A metronome using the FRDM K64F board

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-client/test/mbedclient/utest/m2mbase/test_m2mbase.cpp	Sun May 14 18:40:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "CppUTest/TestHarness.h"
+#include "test_m2mbase.h"
+#include "m2mreportobserver.h"
+#include "m2mreporthandler.h"
+#include "m2mreporthandler_stub.h"
+#include "nsdlaccesshelper_stub.h"
+#include "m2mresource_stub.h"
+#include "m2mobject_stub.h"
+#include "m2mobjectinstance_stub.h"
+#include "m2mresource_stub.h"
+static bool value_update_called = false;
+static void value_updated_function(const char* name) {
+    value_update_called = true;
+class MyTest{
+    void value_updated_function(const char* name) {
+        visited = true;
+    }
+    bool visited;
+class Observer : public M2MReportObserver {
+    Observer(){}
+    ~Observer(){}
+    void observation_to_be_sent(m2m::Vector<uint16_t>,bool){}
+Test_M2MBase::Test_M2MBase(char* path, Handler *handler)
+    : M2MBase("name",M2MBase::Dynamic, "type", path, false)
+    obsHandler = handler;
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_operation()
+    this->_sn_resource->dynamic_resource_params->static_resource_parameters->mode = M2MBase::Static;
+    M2MBase::Operation test = M2MBase::GET_ALLOWED;
+    set_operation(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->operation());
+    this->_sn_resource->dynamic_resource_params->static_resource_parameters->mode = M2MBase::Dynamic;
+    test = M2MBase::PUT_ALLOWED;
+    set_operation(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->operation());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_base_type()
+    set_base_type(M2MBase::ObjectInstance);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::ObjectInstance == this->base_type());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_interface_description()
+    String test = "interface_description";
+    set_interface_description(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->interface_description());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_uri_path()
+    // Default value in ctor
+    String test = "test";
+    CHECK(test == uri_path());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_resource_type()
+    String test = "resource_type";
+    set_resource_type(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->_sn_resource->dynamic_resource_params->static_resource_parameters->resource_type_ptr);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_coap_content_type()
+    u_int8_t test = 1;
+    set_coap_content_type(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->coap_content_type());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_instance_id()
+    u_int16_t test = 1;
+    set_instance_id(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->instance_id());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_observable()
+    bool test = true;
+    set_observable(test);
+    CHECK(test == this->is_observable());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_add_observation_level()
+    add_observation_level(M2MBase::R_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::R_Attribute == this->_observation_level);
+    add_observation_level(M2MBase::O_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::OR_Attribute == this->_observation_level);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_remove_observation_level()
+    this->_observation_level = M2MBase::OR_Attribute;
+    remove_observation_level(M2MBase::R_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::O_Attribute == this->_observation_level);
+    remove_observation_level(M2MBase::O_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::None == this->_observation_level);
+    this->_observation_level = M2MBase::OI_Attribute;
+    remove_observation_level(M2MBase::R_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::OI_Attribute == this->_observation_level);
+    remove_observation_level(M2MBase::OI_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::None == this->_observation_level);
+    remove_observation_level(M2MBase::OI_Attribute);
+    CHECK(M2MBase::None == this->_observation_level);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_under_observation()
+    this->set_base_type(M2MBase::ObjectInstance);
+    bool test = true;
+    set_under_observation(test,NULL);
+    set_under_observation(test,obsHandler);
+    CHECK(obsHandler == this->_observation_handler);
+    set_under_observation(test,NULL);
+    test = false;
+    set_under_observation(test,NULL);
+    test = false;
+    set_under_observation(test,obsHandler);
+    set_under_observation(test,obsHandler);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_observation_token()
+    this->_token_length = 4;
+    this->_token = (u_int8_t *)malloc(this->_token_length);
+    String test = "token";
+    set_observation_token((const u_int8_t*)test.c_str(), (u_int8_t)test.size());
+    CHECK(this->_token_length == 5);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_observation_level()
+    this->_observation_level = M2MBase::OR_Attribute;
+    CHECK(M2MBase::OR_Attribute == this->observation_level());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_get_observation_token()
+    u_int8_t test_value[] = {"val"};
+    u_int32_t value_length((u_int32_t)sizeof(test_value));
+    u_int8_t* out_value = (u_int8_t *)malloc(value_length);
+    u_int32_t out_size = value_length;
+    memcpy((u_int8_t *)out_value, (u_int8_t *)test_value, value_length);
