
Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/max30102.h	Tue Jun 21 09:43:15 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
- * Library for the Maxim MAX30102 pulse oximetry system, I modified a copy of the MAX30100 library in May 2016
- */
-/* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
-#ifndef __MAX30102_H
-#define __MAX30102_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-// status registers
-#define MAX30102_INT_STATUS          0x00
-#define MAX30102_INT_ENABLE          0x02
-// FIFO registers
-#define MAX30102_FIFO_W_POINTER      0x04
-#define MAX30102_OVR_COUNTER         0x05
-#define MAX30102_FIFO_R_POINTER      0x06
-#define MAX30102_FIFO_DATA_REG       0x07
-// configuration registers
-#define MAX30102_FIFO_CONFIG         0x08
-#define MAX30102_CONFIG              0x09
-#define MAX30102_SPO2_CONFIG         0x0A
-#define MAX30102_LED_CONFIG_1        0x0C 
-#define MAX30102_LED_CONFIG_2        0x0D  
-// temperature registers
-#define MAX30102_TEMP_INTEGER        0x1F
-#define MAX30102_TEMP_FRACTION       0x20
-#define MAX30102_TEMP_CONFIG         0x21
-// PART ID registers
-#define MAX30102_REVISION_ID         0xFE
-#define MAX30102_PART_ID             0xFF
-#define I_AM_MAX30102                0x15
-/************************************** REGISTERS VALUE *******************************************/
-// I2C address
-#define MAX30102_ADDRESS             0xAE
-//Enable interrupts
-#define MAX30102_INT_ENB_A_FULL      ((uint8_t)0x80)
-#define MAX30102_INT_ENB_TEMP_RDY    ((uint8_t)0x40)
-#define MAX30102_INT_ENB_HR_RDY      ((uint8_t)0x20)
-#define MAX30102_INT_ENB_SO2_RDY     ((uint8_t)0x10)
-//Mode configuration
-#define MAX30102_MODE_SHDN           ((uint8_t)0x80)      // Bit 7 high
-#define MAX30102_MODE_RESET          ((uint8_t)0x40)      // Bit 6 high
-#define MAX30102_MODE_TEMP_EN        ((uint8_t)0x01)
-#define MAX30102_MODE_HR             ((uint8_t)0x02)
-#define MAX30102_MODE_SPO2           ((uint8_t)0x03)
-//SPO2 configuration
-#define MAX30102_SPO2_HI_RES_EN           ((uint8_t)0x40)
-typedef enum{ // This is the same for both LEDs
-    pw68,     // 68us pulse, ADC 15
-    pw118,    // 118us pulse, ADC 16
-    pw215,    // 215us pulse, ADC 17
-    pw411     // 411us pulse, ADC 18
-typedef enum{
-    sr50,    // 50 samples per second
-    sr100,   // 100 samples per second
-    sr200,   // 200 samples per second
-    sr400,   // 400 samples per second
-    sr800,   // 800 samples per second
-    sr1000   // 1000 samples per second
-typedef enum{
-    i0,    // No current
-    i4,    // 4.4mA
-    i8,    // 7.6mA
-    i11,   // 11.0mA
-    i14,   // 14.2mA
-    i17,   // 17.4mA
-    i21,   // 20.8mA
-    i27,   // 27.1mA
-    i31,   // 30.6mA
-    i34,   // 33.8mA
-    i37,   // 37.0mA
-    i40,   // 40.2mA
-    i44,   // 43.6mA
-    i47,   // 46.8mA
-    i50    // 50.0mA
-typedef enum{
-    low,    // low resolution SPO2
-    high    // high resolution SPO2 (18 bit with 411us LED pulse width)
-typedef enum
-    OXIMETER_OK = 0,
-} OXIMETER_StatusTypeDef;
- * @brief  MAX30102 driver extended internal structure definition
- */
-typedef struct
-    OXIMETER_StatusTypeDef (*Enable_Free_Fall_Detection) (void);
-    OXIMETER_StatusTypeDef (*Disable_Free_Fall_Detection) (void);
-    OXIMETER_StatusTypeDef (*Get_Status_Free_Fall_Detection) (uint8_t *);
-} MAX30102_DrvExtTypeDef;
-class MAX30102 {
-    /* Public Methods */
-    uint32_t HR;      // Last heart rate datapoint
-    uint32_t SPO2;    // Last oximetry datapoint
-    void  setLEDs(pulseWidth pw, ledCurrent red, ledCurrent ir);  // Sets the LED state
-    void  setSPO2(sampleRate sr, high_resolution hi_res); // Setup the SPO2 sensor, disabled by default
-    int   getNumSamp(void);       // Get number of samples
-    void  readSensor(void);       // Updates the values
-    void  shutdown(void);   // Instructs device to power-save
-    void  reset(void);      // Resets the device
-    void  startup(void);    // Leaves power-save
-    char  getRevID(void);   // Gets revision ID
-    char  getPartID(void);  // Gets part ID
-    void  begin(pulseWidth pw = pw411,  // Longest pulseWidth
-                ledCurrent ir = i50,    // Highest current
-                sampleRate sr = sr100); // 2nd lowest sampleRate
-    void  init(pulseWidth pw, sampleRate sr, high_resolution hi_res, ledCurrent red, ledCurrent ir);
-    void  setTemp(void);
-    int   readTemp(void);
-    void  setSPO2mode(void);
-    void  setInterruptSPO2(void);
-    void  printRegisters(void); // Dumps contents of registers for debug
-#endif /* __MAX30102_H */
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