A metronome using the FRDM K64F board

Sun May 14 18:40:18 2017 +0000
Initial commit

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 1 /*
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 2 * Copyright (c) 2016 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 3 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 5 * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 7 *
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 9 *
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 12 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 14 * limitations under the License.
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 15 */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 16
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 17
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 18 #ifndef _PAL_ERRORS_H
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 19 #define _PAL_ERRORS_H
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 20
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 21 #ifdef __cplusplus
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 22 extern "C" {
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 23 #endif
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 24
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 25 #include "pal_types.h"
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 26
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 27
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 28 typedef enum {
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 29 PAL_ERR_MODULE_GENERAL = 0x4,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 30 PAL_ERR_MODULE_PAL = 0x6,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 31 PAL_ERR_MODULE_C = 0x8,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 32 PAL_ERR_MODULE_RTOS = 0xC,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 33 PAL_ERR_MODULE_NET = 0x10,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 34 PAL_ERR_MODULE_TLS = 0x14,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 35 PAL_ERR_MODULE_CRYPTO = 0x18,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 36 PAL_ERR_MODULE_UPDATE = 0x1C,
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 37 } palErrorModules_t;
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 38
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 39
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 40 typedef enum {
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 41 // generic errors
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 42 PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE = (-1 << PAL_ERR_MODULE_GENERAL),
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 43 PAL_ERR_GENERIC_FAILURE = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE, /*! generic failure*/ // try to use a more specific error message whenever possible
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 44 PAL_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 1, /*! one or more of the functions arguments is invalid */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 45 PAL_ERR_NO_MEMORY = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 2, /*! failure due to a failed attempt to allocate memory */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 46 PAL_ERR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 3, /*! buffer given is too small*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 47 PAL_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 4, /*! operation not supported by PAL for the current configuration*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 48 PAL_ERR_TIMEOUT_EXPIRED = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 5, /*! timeout for the operation has expired */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 49 PAL_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 6, /*! timeout for the operation has expired */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 50 PAL_ERR_NULL_POINTER = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 7, /*! received a null pointer when it should be initialized */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 51 PAL_ERR_CREATION_FAILED = PAL_ERR_GENERAL_BASE + 8, /*! failure in creation of given type, like: mutex, thread , etc */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 52 // pal errors
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 53 PAL_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = (-1 << PAL_ERR_MODULE_PAL), /*!Currently not implemented will be in the future*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 54 // c errors
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 55 // RTOS errors
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 56 PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE = (-1 << PAL_ERR_MODULE_RTOS), /*! generic failure in RTOS module*/ // try to use a more specific error message whenever possible
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 57 PAL_ERR_RTOS_PARAMETER = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x80,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorParameter : parameter error: a mandatory parameter was missing or specified an incorrect object.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 58 PAL_ERR_RTOS_RESOURCE = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x81,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorResource : resource not available: a specified resource was not available.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 59 PAL_ERR_RTOS_TIMEOUT = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0xC1,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorTimeoutResource : resource not available within given time: a specified resource was not available within the timeout period*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 60 PAL_ERR_RTOS_ISR = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x82,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorISR : not allowed in ISR context: the function cannot be called from interrupt service routines.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 61 PAL_ERR_RTOS_ISR_RECURSIVE = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x83,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorISRRecursive : function called multiple times from ISR with same object.c*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 62 PAL_ERR_RTOS_PRIORITY = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x84,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorPriority : system cannot determine priority or thread has illegal priority.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 63 PAL_ERR_RTOS_NO_MEMORY = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x85,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorNoMemory : system is out of memory: it was impossible to allocate or reserve memory for the operation.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 64 PAL_ERR_RTOS_VALUE = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0x86,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorValue : value of a parameter is out of range.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 65 PAL_ERR_RTOS_OS = PAL_ERR_RTOS_ERROR_BASE + 0xFF,/*! PAL mapping of CMSIS error osErrorOS : unspecified RTOS error: run-time error but no other error message fits.*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 66 // network errors
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 67 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE = (-1 << PAL_ERR_MODULE_NET), /*! generic socket error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 68 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_GENERIC = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE, /*! generic socket error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 69 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_NO_BUFFERS = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 1, /*! no buffers - PAL mapping of posix error ENOBUFS*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 70 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_HOST_UNREACHABLE = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 2, /*! host unreachable (routing error)- PAL mapping of posix error EHOSTUNREACH*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 71 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_IN_PROGRES = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 3, /*! in progress- PAL mapping of posix error EINPROGRESS*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 72 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_VALUE = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 4, /*!invalid value - PAL mapping of posix error EINVAL*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 73 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_WOULD_BLOCK = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 5, /*! would block - PAL mapping of posix error EWOULDBLOCK*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 74 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ADDRESS_IN_USE = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 6, /*! Address in use - PAL mapping of posix error EADDRINUSE*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 75 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ALREADY_CONNECTED = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 7, /*! Already connected - PAL mapping of posix error EALREADY*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 76 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_CONNECTION_ABORTED = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 8, /*! Connection aborted - PAL mapping of posix error ECONNABORTED*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 77 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_CONNECTION_RESET = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 9, /*! Connection reset - PAL mapping of posix error ECONNRESET*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 78 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 10, /*! Not connected - PAL mapping of posix error ENOTCONN*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 79 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_INPUT_OUTPUT_ERROR = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 11, /*! I/O error PAL mapping of posix error EIO*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 80 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_CONNECTION_CLOSED = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 12, /*! connection closed */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 81 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_FAILED_TO_SET_SOCKET_TO_NON_BLOCKING = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 13, /*! failed to set socket to non-blocking */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 82 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_ADDRESS_FAMILY = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 14, /*! failed to set socket to non-blocking */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 83 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_INVALID_ADDRESS = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 15, /*! address given was not valid/found*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 84 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_DNS_ERROR = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 16, /*! DNS lookup error*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 85 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_HDCP_ERROR = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 17, /*! HDCP error*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 86 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_AUTH_ERROR = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 18, /*! authentication error*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 87 PAL_ERR_SOCKET_OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED = PAL_ERR_SOCKET_ERROR_BASE + 19, /*! socket option not supported*/
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 88 //update Error
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 89 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE = (-1 << PAL_ERR_MODULE_UPDATE), /*! generic error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 90 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 91 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_BUSY = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 1, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 92 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 2, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 93 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 3, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 94 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_PALFROM_API = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 4, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 95 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_PALFROM_IO = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 5, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 96 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_END_OF_IMAGE = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 6, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 97 PAL_ERR_UPDATE_CHUNK_TO_SMALL = PAL_ERR_UPDATE_ERROR_BASE + 7, /*! unknown error */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 98
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 99 } palError_t; /*! errors returned by the pal service API */
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 100
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 101
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 102 #ifdef __cplusplus
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 103 }
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 104 #endif
ram54288 0:a7a43371b306 105 #endif //_PAL_ERRORS