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_list_structure(const M2MObjectList &object_list)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_list_structure()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if(!object_list.empty()) {
+       tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_list_structure - Object count is %d", object_list.size());
+        M2MObjectList::const_iterator it;
+        it = object_list.begin();
+        for ( ; it != object_list.end(); it++ ) {
+            // Create NSDL structure for all Objects inside
+            success = create_nsdl_object_structure(*it);
+            add_object_to_list(*it);
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::remove_nsdl_resource(M2MBase *base)
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* resource = base->get_nsdl_resource();
+    return sn_nsdl_pop_resource(_nsdl_handle, resource);
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_bootstrap_resource(sn_nsdl_addr_s *address, const String &bootstrap_endpoint_name)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_bootstrap_resource()");
+    _identity_accepted = false;
+    bool success = false;
+    sn_nsdl_bs_ep_info_t bootstrap_endpoint;
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_bootstrap_resource() - endpoint name: %s", bootstrap_endpoint_name.c_str());
+    if (_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr) {
+        memory_free(_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr);
+    }
+    _endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr = alloc_string_copy((uint8_t*)bootstrap_endpoint_name.c_str(), bootstrap_endpoint_name.length());
+    _endpoint->endpoint_name_len = bootstrap_endpoint_name.length();
+    if(_bootstrap_id == 0) {
+        _bootstrap_id = sn_nsdl_oma_bootstrap(_nsdl_handle,
+                                               address,
+                                               _endpoint,
+                                               &bootstrap_endpoint);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_bootstrap_resource - _bootstrap_id %d", _bootstrap_id);
+        success = _bootstrap_id != 0;
+    }
+    return success;
+    (void)address;
+    (void)bootstrap_endpoint_name;
+    return false;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::send_register_message(uint8_t* address,
+                                             uint8_t address_length,
+                                             const uint16_t port,
+                                             sn_nsdl_addr_type_e address_type)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_register_message()");
+    _nsdl_exceution_timer->stop_timer();
+    _nsdl_exceution_timer->start_timer(ONE_SECOND_TIMER * 1000,
+                                       M2MTimerObserver::NsdlExecution,
+                                       false);
+    bool success = false;
+    if(set_NSP_address(_nsdl_handle, address, address_length, port, address_type) == 0) {
+        success = sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(_nsdl_handle,_endpoint) != 0;
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::send_update_registration(const uint32_t lifetime)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_update_registration( lifetime %" PRIu32 ")", lifetime);
+    bool success = false;
+    create_nsdl_list_structure(_object_list);
+    //If Lifetime value is 0, then don't change the existing lifetime value
+    if(lifetime != 0) {
+        if(_endpoint && _endpoint->lifetime_ptr) {
+            memory_free(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr);
+            _endpoint->lifetime_ptr = NULL;
+            _endpoint->lifetime_len = 0;
+        }
+        set_endpoint_lifetime_buffer(lifetime);
+        _registration_timer->stop_timer();
+        _registration_timer->start_timer(registration_time() * 1000,
+                                         M2MTimerObserver::Registration,
+                                         false);
+        if(_nsdl_handle &&
+           _endpoint && _endpoint->lifetime_ptr) {
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_update_registration - new lifetime value");
+            success = sn_nsdl_update_registration(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                  _endpoint->lifetime_ptr,
+                                                  _endpoint->lifetime_len) != 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if(_nsdl_handle) {
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_update_registration - regular update");
+            success = sn_nsdl_update_registration(_nsdl_handle, NULL, 0) != 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::send_unregister_message()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_unregister_message");
+    if (_unregister_ongoing) {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_unregister_message - unregistration already in progress");
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool success = false;
+    _unregister_ongoing = true;
+    success = sn_nsdl_unregister_endpoint(_nsdl_handle) != 0;
+    return success;
+// XXX: move these to common place, no need to copy these wrappers to multiple places:
+void *M2MNsdlInterface::memory_alloc(uint16_t size)
+    if(size)
+        return malloc(size);
+    else
+        return 0;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::memory_free(void *ptr)
+    if(ptr)
+        free(ptr);
+uint8_t* M2MNsdlInterface::alloc_string_copy(const uint8_t* source, uint16_t size)
+    assert(source != NULL);
+    uint8_t* result = (uint8_t*)memory_alloc(size + 1);
+    if (result) {
+        memcpy(result, source, size);
+        result[size] = '\0';
+    }
+    return result;
+uint8_t M2MNsdlInterface::send_to_server_callback(struct nsdl_s * /*nsdl_handle*/,
+                                                  sn_nsdl_capab_e /*protocol*/,
+                                                  uint8_t *data_ptr,
+                                                  uint16_t data_len,
+                                                  sn_nsdl_addr_s *address)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_to_server_callback()");
+    _observer.coap_message_ready(data_ptr,data_len,address);
+    return 1;
+uint8_t M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback(struct nsdl_s *nsdl_handle,
+                                                        sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header,
+                                                        sn_nsdl_addr_s *address)
+    _observer.coap_data_processed();
+    uint8_t value = 0;
+    if(nsdl_handle && coap_header) {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - incoming msg id:%" PRIu16, coap_header->msg_id);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - registration id:%" PRIu16, nsdl_handle->register_msg_id);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - unregistration id:%" PRIu16, nsdl_handle->unregister_msg_id);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - update registration id:%" PRIu16, nsdl_handle->update_register_msg_id);
+        bool is_bootstrap_msg = address && (nsdl_handle->oma_bs_address_len == address->addr_len) &&
+                                   (nsdl_handle->oma_bs_port == address->port) &&
+                                   !memcmp(nsdl_handle->oma_bs_address_ptr, address->addr_ptr, nsdl_handle->oma_bs_address_len);
+        if(coap_header->msg_id == nsdl_handle->register_msg_id) {
+            if(coap_header->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CREATED) {
+                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - registration callback");
+                _observer.client_registered(&_server);
+                // If lifetime is less than zero then leave the field empty
+                if(coap_header->options_list_ptr) {
+                    memory_free(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr);
+                    _endpoint->lifetime_ptr = NULL;
+                    _endpoint->lifetime_len = 0;
+                    uint32_t max_time = coap_header->options_list_ptr->max_age;
+                    // If lifetime is less than zero then leave the field empty
+                    if( max_time > 0) {
+                        set_endpoint_lifetime_buffer(max_time);
+                    }
+                    if(coap_header->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr) {
+                        memory_free(_endpoint->location_ptr);
+                        _endpoint->location_ptr = alloc_string_copy(coap_header->options_list_ptr->location_path_ptr, coap_header->options_list_ptr->location_path_len);
