LCD INTERFACING WITH STM-32 MBED PLATFORM In this tutorial you can find information about interfacing of different LCD panel with any (Here - STM32 NUCLEO-64) using Mbed platform and TextLCD.h library. Purpose of this program-- Basic Usage of library and interconnection description

Dependencies:   TextLCD


Second Commit : LCD panel information added default tip

2020-07-16, by radhey04ec [Thu, 16 Jul 2020 06:23:09 +0000] rev 1

Second Commit : LCD panel information added

LCD INTERFACING -BASIC; TextLCD.h library is main part of this prog; Import from given link; Jaydeep Shah --;

2020-07-16, by radhey04ec [Thu, 16 Jul 2020 06:20:35 +0000] rev 0

LCD INTERFACING -BASIC; TextLCD.h library is main part of this prog; Import from given link; Jaydeep Shah --;