
Dependencies:   DS3231 RHT03 TextLCD mbed

Fork of HomeStatus by Jennares Yutthaseree

diff -r ae97d85a47dd -r dad081eaee81 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sat May 23 04:58:25 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue May 26 15:46:01 2015 +0000
@@ -7,6 +7,40 @@
 DS3231 rtc(D14,D15);
 RHT03 rht(D13);
 DigitalOut p1(D3),p2(D4),p3(D5),p4(D6),p5(D7),p6(D9),p7(D10),p8(D11);
+Serial esp(D8, D2); // tx, rx
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+int bufflen, DataRX, count, getcount, replycount, servreq, timeout;
+int bufl, ipdLen, linkID, weberror, webcounter;
+float Temp,Hum;
+int dw,d,M,y,h,m,s;
+char webcount[8];
+char lasthit[30];
+char timebuf[30];
+char type[16];
+char type1[16];
+char channel[2];
+char cmdbuff[32];
+char replybuff[512];
+char webdata[1024]; // This may need to be bigger depending on WEB browser used
+char webbuff[4096];     // Currently using 1986 characters, Increase this if more web page data added
+Timer t1;
+Timer t2;
+void sendpage();
+void ReadWebData();
+void SendCMD(),getreply(),ReadWebData(),startserver(),sendpage(),SendWEB(),sendcheck();
+// Serial Interrupt read ESP data
+void callback() {    
+    while (esp.readable()) {webbuff[count] = esp.getc();count++;}
+    if(strlen(webbuff)>bufflen){DataRX=1;}  
 int main()
@@ -15,8 +49,6 @@
-    float Temp,Hum;
-    int dw,d,M,y,h,m,s;
@@ -50,9 +82,203 @@
         lcd.printf("Port7:%3s Port8:%3s",(p7==1)?"On":"Off",(p8==1)?"On":"Off");
+        if(DataRX==1){
+            ReadWebData();
+            if (servreq == 1 && weberror == 0){sendpage();}
+            esp.attach(&callback);     
+            pc.printf(" IPD Data:\r\n\n Link ID = %d,\r\n IPD Header Length = %d \r\n IPD Type = %s\r\n", linkID, ipdLen, type);        
+            pc.printf("\n\n  HTTP Packet: \n\n%s\n", webdata); 
+            pc.printf("  Web Characters sent : %d\n\n", bufl);
+            pc.printf("  -------------------------------------\n\n");
+            strcpy(lasthit, timebuf);
+            servreq=0;               
+        } 
     return 0;
+void sendpage()
+    char t1[1000];
+// WEB page data     
+    strcpy(webbuff, "<!DOCTYPE html>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<html><head><title>Home Status</title></head>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<body>");    
+    strcat(webbuff, "<p>");   
+    sprintf(t1,"%02d/%02d/%4d %02d:%02d:%02d",d,M,y,h,m,s);
+    strcat(webbuff,t1);
+    strcat(webbuff, "<p>");    
+    strcat(webbuff,"<p>Temperature : ");
+    sprintf(t1,"%.1f",Temp);
+    strcat(webbuff,t1);
+    strcat(webbuff, " C<p>");    
+    strcat(webbuff,"<p>Humidity : ");
+    sprintf(t1,"%.1f",Hum);
+    strcat(webbuff,t1);
+    strcat(webbuff, " %<p>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<table>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 1 :</td><td>");
+    if(p1==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light1:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light1:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }
+    strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p2==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light2:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light2:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }
+    strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p3==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light3:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light3:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p4==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light4:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light4:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p5==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light5:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light5:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p6==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light6:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light6:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p7==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light7:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light7:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }strcat(webbuff, "<tr>");
+    strcat(webbuff, "<td>Light 2 :</td><td>");
+    if(p8==1)
+    {
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light8:OFF\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"ON\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }else{
+        strcat(webbuff, "<form action=\"Light8:ON\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"OFF\" /></form></td></tr>");
+    }
+    strcat(webbuff, "</table></p></body></html>");  
+// end of WEB page data       
+    bufl = strlen(webbuff); // get total page buffer length            
+    sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d\r\n", linkID, bufl); // send IPD link channel and buffer character length.
+    timeout=200;getcount=7;
+    SendCMD();
+    getreply();                                                               
+    SendWEB();  // send web page
+    memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff));
+    sendcheck();              
+void ReadWebData()
+ {
+    wait_ms(200);        
+    esp.attach(NULL);
+    count=0;DataRX=0;weberror=0;
+    memset(webdata, '\0', sizeof(webdata));    
+    int x = strcspn (webbuff,"+");
+    if(x){
+        strcpy(webdata, webbuff + x);weberror=0;                                   
+        int numMatched = sscanf(webdata,"+IPD,%d,%d:%s", &linkID, &ipdLen, type); 
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light1:OFF") != NULL ) {p1=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light1:ON") != NULL ) {p1=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light2:OFF") != NULL ) {p2=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light2:ON") != NULL ) {p2=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light3:OFF") != NULL ) {p3=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light3:ON") != NULL ) {p3=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light4:OFF") != NULL ) {p4=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light4:ON") != NULL ) {p4=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light5:OFF") != NULL ) {p5=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light5:ON") != NULL ) {p5=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light6:OFF") != NULL ) {p6=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light6:ON") != NULL ) {p6=1;}   
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light7:OFF") != NULL ) {p7=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light7:ON") != NULL ) {p7=1;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light8:OFF") != NULL ) {p8=0;}
+        if( strstr(webdata, "Light8:ON") != NULL ) {p8=1;}
+        sprintf(channel, "%d",linkID);        
+        if (strstr(webdata, "GET") != NULL) {servreq=1;}
+        if (strstr(webdata, "POST") != NULL) {servreq=1;}
+        webcounter++;
+        sprintf(webcount, "%d",webcounter);
+        }
+            else {
+                memset(webbuff, '\0', sizeof(webbuff));
+                esp.attach(&callback);weberror=1;
+                }         
+// ESP Command data send
+void SendCMD()
+    esp.printf("%s", cmdbuff);      
+// Get Cammand and ESP status replies
+void getreply()
+    memset(replybuff, '\0', sizeof(replybuff));
+    t1.reset(); t1.start();replycount=0;
+    while(t1.read_ms()< timeout && replycount < getcount) {
+        if(esp.readable()) {
+            replybuff[replycount] = esp.getc();replycount++;
+            }
+        }
+    t1.stop();      
+// Large WEB buffer data send
+void SendWEB()
+    int i=0;
+    if(esp.writeable()) {
+        while(webbuff[i]!='\0') {esp.putc(webbuff[i]);i++;}
+        }     
+//  wait for ESP "SEND OK" reply, then close IP to load web page
+void sendcheck()
+     weberror=1;timeout=500;getcount=24;
+    t2.reset();t2.start();
+    while(weberror==1 && <5){        
+        getreply();
+        if (strstr(replybuff, "SEND OK") != NULL) {weberror=0;}  // wait for valid SEND OK 
+        }
+    if(weberror==1){ // restart connection
+        strcpy(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n"); 
+        timeout=500;getcount=10;
+        SendCMD();getreply(); 
+        sprintf(cmdbuff,"AT+CIPSERVER=1,%d\r\n", 80);
+        timeout=500;getcount=10;
+        SendCMD();getreply();
+        }
+        else{
+            sprintf(cmdbuff, "AT+CIPCLOSE=%s\r\n",channel); // close current connection
+            SendCMD();}       
+    t2.reset();      
\ No newline at end of file