+                        if (_endpoint->location_ptr != NULL) {
+                            _endpoint->location_len = coap_header->options_list_ptr->location_path_len;
+                        }
+                        sn_nsdl_set_endpoint_location(_nsdl_handle,_endpoint->location_ptr,_endpoint->location_len);
+                    }
+                }
+                if(_endpoint->lifetime_ptr) {
+                    _registration_timer->stop_timer();
+                    _registration_timer->start_timer(registration_time() * 1000,
+                                                     M2MTimerObserver::Registration,
+                                                     false);
+                }
+            } else {
+                tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - registration error %d", coap_header->msg_code);
+                // Try to do clean register again
+                if(COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST == coap_header->msg_code ||
+                   COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_FORBIDDEN == coap_header->msg_code) {
+                    _observer.registration_error(M2MInterface::InvalidParameters, false);
+                } else {
+                    _observer.registration_error(M2MInterface::NetworkError, true);
+                }
+            }
+        } else if(coap_header->msg_id == nsdl_handle->unregister_msg_id) {
+            _unregister_ongoing = false;
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - unregistration callback");
+            if(coap_header->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_DELETED) {
+                _registration_timer->stop_timer();
+                _observer.client_unregistered();
+            } else {
+                tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - unregistration error %d", coap_header->msg_code);
+                M2MInterface::Error error = interface_error(coap_header);
+                _observer.registration_error(error);
+            }
+        } else if(coap_header->msg_id == nsdl_handle->update_register_msg_id) {
+            if(coap_header->msg_code == COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED) {
+                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - registration_updated successfully");
+                _observer.registration_updated(_server);
+            } else {
+                tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - registration_updated failed %d", coap_header->msg_code);
+                _registration_timer->stop_timer();
+                sn_nsdl_register_endpoint(_nsdl_handle,_endpoint);
+            }
+        }
+        else if(coap_header->msg_id == nsdl_handle->bootstrap_msg_id) {
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - bootstrap");
+            _bootstrap_id = 0;
+            M2MInterface::Error error = interface_error(coap_header);
+            if(error != M2MInterface::ErrorNone) {
+                handle_bootstrap_error();
+            } else {
+                _identity_accepted = true;
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = NULL;
+            bool execute_value_updated = false;
+            M2MObjectInstance *obj_instance = NULL;
+            String resource_name;
+            if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_PUT == coap_header->msg_code) {
+                if (is_bootstrap_msg) {
+                    handle_bootstrap_put_message(coap_header, address);
+                }
+                else{
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Method not allowed (PUT).");
+                    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                           coap_header,
+                                                           COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
+                }
+            }
+            else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE == coap_header->msg_code) {
+                if (is_bootstrap_msg) {
+                    handle_bootstrap_delete(coap_header, address);
+                }
+                else{
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Method not allowed (DELETE).");
+                    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                           coap_header,
+                                                           COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
+                }
+            }
+            else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_POST == coap_header->msg_code) {
+                if(is_bootstrap_msg) {
+                    handle_bootstrap_finished(coap_header, address);
+                }
+                else if(coap_header->uri_path_ptr) {
+                    resource_name = coap_to_string(coap_header->uri_path_ptr,
+                                                          coap_header->uri_path_len);
+                    String object_name;
+                    int slash_found = resource_name.find_last_of('/');
+                    //The POST operation here is only allowed for non-existing object instances
+                    if(slash_found != -1) {
+                        object_name = resource_name.substr(0,slash_found);
+                        if( object_name.find_last_of('/') != -1){
+                            coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                                   coap_header,
+                                                                   COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND);
+                        } else {
+                            int32_t instance_id = atoi(resource_name.substr(slash_found+1,
+                                                     resource_name.size()-object_name.size()).c_str());
+                            M2MBase* base = find_resource(object_name);
+                            if(base && (instance_id >= 0) && (instance_id < UINT16_MAX)) {
+                                if(coap_header->payload_ptr) {
+                                    M2MObject* object = static_cast<M2MObject*> (base);
+                                    obj_instance = object->create_object_instance(instance_id);
+                                    if(obj_instance) {
+                                        obj_instance->set_operation(M2MBase::GET_PUT_POST_ALLOWED);
+                                        coap_response = obj_instance->handle_post_request(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                                                          coap_header,
+                                                                                          this,
+                                                                                          execute_value_updated);
+                                    }
+                                    if(coap_response && coap_response->msg_code != COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CREATED) {
+                                        //Invalid request so remove created ObjectInstance
+                                        object->remove_object_instance(instance_id);
+                                    } else  {
+                                        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Send Update registration for Create");
+                                        send_update_registration();
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+                                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Missing Payload - Cannot create");
+                                    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                                           coap_header,
+                                                                           COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST);
+                                }
+                            } else { //if(base)
+                                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Missing BASE - Cannot create");
+                                coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                                       coap_header,
+                                                                       COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    } else{ // if(slash_found != -1)
+                        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - slash_found - Cannot create");
+                        coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                               coap_header,
