Dependencies:   RPCInterface mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon May 07 16:14:45 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+***********************           Protodrive            ***********************
+*************           Andrew Botelho & William Price            *************
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "SerialRPCInterface.h"
+#include "RPCVariable.h"
+/*Constants                                                */
+#define MATLAB_INTERFACE //matlab used as an interface
+//#define SERIAL_INTERFACE //Terminal used as an interface. Mainly for debugging
+#define CURRENT_SENSOR_ON //turn on current sensor
+//#define DEBUG
+//#define LIGHTS_CURRENT_CONTROL //power flow light control is determined by the current sensor
+#define LIGHTS_LOAD_CONTROL //power flow light control is determined by the voltage demand placed on the motors
+/**********************Power sources options***************/
+/*Instruction: There are 3 power source options for the DUT
+and two for the load. Uncomment the option that you want to
+use and comment options that you do not want to use. The DUT
+and load should each only have one option uncommented.
+//1. External supply
+//2. Just DUT batt enabled
+//3. DUT batt and cap enabled
+//1. External Supply
+//2. Load batt enabled
+/*Global Variables                                         */
+float v_DUT_batt, v_load_batt, v_cap,  speed, current;
+int big_error,regen;
+int foo = 1;
+//motor direction and load
+float DUT_input = 0; //DUT duty cycle demand variable
+float load_input = 0; //Load duty cycle demand variable
+float DUT_input_direc = 1; //DUT direction variable. Default to forward
+float load_input_direc = 0; //Load direction variable. Default to reverse. This means it will NOT oppose the DUT
+/*Pin Setup                                                */
+//mbed LEDS
+DigitalOut big_error_led(LED1); //error LED
+//Board LEDs
+DigitalOut leftArrow(p29); //setting high turns on green left arrow LEDS
+DigitalOut greenLine(p28); //setting high turns on green centerline LEDS
+DigitalOut orangeLine(p27); //setting high turns on orange centerline LEDS
+DigitalOut rightArrow(p26); //setting high turns on orange right arrow LEDS
+DigitalOut load_batt_green(p25); //setting high will turn on the load batt green LED
+DigitalOut load_batt_orange(p24); //setting high will turn on the load batt orange LED
+DigitalOut DUT_batt_green(p10); //setting high will turn on the DUT batt green LED
+DigitalOut DUT_batt_orange(p11); //setting high will turn on the DUT batt orange LED
+DigitalOut cap_green(p12); //setting high will turn on the cap green LED
+DigitalOut cap_orange(p13); //setting high will turn on the cap orange LED
+AnalogIn current_sense(p15); //current sensor on p15
+DigitalOut place_holder15(p15); //sets p15 as a DigitalOut that will be set low, to reduce noise on analog in pins
+//sets p15 and p18 as a DigitalOut that will be set low, to reduce noise on analog in pins
+DigitalOut place_holder16(p16);
+DigitalOut place_holder18(p18);
+AnalogIn v_load_batt_measure(p17); //Analog in from load battery
+AnalogIn v_DUT_batt_measure(p20); //Analog in from drive battery
+DigitalOut place_holder19(p19); //sets p19 as a DigitalOut that will be set low, to reduce noise on analog in pins
+AnalogIn v_DUT_batt_measure(p20); //Analog in from drive battery
+AnalogIn v_cap_measure(p19); //Analog in from super cap
+DigitalIn kill_switch(p9); //switch to disable running program
+//matlab interface
+//tie program variables to RPC variables used in Matlab
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_DUT_input(&DUT_input, "DUT_input");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_load_input(&load_input, "load_input");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_DUT_input_direc(&DUT_input_direc, "DUT_input_direc");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_load_input_direc(&load_input_direc,"load_input_direc");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_current(&current, "current");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_speed(&speed, "speed");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_v_DUT_batt(&v_DUT_batt, "v_DUT_batt");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_v_load_batt(&v_DUT_batt, "v_load_batt");
+RPCVariable<float> RPC_v_cap(&v_DUT_batt, "v_cap");
+/*Terminals                                                */
+SerialRPCInterface SerialInterface(USBTX, USBRX);//establich RPC serial connection
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); //Establish serial
+/*Other Includes                                           */
+#include "power_sources.h"
+#include "measurement.h"
+#include "motor_control.h"
+/*Subroutines                                              */
+//LED control
+void all_LEDS_flash() { //a demo program that just switches LEDs between green and orange
+    if (foo == 0) {
+        leftArrow = 0;
+        greenLine = 0;
+        orangeLine = 1;
+        rightArrow = 1;
+        load_batt_green = 0;
+        load_batt_orange = 1;
+        DUT_batt_green = 0;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 1;
+        cap_green = 0;
+        cap_orange = 1;
+        foo = 1;
+    } else {
+        leftArrow = 1;
+        greenLine = 1;
+        orangeLine = 0;
+        rightArrow = 0;
+        load_batt_green = 1;
+        load_batt_orange = 0;
+        DUT_batt_green = 1;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 0;
+        cap_green = 1;
+        cap_orange = 0;
+        foo = 0;
+    }
+//turn all LEDs off
+void all_LEDS_off() {
+    load_batt_green = 1;
+    load_batt_orange = 1;
+    leftArrow = 1;
+    greenLine = 1;
+    orangeLine = 1;
+    rightArrow = 1;
+    DUT_batt_green = 1;
+    DUT_batt_orange = 1;
+    cap_green = 1;
+    cap_orange = 1;
+//turns on the green LEDs indicating regen
+void regen_LEDS() {
+    load_batt_green = 1;
+    load_batt_orange = 0;
+    leftArrow = 0;
+    greenLine = 0;
+    orangeLine = 1;
+    rightArrow = 1;
+    if (!relay) {