+    u_int8_t test[] = {"token"};
+    this->_token_length = (u_int8_t)sizeof(test);
+    this->_token = (u_int8_t *)malloc(this->_token_length);
+    memcpy((u_int8_t *)this->_token, (u_int8_t *)test, this->_token_length);
+    get_observation_token(out_value,out_size);
+    CHECK(out_size == 6);
+    free(out_value);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_mode()
+    CHECK(M2MBase::Dynamic == mode());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_observation_number()
+    u_int8_t test = 1;
+    this->_observation_number = test;
+    CHECK(test == observation_number());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_name()
+    // Default value in ctor
+    String test = "name";
+    CHECK(test == name());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_name_id()
+    int id = 10;
+    this->_sn_resource->name_id = id;
+    CHECK(id == name_id());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_handle_observation_attribute()
+    char *s = "wrong";
+    bool ret = handle_observation_attribute(s);
+    CHECK(ret == false);
+    delete this->_report_handler;
+    Observer obs;
+    this->_report_handler = new M2MReportHandler(obs);
+    m2mreporthandler_stub::bool_return = true;
+    ret = handle_observation_attribute(s);
+    CHECK(ret == true);
+    this->_is_under_observation = true;
+    ret = handle_observation_attribute(s);
+    CHECK(ret == true);
+    this->_is_under_observation = true;
+    m2mreporthandler_stub::bool_return = false;
+    ret = handle_observation_attribute(s);
+    CHECK(ret == false);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_observation_to_be_sent()
+    Vector<uint16_t> list;
+    observation_to_be_sent(list);
+    CHECK(obsHandler->visited == false);
+    this->set_base_type(M2MBase::ObjectInstance);
+    bool test = true;
+    set_under_observation(test,obsHandler);
+    observation_to_be_sent(list);
+    CHECK(obsHandler->visited == true);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_handle_get_request()
+    CHECK(this->handle_get_request(NULL,NULL,NULL) == NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_handle_put_request()
+    bool execute = false;
+    CHECK(this->handle_put_request(NULL,NULL,NULL, execute) == NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_handle_post_request()
+    bool execute = false;
+    CHECK(this->handle_post_request(NULL,NULL,NULL, execute) == NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_memory_alloc()
+    CHECK(memory_alloc(0) == 0);
+    uint8_t *ptr = 0;
+    ptr = (uint8_t*)memory_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t));
+    CHECK(ptr != NULL);
+    memory_free(ptr);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_memory_free()
+    uint8_t *ptr = (uint8_t*)memory_alloc(sizeof(uint8_t));
+    memory_free((void*)ptr);
+    //memory leak test will fail, if there is a leak, so no need for CHECK
+void Test_M2MBase::test_report_handler()
+    CHECK(report_handler() == NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_observation_handler()
+    CHECK(observation_handler() == NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_id_number()
+    char* path = (char*)malloc(3);
+    strcpy(path, "10");
+    M2MBase* b = new M2MBase("10", M2MBase::Static, "", path, false);
+    CHECK(b->name_id() == 10);
+    delete b;
+    char* path1 = (char*)malloc(6);
+    strcpy(path1, "66567");
+    M2MBase * test1 = new M2MBase("66567",M2MBase::Static, "", path1, false);
+    CHECK(test1->name_id() == -1);
+    delete test1;
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_register_uri()
+    this->set_register_uri(false);
+    CHECK(this->register_uri() == false);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_observation_number()
+    set_observation_number(0);
+    CHECK(0 == this->_observation_number);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_max_age()
+    this->set_max_age(10000);
+    CHECK(this->max_age() == 10000);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_is_under_observation()
+    CHECK(false == is_under_observation());
+    this->_is_under_observation = true;
+    CHECK(true == is_under_observation());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_value_updated_function()
+    MyTest test;
+    test.visited = false;
+    CHECK(this->is_value_updated_function_set() == false);
+    this->set_value_updated_function(value_updated_callback(&test,&MyTest::value_updated_function));
+    this->execute_value_updated("test");
+    CHECK(this->is_value_updated_function_set() == true);
+    CHECK(test.visited == true);
+    value_update_called = false;
+    this->set_value_updated_function(value_updated_callback2(value_updated_function));
+    this->execute_value_updated("test");
+    CHECK(value_update_called == true);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_build_path()
+    StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE> buffer;
+    CHECK(build_path(buffer, "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234", 10000, "2123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234", 20000));
+    CHECK(!build_path(buffer, "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345", 10000, "21234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345", 20000));
+    StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_2> buffer2;
+    CHECK(build_path(buffer2, "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234", 10000, "2123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234"));