+                                                               COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY == coap_header->msg_code) {
+                if (COAP_MSG_TYPE_RESET == coap_header->msg_type) {
+                    // Cancel ongoing observation
+                    tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback() - RESET message");
+                    M2MBase *base = find_resource("", coap_header->token_ptr, coap_header->token_len);
+                    if (base) {
+                        M2MBase::BaseType type = base->base_type();
+                        switch (type) {
+                            case M2MBase::Object:
+                                base->remove_observation_level(M2MBase::O_Attribute);
+                                break;
+                            case M2MBase::Resource:
+                                base->remove_observation_level(M2MBase::R_Attribute);
+                                break;
+                            case M2MBase::ObjectInstance:
+                                base->remove_observation_level(M2MBase::OI_Attribute);
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                break;
+                        }
+                        base->set_under_observation(false, this);
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - Empty ACK, msg id: %d", coap_header->msg_id);
+                    M2MBase *base = find_resource("", coap_header->token_ptr, coap_header->token_len);
+                    if (base) {
+                        // Supported only in Resource level
+                        if (M2MBase::Resource == base->base_type()) {
+                            M2MResource *resource = static_cast<M2MResource *> (base);
+                            resource->notification_sent();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if(coap_response) {
+                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::received_from_server_callback - send CoAP response");
+                (sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response) == 0) ? value = 0 : value = 1;
+                sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+            }
+            if (execute_value_updated) {
+                value_updated(obj_instance, resource_name);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return value;
+uint8_t M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback(struct nsdl_s */*nsdl_handle*/,
+                                            sn_coap_hdr_s *received_coap_header,
+                                            sn_nsdl_addr_s *address,
+                                            sn_nsdl_capab_e /*nsdl_capab*/)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback()");
+    _observer.coap_data_processed();
+    uint8_t result = 1;
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = NULL;
+    sn_coap_msg_code_e msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED; // 4.00
+    String resource_name = coap_to_string(received_coap_header->uri_path_ptr,
+                                          received_coap_header->uri_path_len);
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback() - resource_name %s", resource_name.c_str());
+    bool execute_value_updated = false;
+    M2MBase* base = find_resource(resource_name);
+    if(base) {
+        if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_GET == received_coap_header->msg_code) {
+            coap_response = base->handle_get_request(_nsdl_handle, received_coap_header,this);
+        } else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_PUT == received_coap_header->msg_code) {
+            coap_response = base->handle_put_request(_nsdl_handle, received_coap_header, this, execute_value_updated);
+        } else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_POST == received_coap_header->msg_code) {
+            if(base->base_type() == M2MBase::ResourceInstance) {
+                msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST;
+            } else {
+                coap_response = base->handle_post_request(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                          received_coap_header,
+                                                          this,
+                                                          execute_value_updated,
+                                                          address);
+            }
+        } else if(COAP_MSG_CODE_REQUEST_DELETE == received_coap_header->msg_code) {
+            // Delete the object instance
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback() - DELETE the object instance");
+            M2MBase::BaseType type = base->base_type();
+            if(M2MBase::ObjectInstance == type) {
+                M2MBase* base_object = find_resource(base->name());
+                if(base_object) {
+                    M2MObject *object = static_cast<M2MObject*> (base_object);
+                    int slash_found = resource_name.find_last_of('/');
+                    // Object instance validty checks done in upper level, no need for error handling
+                    if(slash_found != -1) {
+                        String object_name;
+                        object_name = resource_name.substr(slash_found + 1, resource_name.length());
+                        if (object->remove_object_instance(strtoul(
+                                object_name.c_str(),
+                                NULL,
+                                10))) {
+                            msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_DELETED;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+                msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST; // 4.00
+            }
+        }
+    } else  {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback() - Resource NOT FOUND");
+        msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST; // 4.00
+    }
+    if(!coap_response) {
+            coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                   received_coap_header,
+                                                   msg_code);
+    }
+    if(coap_response &&
+            coap_response->coap_status != COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVING &&
+            coap_response->msg_code != COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY) {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::resource_callback() - send CoAP response");
+        (sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response) == 0) ? result = 0 : result = 1;
+        if(coap_response->payload_ptr) {
+            free(coap_response->payload_ptr);
+            coap_response->payload_ptr = NULL;
+        }
+    }
+    // If the external blockwise storing is enabled call value updated once all the blocks have been received
+    if (execute_value_updated &&
+            coap_response &&
+            coap_response->coap_status != COAP_STATUS_PARSER_BLOCKWISE_MSG_RECEIVING) {
+        value_updated(base,resource_name);
+    }
+    sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+    return result;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::process_received_data(uint8_t *data,
+                                             uint16_t data_size,
+                                             sn_nsdl_addr_s *address)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::process_received_data( data size %d)", data_size);
+    return (0 == sn_nsdl_process_coap(_nsdl_handle,
+                                      data,
+                                      data_size,
+                                      address)) ? true : false;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::stop_timers()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::stop_timers()");
+    if(_registration_timer) {
+        _registration_timer->stop_timer();
+    }
+    if (_nsdl_exceution_timer) {
+        _nsdl_exceution_timer->stop_timer();
+    }
+    _bootstrap_id = 0;
+    _unregister_ongoing = false;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::timer_expired(M2MTimerObserver::Type type)
+    if(M2MTimerObserver::NsdlExecution == type) {
+        sn_nsdl_exec(_nsdl_handle, _counter_for_nsdl);
+        _counter_for_nsdl++;
+    } else if(M2MTimerObserver::Registration == type) {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::timer_expired - M2MTimerObserver::Registration - Send update registration");
+        send_update_registration();
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::observation_to_be_sent(M2MBase *object,
+                                              uint16_t obs_number,
+                                              m2m::Vector<uint16_t> changed_instance_ids,
