Fork from Dynamixel AX12 Servo for MX64 use and not-finishi now

Dependents:   2014-Mx64 2014-mx64-test

Fork of AX12 by Chris Styles

This Library was Fork From Chris Styles's AX12 Library .

Dynamixel MX64 Servo

MX64 is like a new generation Dynamixel Servo Use TTL 2.0 bus, Half-duplex Serial just like a pro-version AX12 300


The MX-64T Dynamixel Robot Servo Actuator is the newest generation of Robotis Dynamixel actuator; equipped with an onboard 32bit 72mhz Cortex M3, a contact-less magnetic encoder with 4x the resolution over the AX/RX series, and up to 3mpbs using the new TTL 2.0 bus. Each servo has the ability to track its speed, temperature, shaft position, voltage, and load.


In cace AX12 you can use This Library

Import libraryAX12

new ax12 lib

You need this Dependence Library SerialHalfDuplex library too

Import librarySerialHalfDuplex

Serial Half Duplex implementation

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Tue May 27 06:42:41 2014 +0000
Commit message:
fix example program

Changed in this revision

MX64.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/MX64.h	Tue May 27 06:24:32 2014 +0000
+++ b/MX64.h	Tue May 27 06:42:41 2014 +0000
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
  *   while (1) {
  *       mymx64.SetGoal(0);    // go to 0 degrees
  *       wait (2.0);
- *       mymx64.SetGoal(300);  // go to 300 degrees
+ *       mymx64.SetGoal(360);  // go to 300 degrees
  *       wait (2.0);
  *   }
  * }