
Dependencies:   Adafruit_GFX mbed

Thu Oct 27 13:35:03 2016 +0000
AXDL335 support

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 1 #include "mbed.h"
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 2 #include "Adafruit_SSD1306.h"
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 3 //------------------------------------
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 4 // Hyperterminal configuration
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 5 // 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 6 //------------------------------------
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 7
pythonworld 1:0238bbba44a4 8 // SSD1306 OLED AND Nucleo L432KC
pythonworld 1:0238bbba44a4 9 // 2016.10.23
pythonworld 2:730476ff1e87 10 // 2016.10.23 changed
pythonworld 4:573208af69ba 11 #define offset_voltage 1570
pythonworld 4:573208af69ba 12 #define sensitivity 330
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 13 Serial pc(SERIAL_TX, SERIAL_RX);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 14
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 15 DigitalOut myled(LED3);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 16 AnalogIn adc1(A0);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 17 AnalogIn adc2(A1);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 18 AnalogIn adc3(A5);
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 19
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 20 #define DO A4
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 21 #define DI A6
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 22 #define CS D9
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 23 #define DC D11
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 24 #define RST D7
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 25
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 26 class SPIPreInit : public SPI
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 27 {
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 28 public:
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 29 SPIPreInit(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName clk) : SPI(mosi,miso,clk) {
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 30 format(8,3);
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 31 frequency(2000000);
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 32 };
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 33 };
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 34
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 35 SPIPreInit mySpi(DI,NC,DO);
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 36 Adafruit_SSD1306_Spi oled(mySpi,DC,RST,CS,64,128);
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 37
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 38
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 39
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 40 int main()
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 41 {
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 42 int x=0;
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 43
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 44
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 45 oled.clearDisplay();
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 46 oled.setTextSize(2);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 47 while(1) {
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 48 x++;
pythonworld 4:573208af69ba 49 oled.printf("X %2.2lf g\r\n",double(*3300-offset_voltage)/sensitivity);
pythonworld 4:573208af69ba 50 oled.printf("Y %2.2lf g\r\n",double(*3300-offset_voltage)/sensitivity);
pythonworld 4:573208af69ba 51 oled.printf("Z %2.2lf g\r\n",double(*3300-offset_voltage)/sensitivity);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 52
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 53 oled.display();
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 54 wait(0.5);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 55
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 56 pc.printf("X %2.3f V\r\n",*3300/1000);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 57 pc.printf("Y %2.3f V\r\n",*3300/1000);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 58 pc.printf("Z %2.3f V\r\n",*3300/1000);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 59
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 60 // myled = !myled;
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 61 if(x>0) {
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 62 oled.setTextCursor(0,0);
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 63 oled.clearDisplay();
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 64 x=0;
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 65 }
pythonworld 3:85bd3daf17ff 66 }
pythonworld 0:e96c4a26bee6 67 }