+                                              bool send_object)
+    __mutex_claim();
+    if(object) {
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::observation_to_be_sent()");
+        M2MBase::BaseType type = object->base_type();
+        if(type == M2MBase::Object) {
+            send_object_observation(static_cast<M2MObject*> (object),
+                                    obs_number,
+                                    changed_instance_ids,
+                                    send_object);
+        } else if(type == M2MBase::ObjectInstance) {
+            send_object_instance_observation(static_cast<M2MObjectInstance*> (object), obs_number);
+        } else if(type == M2MBase::Resource) {
+            send_resource_observation(static_cast<M2MResource*> (object), obs_number);
+        }
+    }
+    __mutex_release();
+void M2MNsdlInterface::send_delayed_response(M2MBase *base)
+    __mutex_claim();
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_delayed_response()");
+    M2MResource *resource = NULL;
+    if(base) {
+        if(M2MBase::Resource == base->base_type()) {
+            resource = static_cast<M2MResource *> (base);
+        }
+        if(resource) {
+            sn_coap_hdr_s * coap_response = static_cast<sn_coap_hdr_s *>(malloc(sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s)));
+            if(coap_response) {
+                memset(coap_response,0,sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+                coap_response->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE;
+                coap_response->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT;
+                resource->get_delayed_token(coap_response->token_ptr,coap_response->token_len);
+                uint32_t length = 0;
+                resource->get_value(coap_response->payload_ptr, length);
+                coap_response->payload_len = length;
+                sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, _nsdl_handle->nsp_address_ptr->omalw_address_ptr, coap_response);
+                if(coap_response->payload_ptr) {
+                   free(coap_response->payload_ptr);
+                   coap_response->payload_ptr = NULL;
+                }
+                if(coap_response->token_ptr) {
+                    free(coap_response->token_ptr);
+                    coap_response->token_ptr = NULL;
+                }
+                free(coap_response);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    __mutex_release();
+void M2MNsdlInterface::resource_to_be_deleted(M2MBase *base)
+    __mutex_claim();
+    remove_nsdl_resource(base);
+    __mutex_release();
+void M2MNsdlInterface::value_updated(M2MBase *base,
+                                     const String &object_name)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::value_updated()");
+    if(base) {
+        switch(base->base_type()) {
+            case M2MBase::Object:
+                create_nsdl_object_structure(static_cast<M2MObject*> (base));
+            break;
+            case M2MBase::ObjectInstance:
+                create_nsdl_object_instance_structure(static_cast<M2MObjectInstance*> (base));
+            break;
+            case M2MBase::Resource: {
+                    M2MResource* resource = static_cast<M2MResource*> (base);
+                    create_nsdl_resource_structure(resource,
+                                               resource->supports_multiple_instances());
+            }
+            break;
+            case M2MBase::ResourceInstance: {
+                M2MResourceInstance* instance = static_cast<M2MResourceInstance*> (base);
+                create_nsdl_resource(instance);
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (base && base->is_value_updated_function_set()) {
+        base->execute_value_updated(base->name());
+    }
+    else {
+        _observer.value_updated(base);
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::remove_object(M2MBase *object)
+    __mutex_claim();
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::remove_object()");
+    M2MObject* rem_object = static_cast<M2MObject*> (object);
+    if(rem_object && !_object_list.empty()) {
+        M2MObjectList::const_iterator it;
+        it = _object_list.begin();
+        int index = 0;
+        for ( ; it != _object_list.end(); it++, index++ ) {
+            if((*it) == rem_object) {
+                _object_list.erase(index);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(_object_list.empty()) {
+        _object_list.clear();
+    }
+    __mutex_release();
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_structure(M2MObject *object)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_structure()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if(object) {
+        M2MObjectInstanceList instance_list = object->instances();
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_structure - Object Instance count %d", instance_list.size());
+        if(!instance_list.empty()) {
+           M2MObjectInstanceList::const_iterator it;
+           it = instance_list.begin();
+           for ( ; it != instance_list.end(); it++ ) {
+               // Create NSDL structure for all object instances inside
+               success = create_nsdl_object_instance_structure(*it);
+           }
+        }
+    }
+    if(object && object->operation() != M2MBase::NOT_ALLOWED) {
+        success = create_nsdl_resource(object);
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_instance_structure(M2MObjectInstance *object_instance)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_instance_structure()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if( object_instance) {
+        M2MResourceList res_list = object_instance->resources();
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_object_instance_structure - ResourceBase count %d", res_list.size());
+        if(!res_list.empty()) {
+            M2MResourceList::const_iterator it;
+            it = res_list.begin();
+            for ( ; it != res_list.end(); it++ ) {
+                // Create NSDL structure for all resources inside
+                success = create_nsdl_resource_structure(*it,
+                                                         (*it)->supports_multiple_instances());
+            }
+        }
+        if(object_instance->operation() != M2MBase::NOT_ALLOWED) {
+            success = create_nsdl_resource(object_instance);
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource_structure(M2MResource *res,
+                                                      bool multiple_instances)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource_structure()");
+    bool success = false;
+    if(res) {
+        // if there are multiple instances supported
+        if(multiple_instances) {
+            M2MResourceInstanceList res_list = res->resource_instances();
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource_structure - ResourceInstance count %d", res_list.size());
+            if(!res_list.empty()) {
+                M2MResourceInstanceList::const_iterator it;
+                it = res_list.begin();
+                for ( ; it != res_list.end(); it++ ) {
+                    success = create_nsdl_resource((*it));
+                    if(!success) {
+                        tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource_structure - instance creation failed");
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                }
+                // Register the main Resource as well along with ResourceInstances
+                success = create_nsdl_resource(res);
+            }
+        } else {
+            success = create_nsdl_resource(res);
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource(M2MBase *base)
+    __mutex_claim();
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource");
+    bool success = false;
+    if(base) {
+        int8_t result = 0;
+        sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s* orig_resource = base->get_nsdl_resource();
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource - path (%.*s)", orig_resource->static_resource_parameters->pathlen,
+                 orig_resource->static_resource_parameters->path);
+        // needed on deletion
+        if (base->observation_handler() == NULL) {
+            base->set_observation_handler(this);
+        }
+        result = sn_nsdl_put_resource(_nsdl_handle, orig_resource);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::create_nsdl_resource - Creating in NSDL-C result %d", result);
+        // Either the resource is created or it already
+        // exists , then result is success.
