A metronome using the FRDM K64F board

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-client/mbed-client-mbed-tls/toolchain_rules.mk	Sun May 14 18:40:18 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+# Toolchain rules for building libraries
+# Support multi-platform builds
+# You may define PLATFORM=.. prefix for compiler
+# if PLATFORM is defined it will owerride CC and AR
+# You may also specify CC and AR separately.
+# example: Compile with KEIL
+# make CC=ArmCC AR=ArmAR
+# example: Cross Compile with Gnu toolchain, for embedded Linux
+# make PLATFORM=arm-linux-gnueabi-
+# Special rules for IAR-ARM toolchains added, AR tool on that does not follow common arquements.
+# make CC=iccarm  uses iarchive.exe for creating a archive.
+# Special rules for IAR-RL78 toolchain added, uses own AR and compiler requires specific flags
+# make CC=iccrl78
+# When using ArmCC, Select CPU by defining one of following supported values
+#  CPU=Cortex-M0
+#  CPU=Cortex-M3
+#  CPU=Cortex-M4
+# example:
+# make CC=armcc CPU=Cortex-M4
+# If PLATFORM prefix is defined,
+# generate CC and AR accordingly
+ifneq ($(strip $(PLATFORM)),)
+# Windows specific tweaks for echo and mkdir to work
+ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+SHELL := cmd.exe
+mkdir = if not exist $(1) md $(subst /,\,$(1))
+mkdir = mkdir -p $(1)
+# Append CC and CPU to library names
+ifneq (,$(CPU))
+	LIB:=$(LIB:%.a=%_$(CPU).a)
+# GCC toolchains
+ifneq (,$(findstring gcc,$(CC)))
+	# Flags for common toolchain, usually GCC or CC
+	AROPTS=-rsc $@ $^
+	override CFLAGS += -Wall -pedantic-errors
+	# Dependency generation
+	override CFLAGS += -MMD -MP
+	ifneq (,$(CPU))
+	# CPU must be lowercase on GCC
+	CPU_L:=$(shell echo $(CPU) | tr A-Z a-z)
+	override CFLAGS += -mcpu=$(CPU_L)
+	# Use THUMB instructions of Cortex-M cores
+	ifeq (cortex-m,$(findstring cortex-m,$(CPU_L)))
+	override CFLAGS += -mthumb
+	endif
+	endif
+	# Debug
+	ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+	override CFLAGS += -g -O0
+	else
+	override CFLAGS += -O2
+	endif
+	# Enable Coverage generation
+	ifeq ($(COVERAGE),1)
+	override CFLAGS += -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
+	override LDFLAGS += -ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs
+	endif
+	COMPILE = $(CC) -std=gnu99 -c -o $@
+	CXXCOMPILE = $(CC) -std=c++11 -c -o $@
+# IAR-ARM toolchain
+else ifneq (,$(findstring iccarm,$(CC)))
+	AR:=iarchive
+	AROPTS=$^ --create -o $@
+	DLIB_FILE=$(subst bin\iccarm.exe,inc\c\DLib_Config_Full.h,$(shell where iccarm))
+	override CFLAGS += --dlib_config '$(DLIB_FILE)' --cpu Cortex-M4 --vla --diag_suppress Pa50
+	# Dependency generation
+	override CFLAGS += --dependencies=m $(basename $@).d
+	# Debug
+	ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+	override CFLAGS += --debug -On
+	else
+	override CFLAGS += -Om
+	endif
+	COMPILE = $(CC) -c -o $@
+# ArmCC toolchain (Used by Keil)
+else ifneq (,$(findstring armcc,$(CC)))
+	AR:=armar
+	AROPTS=-rsc $@ $^
+	override CFLAGS += --c99 --no_wrap_diagnostics
+	# Dependency generation
+	override CFLAGS += --depend $(basename $@).d --phony_targets
+	LIB:=$(LIB:%.a=%.lib)
+	ifneq (,$(CPU))
+	override CFLAGS += --cpu=$(CPU)
+	endif
+	# Debug
+	ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+	override CFLAGS += -g -O0
+	else
+	override CFLAGS += -O2
+	endif
+	COMPILE = $(CC) -c -o $@
+# IAR Renesas78 toolchain
+else ifneq (,$(findstring iccrl78,$(CC)))
+	AR:=xar
+	AROPTS=$@ $^
+	# Hack to get \lib include path which contains dlib config headers for compiler
+	DIR=$(subst iccrl78.exe,..\lib\,$(shell where iccrl78))
+	override CFLAGS += --core rl78_1 --code_model far --data_model far --dlib_config full --vla --no_wrap_diagnostics -I'$(DIR)'
+	# Dependency generation
+	LIB:=$(LIB:%.a=%.lib)
+	override CFLAGS += --dependencies=m $(basename $@).d
+	# Debug
+	ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+	override CFLAGS += --debug -Oh
+	else
+	override CFLAGS += -Ohz
+	endif
+	COMPILE = $(CC) -o $@
+# IAR MSP430 toolchain
+else ifneq (,$(findstring icc430,$(CC)))
+	AR:=xar
+	AROPTS=$@ $^
+	# Hack to get \lib include path which contains dlib config headers for compiler
+	DIR=$(subst bin\icc430.exe,lib,$(shell where icc430))
+	DLIB_FILE=$(subst bin\icc430.exe,lib\dlib\dl430xllff.h,$(shell where icc430))
+	override CFLAGS += --dlib_config '$(DLIB_FILE)' --vla --core 430X --data_model large --no_wrap_diagnostics -I'$(DIR)'
+	# Dependency generation
+	LIB:=$(LIB:%.a=%.lib)
+	override CFLAGS += --dependencies=m $(basename $@).d
+	# Debug
+	ifeq ($(DEBUG),1)
+	override CFLAGS += --debug -On
+	else
+	override CFLAGS += -Ohz
+	endif
+	COMPILE = $(CC) -o $@
+# CppCheck toolchain
+# This is used only for static testing the code.