+    CHECK(!build_path(buffer2, "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345", 10000, "21234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345"));
+    StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_3> buffer3;
+    CHECK(build_path(buffer3, "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234", 10000, 20000));
+    CHECK(!build_path(buffer3, "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345", 10000, 20000));
+    StringBuffer<MAX_PATH_SIZE_4> buffer4;
+    CHECK(build_path(buffer4, "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891234", 10000));
+    CHECK(!build_path(buffer4, "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678912345", 10000));
+void Test_M2MBase::test_set_observation_handler()
+    set_observation_handler(obsHandler);
+    CHECK(observation_handler() == obsHandler);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_resource_type()
+    // Default value in ctor
+    String test = "type";
+    CHECK(test == resource_type());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_resource_name_length()
+    CHECK(4 == resource_name_length());
+void Test_M2MBase::test_get_nsdl_resource()
+    sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s *res = get_nsdl_resource();
+    CHECK(res != NULL);
+    CHECK(res->static_resource_parameters != NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_create_path()
+    char* path1 = (char*)malloc(5);
+    strcpy(path1, "name");
+    M2MObject* object = new M2MObject("name", path1);
+    char* path2 = (char*)malloc(7);
+    strcpy(path2, "name/0");
+    m2mresource_stub::object_instance =
+            new M2MObjectInstance(*object, "name","", path2);
+    String path = "name/1";
+    String res_path = "name/0/resource";
+    String res_path_instance = "name/0/resource/1";
+    char* result = create_path(*object, "1");
+    CHECK(path == result);
+    free(result);
+    result = create_path(*object, 1);
+    CHECK(path == result);
+    free(result);
+    result = create_path(*m2mresource_stub::object_instance, "resource");
+    CHECK(res_path == result);
+    free(result);
+    char* path3 = (char*)malloc(9);
+    strcpy(path3, "resource");
+    M2MResource* res = new M2MResource(*m2mresource_stub::object_instance,
+                                       "resource",
+                                       "type",
+                                       M2MResourceInstance::INTEGER,
+                                       false,
+                                       path3);
+    result = create_path(*res, 1);
+    CHECK(res_path_instance == result);
+    free(result);
+    delete m2mresource_stub::object_instance;
+    delete object;
+    delete res;
+void Test_M2MBase::test_create_report_handler()
+    M2MReportHandler* report_handler = create_report_handler();
+    CHECK(report_handler != NULL);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_validate_string_length()
+    String test = "stringlengthabc";
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test, 1, 20) == true);
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test, 1, 2) == false);
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test, 15, 15) == true);
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test, 16, 15) == false);
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test.c_str(), 15, 15) == true);
+    CHECK(validate_string_length(test.c_str(), 16, 15) == false);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_is_integer()
+    CHECK(is_integer("") == false);
+    CHECK(is_integer("-1a") == false);
+    CHECK(is_integer("10") == true);
+    CHECK(is_integer("+10") == true);
+    CHECK(is_integer("-10") == true);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_alloc_copy()
+    uint8_t* test_ptr = (uint8_t *)malloc(10);
+    memset(test_ptr,'a', 10);
+    uint8_t* result = alloc_copy(test_ptr, 10);
+    CHECK(memcmp(test_ptr, result, 10) == 0);
+    free(test_ptr);
+    free(result);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_alloc_string_copy()
+    char* test = "testi";
+    char* result = alloc_string_copy(test);
+    STRCMP_EQUAL(test,result);
+    free(result);
+void Test_M2MBase::test_ctor()
+    static sn_nsdl_static_resource_parameters_s params_static = {
+        (char*)"",      // resource_type_ptr
+        (char*)"",                     // interface_description_ptr
+        (uint8_t*)"",    // path
+        (uint8_t*)"",           // resource
+        0,                      // pathlen
+        0,                      // resourcelen
+        false,                  // external_memory_block
+        SN_GRS_DYNAMIC,         // mode
+        false                   // free_on_delete
+    };
+    static sn_nsdl_dynamic_resource_parameters_s params_dynamic = {
+        __nsdl_c_callback,
+        &params_static,
+        {NULL, NULL},                     // link
+        0, // coap_content_type
+        M2MBase::PUT_ALLOWED,   // access
+        0,                      // registered
+        false,                  // publish_uri
+        false,                  // free_on_delete
+        true                    // observable
+    };
+    const static M2MBase::lwm2m_parameters params = {
+        0, // max_age
+        0, // instance_id
+        0, // name_id
+        (char*)"", // name
+        &params_dynamic,
+        M2MBase::Resource, // base_type
+        false // free_on_delete
+    };
+    M2MBase* base = new M2MBase(&params);
+    delete base;