+        if (result == 0 ||
+           result == -2){
+            success = true;
+        }
+    }
+    __mutex_release();
+    return success;
+// convenience method to get the URI from its buffer field...
+String M2MNsdlInterface::coap_to_string(uint8_t *coap_data,int coap_data_length)
+    String value = "";
+    if (coap_data != NULL && coap_data_length > 0) {
+        value.append_raw((char *)coap_data,coap_data_length);
+    }
+    return value;
+uint64_t M2MNsdlInterface::registration_time()
+    uint64_t value = 0;
+    if(_endpoint && _endpoint->lifetime_ptr) {
+        value = atol((const char*)_endpoint->lifetime_ptr);
+    }
+    if(value >= OPTIMUM_LIFETIME) {
+        value = value - REDUCE_LIFETIME;
+    } else {
+        value = REDUCTION_FACTOR * value;
+    }
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::registration_time - value (in seconds) %ld", value);
+    return value;
+M2MBase* M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(const String &object_name,
+                                         uint8_t *token,
+                                         uint8_t token_len)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object level) - name (%s)", object_name.c_str());
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource - token (%.*s)", token_len, token);
+    M2MBase *object = NULL;
+    if(!_object_list.empty()) {
+        M2MObjectList::const_iterator it;
+        it = _object_list.begin();
+        for ( ; it != _object_list.end(); it++ ) {
+            if (token_len == 0) {
+                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object level) - path (%s)",
+                         (char*)(*it)->uri_path());
+                if (strcmp((char*)(*it)->uri_path(), object_name.c_str()) == 0) {
+                    object = (*it);
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(%s) found", object_name.c_str());
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                uint8_t *stored_token = 0;
+                uint32_t stored_token_length = 0;
+                (*it)->get_observation_token(stored_token, stored_token_length);
+                tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object level) - stored token (%.*s)", stored_token_length, stored_token);
+                if (stored_token) {
+                    if (stored_token_length == token_len &&
+                            memcmp(token, stored_token, token_len) == 0) {
+                        object = (*it);
+                        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource - token found");
+                        free(stored_token);
+                        break;
+                    } else {
+                        free(stored_token);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            object = find_resource((*it), object_name, token, token_len);
+            if(object != NULL) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return object;
+M2MBase* M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(const M2MObject *object,
+                                         const String &object_instance,
+                                         uint8_t *token,
+                                         uint8_t token_len)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object instance level) - name (%s)", object_instance.c_str());
+    M2MBase *instance = NULL;
+    if(object) {
+        M2MObjectInstanceList list = object->instances();
+        if(!list.empty()) {
+            M2MObjectInstanceList::const_iterator it;
+            it = list.begin();
+            for ( ; it != list.end(); it++ ) {
+                if (!token) {
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object instance level) - path (%s)",
+                             (char*)(*it)->uri_path());
+                    if(!strcmp((char*)(*it)->uri_path(), object_instance.c_str())){
+                        instance = (*it);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    uint8_t *stored_token = 0;
+                    uint32_t stored_token_length = 0;
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object instance level) - in token (%.*s)", token_len, token);
+                    (*it)->get_observation_token(stored_token, stored_token_length);
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(object instance level) - stored token (%.*s)", stored_token_length, stored_token);
+                    if (stored_token) {
+                        if (stored_token_length == token_len &&
+                                memcmp(token, stored_token, token_len) == 0) {
+                            instance = (*it);
+                            free(stored_token);
+                            break;
+                        } else {
+                            free(stored_token);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                instance = find_resource((*it),object_instance, token, token_len);
+                if(instance != NULL){
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return instance;
+M2MBase* M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(const M2MObjectInstance *object_instance,
+                                         const String &resource_instance,
+                                         uint8_t *token,
+                                         uint8_t token_len)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(resource level) - name (%s)", resource_instance.c_str());
+    M2MBase *instance = NULL;
+    if(object_instance) {
+        M2MResourceList list = object_instance->resources();
+        if(!list.empty()) {
+            M2MResourceList::const_iterator it;
+            it = list.begin();
+            for ( ; it != list.end(); it++ ) {
+                if (!token) {
+                    if(!strcmp((char*)(*it)->uri_path(), resource_instance.c_str())) {
+                        instance = *it;
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    else if((*it)->supports_multiple_instances()) {
+                        instance = find_resource((*it), (*it)->uri_path(),
+                                                 resource_instance, token, token_len);
+                        if(instance != NULL){
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    uint8_t *stored_token = 0;
+                    uint32_t stored_token_length = 0;
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(resource level) - in token (%.*s)", token_len, token);
+                    (*it)->get_observation_token(stored_token, stored_token_length);
+                    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(resource level) - stored token (%.*s)", stored_token_length, stored_token);
+                    if (stored_token) {
+                        if (stored_token_length == token_len &&