+        DUT_batt_green = 0;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 1;
+        cap_green = 1;
+        cap_orange = 1;
+    } else {
+        DUT_batt_green = 1;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 1;
+        cap_green = 0;
+        cap_orange = 1;
+    }
+//turns on the orange LEDs indicating drive mode (power flowing out of the vehicle)
+void drive_LEDS() {
+    load_batt_green = 0;
+    load_batt_orange = 1;
+    leftArrow = 1;
+    greenLine = 1;
+    orangeLine = 0;
+    rightArrow = 0;
+    if (!relay) {
+        DUT_batt_green = 1;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 0;
+        cap_green = 1;
+        cap_orange = 1;
+    } else {
+        DUT_batt_green = 1;
+        DUT_batt_orange = 1;
+        cap_green = 1;
+        cap_orange = 0;
+    }
+/*Main program setup                                       */
+int main() {
+    Timer timer; //create a timer for the main loop
+    init_pwm(); //initialize PWM
+    /***********************************************************/
+    /*Main Loop                                                */
+    /***********************************************************/
+    while (1) {
+        while (kill_switch ==0) {//run demo while waiting for kill switch to be turned on
+            all_LEDS_flash(); //switch LEDs between green and orange
+            wait(.5); //wait 0.5s
+        }
+        // System initializations
+        DUT_direction.write(1); //set forward
+        load_direction.write(0); //set reverse. This ensures both motors will apply a torque on the coupler in the same direction
+        //initialize system variables to 0
+        speed = 0;
+        current = 0;
+        big_error = 0;
+        big_error_led = 0;
+        relay = 0; //turn on battery by default
+        //main loop timer variables
+        int slow_timer = 0;
+        int fast_timer = 0;
+        timer.start(); //start loop timer
+        all_LEDS_off(); //turn off LEDs
+        wait(.5); //wait 0.5s before starting
+#ifdef DEBUG //debugging code
+        DUT_input = 0.75;
+        load_input = 0.25;
+        place_holder19 = 0; //set DigitalOut pin low to reduce noise on adjacent AnalogIn pins
+        //set unused Analog pins to ground
+        place_holder15 = 0; //set DigitalOut pin low to reduce noise on adjacent AnalogIn pins
+        place_holder16 = 0; //set DigitalOut pin low to reduce noise on adjacent AnalogIn pins
+        place_holder18 = 0; //set DigitalOut pin low to reduce noise on adjacent AnalogIn pins
+        while (kill_switch == 1 && big_error == 0) {//while the kill switch is on and there are no errors
+            // --- SLOW LOOP (1) Hz ---
+            if (timer.read_ms() - slow_timer >= 1000) {
+                slow_timer = timer.read_ms(); //read timer value in miliseconds
+                big_error = checkBattVoltages(); //check batt voltages to ensure they are in the correct voltage range
+                if (big_error == 1) {
+                    big_error_led = 1;
+                }
+                //measure voltages
+                v_load_batt = get_voltage(v_load_batt_measure); //measure load batt voltage
+                pc.printf("Analog In (p17): %f ", v_load_batt); //print load voltage to terminal
+                v_DUT_batt =get_voltage(v_DUT_batt_measure); //measure DUT batt voltage
+                pc.printf("Analog In (p20): %f ", v_DUT_batt); //print load voltage to terminal
+                v_cap = get_voltage(v_cap_measure); //measure cap voltage
+                v_DUT_batt =get_voltage(v_DUT_batt_measure); //measure DUT batt voltage
+                pc.printf("Analog In (p19): %f Analog In (p20): %f Speed: %f Current: %f\r\n", v_cap, v_DUT_batt, speed, current); //print cap voltage, DUT batt voltage, speed, current to terminal
+            }
+            // --- FAST LOOP (100 Hz) ---
+            if (timer.read_ms() - fast_timer >= 10) {
+                fast_timer = timer.read_ms(); //read time in ms
+                set_duty(DUT_input,load_input); //set the duty cycle
+                get_speed(); //update motor speed
+                get_current(); //update current
+#ifdef LIGHTS_LOAD_CONTROL //controls the board LEDs based on the value of the DUT and Load motor duty cycle
+                //turn on green LEDs if in regen mode, and orange LEDs if in drive mode.
+                if (DUT_input >= load_input && (DUT_input != 0 || load_input != 0)) {//check if not in regen mode
+                    regen = 0; //set regen flag low
+                    drive_LEDS(); //turn on orange LEDs
+                } else if (DUT_input < load_input && (DUT_input != 0 || load_input != 0)) {//check if in regen mode
+                    regen = 1; //set regen flag high
+                    regen_LEDS(); //turn on green LEDs
+                } else {// DUT is niether flowing into or out of DUT
+                    regen = 0; //set regen flag low
+                    all_LEDS_off();// LEDs off
+                }
+#ifdef LIGHTS_CURRENT_CONTROL  //controls the board LEDs based on the value of the DUT and Load motor currents
+                //turn on green LEDs if in regen mode, and orange LEDs if in drive mode.
+                if (current > 0) {
+                    regen = 0; //set regen flag low
+                    drive_LEDS(); //turn on orange LEDs
+                } else if (current < 0) {
+                    regen = 1; //set regen flag high
+                    regen_LEDS(); //turn on green LEDs
+                } else {
+                    regen = 0; //set regen flag low
+                    all_LEDS_off(); // LEDs off
+                }
+                superCapControl();
+            }
+            // reset timer if 1000 seconds have elapsed
+            if ( >= 1000) {
+                timer.reset();
+                slow_timer = 0;
+                fast_timer = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        //turn off motors
+        load_motor =0;
+        DUT_motor = 0;
+        timer.stop();
+        timer.reset();
+    }