+# cppcheck is used in place of compiler and linker phase is ignored
+else ifneq (,$(findstring cppcheck,$(CC)))
+	AR = cppcheck -q --enable=warning --enable=style --std=c99 --inline-suppr -DCPPCHECK $(CPPCHECK_OPTS) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS)
+	COMPILE = true
+	LIB:= "ignored_with_cppcheck"
+# End of toolchain specific rules #
+# Generate VERSION tag
+ifeq (,$(CPPCHECK))
+VERSION := $(shell git describe --tags --long --dirty --always)
+#                                                          #
+# Use:                                                     #
+#   $(eval $(call generate_rules,$(OUTPUT_LIB),$(SRCS)))   #
+# at the end of your Makefile                              #
+#                                                          #
+define generate_rules
+DEST_LIB := $(1)
+LIB_SRCS := $(2)
+C_SRCS := $$(filter %.c,$$(LIB_SRCS))
+CXX_SRCS := $$(filter %.cpp,$$(LIB_SRCS))
+all: $$(DEST_LIB)
+# Define build dir outside from src folders
+BUILD_DIR := output/$$(CC)
+ifneq (,$$(CPU))
+ifneq (generic,$$(CONFIG))
+OBJS := $$(C_SRCS:%.c=$$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o) $$(CXX_SRCS:%.cpp=$$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o)
+# Include auto-dependencies
+-include $$(OBJS:.o=.d)
+# Create list of output directories.
+OBJ_DIRS := $$(sort $$(dir $$(OBJS)))
+# requires directories to be created before build.
+# '|' means do not care about timestamps of requisities
+$$(OBJS): | $$(OBJ_DIRS)
+# Need to redefine build rule to find the sources
+# from correct folder.
+$$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.c
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+	$$(COMPILE) $$(CFLAGS) $$<
+else ifeq (1,$(CPPCHECK))
+	@$$(COMPILE) $$(CFLAGS) $$<
+else ifeq (1,$(UNITTEST))
+	@echo Building unittest $$<
+ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+	ruby $(UNIT_TEST_BASE)/../auto/generate_test_runner.rb Test.c Test_Runner.c
+	@gcc $$(CFLAGS) $$(SRCS) -o $$(OUTPUT_LIB)
+	@echo Building $$<
+	@$$(COMPILE) $$(CFLAGS) $$<
+# Same again for C++
+$$(BUILD_DIR)/%.o: %.cpp
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+else ifeq (1,$(CPPCHECK))
+	@$$(CXXCOMPILE) $$(CFLAGS) $$<
+	@echo Building $$<
+	@$$(CXXCOMPILE) $$(CFLAGS) $$<
+# Rule to create a object directory
+	@-$$(call mkdir,$$@)
+$$(DEST_LIB): $$(OBJS)
+ifeq ($(V),1)
+	-$$(addprefix $$(RM) ,$$(wildcard $$@))
+	$$(AR) $$(AROPTS)
+else ifeq (1,$(CPPCHECK))
+	@$$(AR) $$(AROPTS)
+else ifeq (1,$(UNITTEST))
+#ifneq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
+#	lcov -q --capture -i --directory $(CURDIR) --output-file lib_base.info
+#	./$$@
+#	lcov -q --capture --directory $(CURDIR) --output-file lib_test.info
+#	lcov -a lib_base.info -a lib_test.info -o coverage.info
+	@echo Linking $$(notdir $$@)
+	@-$$(addprefix $$(RM) ,$$(wildcard $$@))
+	@$$(AR) $$(AROPTS)
+	@$(RM) -r $$(BUILD_DIR)
+	@$(RM) $$(DEST_LIB)
+	@$(RM) -r output *.a