+                                memcmp(token, stored_token, token_len) == 0) {
+                            instance = *it;
+                            free(stored_token);
+                            break;
+                        } else {
+                            free(stored_token);
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return instance;
+M2MBase* M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(const M2MResource *resource,
+                                         const String &object_name,
+                                         const String &resource_instance,
+                                         uint8_t */*token*/,
+                                         uint8_t /*token_len*/)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::find_resource(resource instance level)");
+    M2MBase *res = NULL;
+    if(resource) {
+        if(resource->supports_multiple_instances()) {
+            M2MResourceInstanceList list = resource->resource_instances();
+            if(!list.empty()) {
+                M2MResourceInstanceList::const_iterator it;
+                it = list.begin();
+                for ( ; it != list.end(); it++ ) {
+                    if(!strcmp((char*)(*it)->uri_path(), resource_instance.c_str())){
+                        res = (*it);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return res;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::object_present(M2MObject* object) const
+    bool success = false;
+    if(object && !_object_list.empty()) {
+        M2MObjectList::const_iterator it;
+        it = _object_list.begin();
+        for ( ; it != _object_list.end(); it++ ) {
+            if((*it) == object) {
+                success = true;
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return success;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::add_object_to_list(M2MObject* object)
+    bool success = false;
+    if(object && !object_present(object)) {
+        _object_list.push_back(object);
+        success = true;
+    }
+    return success;
+M2MInterface::Error M2MNsdlInterface::interface_error(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header)
+    M2MInterface::Error error = M2MInterface::ErrorNone;
+    if(coap_header) {
+        switch(coap_header->msg_code) {
+                error = M2MInterface::InvalidParameters;
+                break;
+                error = M2MInterface::NotAllowed;
+                break;
+                error = M2MInterface::ErrorNone;
+                break;
+            default:
+                error = M2MInterface::UnknownError;
+                break;
+        }
+        if(coap_header->coap_status == COAP_STATUS_BUILDER_MESSAGE_SENDING_FAILED) {
+            error = M2MInterface::NetworkError;
+        }
+    }
+    return error;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::send_object_observation(M2MObject *object,
+                                               uint16_t obs_number,
+                                               m2m::Vector<uint16_t> changed_instance_ids,
+                                               bool send_object)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_object_observation");
+    if(object) {
+        uint8_t *value = 0;
+        uint32_t length = 0;
+        uint8_t *token = 0;
+        uint32_t token_length = 0;
+        M2MTLVSerializer serializer;
+        // Send whole object structure
+        if (send_object) {
+            value = serializer.serialize(object->instances(), length);
+        }
+        // Send only changed object instances
+        else {
+            M2MObjectInstanceList list;
+            Vector<uint16_t>::const_iterator it;
+            it = changed_instance_ids.begin();
+            for (; it != changed_instance_ids.end(); it++){
+                M2MObjectInstance* obj_instance = object->object_instance(*it);
+                if (obj_instance){
+                    list.push_back(obj_instance);
+                }
+            }
+            if (!list.empty()) {
+                value = serializer.serialize(list, length);
+                list.clear();
+            }
+        }
+        object->get_observation_token(token,token_length);
+        send_notification(token,
+                          token_length,
+                          value,
+                          length,
+                          obs_number,
+                          object->max_age(),
+                          object->coap_content_type());
+        memory_free(value);
+        memory_free(token);
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::send_object_instance_observation(M2MObjectInstance *object_instance,
+                                                        uint16_t obs_number)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_object_instance_observation");
+    if(object_instance) {
+        uint8_t *value = 0;
+        uint32_t length = 0;
+        uint8_t *token = 0;
+        uint32_t token_length = 0;
+        M2MTLVSerializer serializer;
+        value = serializer.serialize(object_instance->resources(), length);
+        object_instance->get_observation_token(token,token_length);
+        send_notification(token,
+                          token_length,
+                          value,
+                          length,
+                          obs_number,
+                          object_instance->max_age(),
+                          object_instance->coap_content_type());
+        memory_free(value);
+        memory_free(token);
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::send_resource_observation(M2MResource *resource,
+                                                 uint16_t obs_number)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_resource_observation");
+    if(resource) {
+        uint8_t *value = 0;
+        uint32_t length = 0;
+        uint8_t *token = 0;
+        uint32_t token_length = 0;
+        resource->get_observation_token(token,token_length);
+        uint8_t content_type = 0;
+        if(M2MResourceInstance::OPAQUE == resource->resource_instance_type()) {
+            content_type = COAP_CONTENT_OMA_OPAQUE_TYPE;
+        }
+        if (resource->resource_instance_count() > 0) {
+            content_type = COAP_CONTENT_OMA_TLV_TYPE;
+            M2MTLVSerializer serializer;
+            value = serializer.serialize(resource, length);
+        } else {
+            resource->get_value(value,length);
+        }
+        send_notification(token,
+                          token_length,
+                          value,
+                          length,
+                          obs_number,
+                          resource->max_age(),
+                          content_type);
+        memory_free(value);
+        memory_free(token);
+    }
+void M2MNsdlInterface::send_notification(uint8_t *token,
+                                         uint8_t  token_length,
+                                         uint8_t *value,
+                                         uint32_t value_length,
+                                         uint16_t observation,
+                                         uint32_t max_age,
+                                         uint8_t  coap_content_type)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::send_notification");
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *notification_message_ptr;
+    /* Allocate and initialize memory for header struct */
+    notification_message_ptr = static_cast<sn_coap_hdr_s *>(memory_alloc(sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s)));
+    if (notification_message_ptr) {
+        memset(notification_message_ptr, 0, sizeof(sn_coap_hdr_s));
+        notification_message_ptr->options_list_ptr = sn_nsdl_alloc_options_list(_nsdl_handle, notification_message_ptr);
+        if (notification_message_ptr->options_list_ptr) {
+            /* Fill header */
+            notification_message_ptr->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_CONFIRMABLE;
+            notification_message_ptr->msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CONTENT;
+            /* Fill token */
+            notification_message_ptr->token_len = token_length;
+            notification_message_ptr->token_ptr = token;
+            /* Fill payload */
+            notification_message_ptr->payload_len = value_length;
+            notification_message_ptr->payload_ptr = value;
+            /* Fill observe */
+            notification_message_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe = observation;
+            notification_message_ptr->options_list_ptr->max_age = max_age;
+            notification_message_ptr->content_format = sn_coap_content_format_e(coap_content_type);
+            /* Send message */
+            sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle,
+                                      _nsdl_handle->nsp_address_ptr->omalw_address_ptr,
+                                      notification_message_ptr);
+            /* Free memory */
+            notification_message_ptr->payload_ptr = NULL;
+            notification_message_ptr->options_list_ptr->observe = -1;
+            notification_message_ptr->token_ptr = NULL;
+        }
+        sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, notification_message_ptr);
+    }
+nsdl_s * M2MNsdlInterface::get_nsdl_handle()
+    return _nsdl_handle;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_put_message(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header,
+                                                sn_nsdl_addr_s *address) {
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_message");
+    uint8_t response_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED;
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = NULL;
+    bool success = false;
+    bool security_object = false;
+    uint16_t content_type = 0;
+    if (!_security) {
+        _security = new M2MSecurity(M2MSecurity::M2MServer);
+    }
+    String resource_name = coap_to_string(coap_header->uri_path_ptr,
+                                          coap_header->uri_path_len);
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_message - uri %s", resource_name.c_str());
+    // Check incoming object
+    if (resource_name.compare(0,1,"0") == 0) {
+        security_object = true;
+        if(_security) {
+            success = true;
+            // Not mandatory resource that's why it must be created first
+            _security->create_resource(M2MSecurity::ShortServerID, 1);
+            // Change operation mode
+            M2MResourceList list = _security->object_instance()->resources();
+            if(!list.empty()) {
+                M2MResourceList::const_iterator it;
+                it = list.begin();
+                for ( ; it != list.end(); it++ ) {
+                    (*it)->set_operation(M2MBase::PUT_ALLOWED);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (resource_name.compare(0,1,"1") == 0) {
+        success = true;
+    }
+    if (success) {
+        // Send delayed response if token is part of the message
+        if (coap_header->token_ptr) {
+            tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_message - send delayed response");
+            coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                                   coap_header,
+                                                   COAP_MSG_CODE_EMPTY);
+            if (coap_response) {
+                coap_response->msg_type = COAP_MSG_TYPE_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT;
+                sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response);
+                sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+            }
+        }
+        if(coap_header->content_format != COAP_CT_NONE) {
+            content_type = coap_header->content_format;
+        }
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_message - content_type %d", content_type);
+        if (content_type != COAP_CONTENT_OMA_TLV_TYPE) {
+            success = false;
+        }
+        if (success) {
+            success = parse_bootstrap_message(coap_header, security_object);
+            // Set operation back to default ones
+            if (_security) {
+                M2MResourceList list = _security->object_instance()->resources();
+                if(!list.empty()) {
+                    M2MResourceList::const_iterator it;
+                    it = list.begin();
+                    for ( ; it != list.end(); it++ ) {
+                        (*it)->set_operation(M2MBase::NOT_ALLOWED);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (!success) {
+        response_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST;
+        handle_bootstrap_error();
+    }
+    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                           coap_header,
+                                           response_code);
+    if (coap_response) {
+        sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response);
+        sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+    }
+    (void) coap_header;
+    (void) address;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::parse_bootstrap_message(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header, bool is_security_object)
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::parse_bootstrap_put_message");
+    bool ret = false;
+    bool is_obj_instance = false;
+    uint16_t instance_id = 0;
+    if (_security) {
+        // Actually there are no member variables on the M2MTLVDeserializer so all the methods
+        // could be converted to static ones.
+        M2MTLVDeserializer deserializer;
+        ret = is_obj_instance = deserializer.is_object_instance(coap_header->payload_ptr);
+        if (!is_obj_instance) {
+            ret = deserializer.is_resource(coap_header->payload_ptr);
+        }
+        if (ret) {
+            M2MTLVDeserializer::Error error = M2MTLVDeserializer::None;
+            if (is_obj_instance) {
+                if (is_security_object) {
+                    error = deserializer.deserialise_object_instances(coap_header->payload_ptr,
+                                                               coap_header->payload_len,
+                                                               *_security,
+                                                               M2MTLVDeserializer::Put);
+                    }
+                else {
+                    error = deserializer.deserialise_object_instances(coap_header->payload_ptr,
+                                                               coap_header->payload_len,
+                                                               _server,
+                                                               M2MTLVDeserializer::Put);
+                }
+            }
+            else {
+                if (is_security_object) {
+                    instance_id = deserializer.instance_id(coap_header->payload_ptr);
+                    error = deserializer.deserialize_resources(coap_header->payload_ptr,
+                                                               coap_header->payload_len,
+                                                               *_security->object_instance(instance_id),
+                                                               M2MTLVDeserializer::Put);
+                }
+                else {
+                    instance_id = deserializer.instance_id(coap_header->payload_ptr);
+                    error = deserializer.deserialize_resources(coap_header->payload_ptr,
+                                                               coap_header->payload_len,
+                                                               *(_server.object_instance(instance_id)),
+                                                               M2MTLVDeserializer::Post);
+                }
+            }
+            if (error != M2MTLVDeserializer::None) {
+                tr_error("M2MNsdlInterface::parse_bootstrap_put_message - error %d", error);
+                ret = false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ret;
+    (void) coap_header;
+    (void) is_security_object;
+    return false;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_finished(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header,sn_nsdl_addr_s *address)
+    String object_name = coap_to_string(coap_header->uri_path_ptr,
+                                          coap_header->uri_path_len);
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_finished - path: %s", object_name.c_str());
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = NULL;
+    uint8_t msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED;
+    // Accept only '/bs' path and check that needed data is in security object
+    if (object_name.size() != 2 ||
+            object_name.compare(0,2,BOOTSTRAP_URI) != 0 ||
+            !validate_security_object()) {
+    } else {
+        // Add short server id to server object
+        _server.set_resource_value(M2MServer::ShortServerID,
+                                    _security->resource_value_int(M2MSecurity::ShortServerID));
+    }
+    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                           coap_header,
+                                           msg_code);
+    if(coap_response) {
+        sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response);
+        sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+    }
+    if (COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_CHANGED == msg_code) {
+        // Switch back to original ep name
+        if (_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr) {
+            memory_free(_endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr);
+        }
+        _endpoint->endpoint_name_ptr = alloc_string_copy((uint8_t*)_endpoint_name.c_str(), _endpoint_name.length());
+        _endpoint->endpoint_name_len = _endpoint_name.length();
+        // Inform observer that bootstrap is finished but it should wait until nsdl has sent data.
+        // The final bootstrap_done callback is called in the observers data_sent callback.
+        _observer.bootstrap_wait(_security);
+    } else {
+        handle_bootstrap_error();
+    }
+    (void) coap_header;
+    (void) address;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_delete(sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_header,sn_nsdl_addr_s *address)
+    sn_coap_hdr_s *coap_response = NULL;
+    uint8_t msg_code = COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_DELETED;
+    String object_name = coap_to_string(coap_header->uri_path_ptr,
+                                          coap_header->uri_path_len);
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_delete - obj %s", object_name.c_str());
+    if(!_identity_accepted) {
+    }
+    // Only following paths are accepted, 0, 0/0
+    else if (object_name.size() == 2 || object_name.size() > 3) {
+    }
+    else if ((object_name.size() == 1 && object_name.compare(0,1,"0") != 0) ||
+            (object_name.size() == 3 && object_name.compare(0,3,"0/0") != 0)) {
+    }
+    coap_response = sn_nsdl_build_response(_nsdl_handle,
+                                           coap_header,
+                                           msg_code);
+    if(coap_response) {
+        sn_nsdl_send_coap_message(_nsdl_handle, address, coap_response);
+        sn_nsdl_release_allocated_coap_msg_mem(_nsdl_handle, coap_response);
+        if(_security) {
+            _security->clear_resources();
+        }
+    }
+    if (!coap_response || COAP_MSG_CODE_RESPONSE_DELETED != msg_code) {
+        handle_bootstrap_error();
+    }
+    (void) coap_header;
+    (void) address;
+bool M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object");
+    if (_security) {
+        String address = _security->resource_value_string(M2MSecurity::M2MServerUri);
+        uint32_t sec_mode = _security->resource_value_int(M2MSecurity::SecurityMode);
+        bool is_bs_server = _security->resource_value_int(M2MSecurity::BootstrapServer);
+        uint32_t public_key_size = _security->get_resource(M2MSecurity::PublicKey)->value_length();
+        uint32_t server_key_size = _security->get_resource(M2MSecurity::ServerPublicKey)->value_length();
+        uint32_t pkey_size = _security->get_resource(M2MSecurity::Secretkey)->value_length();
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - Server URI /0/0: %s", address.c_str());
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - is bs server /0/1: %d", is_bs_server);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - Security Mode /0/2: %" PRIu32, sec_mode);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - Public key size /0/3: %" PRIu32, public_key_size);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - Server Public key size /0/4: %" PRIu32, server_key_size);
+        tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::validate_security_object - Secret key size /0/5: %" PRIu32, pkey_size);
+        // Only NoSec and Certificate modes are supported
+        if (!address.empty() && !is_bs_server) {
+            if (M2MSecurity::Certificate == sec_mode) {
+                if (!public_key_size || !server_key_size || !pkey_size) {
+                    return false;
+                } else {
+                    return true;
+                }
+            } else if (M2MSecurity::NoSecurity == sec_mode){
+                return true;
+            } else {
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+    return false;
+void M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_error()
+    tr_debug("M2MNsdlInterface::handle_bootstrap_error()");
+    _identity_accepted = false;
+    if (_security) {
+        delete _security;
+        _security = NULL;
+    }
+    _observer.bootstrap_error();
+const String& M2MNsdlInterface::endpoint_name() const
+    return _endpoint_name;