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Wed May 11 09:44:25 2022 +0200
Commit message:
Delete StateMachine

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StateMachine.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
StateMachine.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/StateMachine.cpp	Wed May 11 09:42:50 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
- * StateMachine.cpp
- * Copyright (c) 2022, ZHAW
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#include <cmath>
-#include "StateMachine.h"
-using namespace std;
-const float StateMachine::PERIOD = 0.01f;                   // period of task, given in [s]
-const float StateMachine::DISTANCE_THRESHOLD = 0.4f;        // minimum allowed distance to obstacle in [m]
-const float StateMachine::TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY = 1.0f;    // translational velocity in [m/s]
-const float StateMachine::ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY = 1.0f;       // rotational velocity in [rad/s]
-const float StateMachine::VELOCITY_THRESHOLD = 0.01;        // velocity threshold before switching off, in [m/s] and [rad/s]
- * Creates and initializes a state machine object.
- */
-StateMachine::StateMachine(Controller& controller, DigitalOut& enableMotorDriver, DigitalOut& led0, DigitalOut& led1, DigitalOut& led2, DigitalOut& led3, DigitalOut& led4, DigitalOut& led5, DigitalIn& button, IRSensor& irSensor0, IRSensor& irSensor1, IRSensor& irSensor2, IRSensor& irSensor3, IRSensor& irSensor4, IRSensor& irSensor5) : controller(controller), enableMotorDriver(enableMotorDriver), led0(led0), led1(led1), led2(led2), led3(led3), led4(led4), led5(led5), button(button), irSensor0(irSensor0), irSensor1(irSensor1), irSensor2(irSensor2), irSensor3(irSensor3), irSensor4(irSensor4), irSensor5(irSensor5), thread(osPriorityAboveNormal, STACK_SIZE) {
-    enableMotorDriver = 0;
-    state = ROBOT_OFF;
-    buttonNow = button;
-    buttonBefore = buttonNow;
-    // start thread and timer interrupt
-    thread.start(callback(this, &StateMachine::run));
-    ticker.attach(callback(this, &StateMachine::sendThreadFlag), std::chrono::microseconds{static_cast<long int>(1.0e6f * PERIOD)});
- * Deletes the state machine object and releases all allocated resources.
- */
-StateMachine::~StateMachine() {
-    ticker.detach();
- * Gets the actual state of this state machine.
- * @return the actual state as an int constant.
- */
-int StateMachine::getState() {
-    return state;
- * This method is called by the ticker timer interrupt service routine.
- * It sends a flag to the thread to make it run again.
- */
-void StateMachine::sendThreadFlag() {
-    thread.flags_set(threadFlag);
- * This is an internal method of the state machine that is running periodically.
- */
-void StateMachine::run() {
-    int buttonPress;
-    while (true) {
-        // wait for the periodic thread flag
-        ThisThread::flags_wait_any(threadFlag);
-        // set the leds based on distance measurements
-        led0 = irSensor0 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        led1 = irSensor1 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        led2 = irSensor2 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        led3 = irSensor3 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        led4 = irSensor4 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        led5 = irSensor5 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;
-        // read the button
-        buttonNow = button;
-        buttonPress = buttonNow > buttonBefore;
-        buttonBefore = buttonNow;
-        // implementation of the state machine
-        switch (state) {
-            case ROBOT_OFF:
-                if (buttonPress) {   // detect button rising edge
-                    enableMotorDriver = 1;
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0.0f);
-                    state = MOVE_FORWARD;
-                }
-                break;
-            case MOVE_FORWARD:
-                if (buttonPress) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0);
-                    state = SLOWING_DOWN;
-                    break;
-                }
-                if (irSensor2 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && irSensor2 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(-TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY/2);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(-ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    state = TURN_RIGHT;
-                    break;
-                } else if (irSensor4 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD && irSensor4 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(-TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY/2);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    state = TURN_LEFT;
-                    break;
-                } else if (irSensor3 < DISTANCE_THRESHOLD/2) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(-TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(-ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    state = TURN_RIGHT;
-                    break;
-                }
-                break;
-            case TURN_LEFT:
-                if (buttonPress) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0);
-                    state = SLOWING_DOWN;
-                    break;
-                }
-                if ( (irSensor2 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor3 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor4 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) ) {
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0);
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    state = MOVE_FORWARD;
-                    break;
-                }
-                break;
-            case TURN_RIGHT:  
-                if (buttonPress) {
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(0);
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0);
-                    state = SLOWING_DOWN;
-                    break;
-                }   
-                if ( (irSensor2 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor3 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) && (irSensor4 > DISTANCE_THRESHOLD) ) {
-                    controller.setRotationalVelocity(0);
-                    controller.setTranslationalVelocity(TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY);
-                    state = MOVE_FORWARD;
-                    break;
-                }
-                break;
-            case SLOWING_DOWN:
-                if (abs(controller.getActualTranslationalVelocity()) < VELOCITY_THRESHOLD 
-                    && abs(controller.getActualRotationalVelocity()) > VELOCITY_THRESHOLD) {
-                    state = ROBOT_OFF;
-                    enableMotorDriver = 0;
-                    state = ROBOT_OFF;
-                }
-                break;
-            default:
-                state = ROBOT_OFF;
-        }
-    }
--- a/StateMachine.h	Wed May 11 09:42:50 2022 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- * StateMachine.h
- * Copyright (c) 2022, ZHAW
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <mbed.h>
-#include "Controller.h"
-#include "IRSensor.h"
- * This class implements a simple state machine for a mobile robot.
- * It allows to move the robot forward, and to turn left or right,
- * depending on distance measurements, to avoid collisions with
- * obstacles.
- */
-class StateMachine {
-    public:
-        static const int    ROBOT_OFF = 0;      // discrete states of this state machine
-        static const int    MOVE_FORWARD = 1;
-        static const int    TURN_LEFT = 2;
-        static const int    TURN_RIGHT = 3;
-        static const int    SLOWING_DOWN = 4;
-                    StateMachine(Controller& controller, DigitalOut& enableMotorDriver, DigitalOut& led0, DigitalOut& led1, DigitalOut& led2, DigitalOut& led3, DigitalOut& led4, DigitalOut& led5, DigitalIn& button, IRSensor& irSensor0, IRSensor& irSensor1, IRSensor& irSensor2, IRSensor& irSensor3, IRSensor& irSensor4, IRSensor& irSensor5);
-        virtual     ~StateMachine();
-        int         getState();
-    private:
-        static const unsigned int   STACK_SIZE = 4096;  // stack size of thread, given in [bytes]
-        static const float          PERIOD;             // period of task, given in [s]
-        static const float  DISTANCE_THRESHOLD;         // minimum allowed distance to obstacle in [m]
-        static const float  TRANSLATIONAL_VELOCITY;     // translational velocity in [m/s]
-        static const float  ROTATIONAL_VELOCITY;        // rotational velocity in [rad/s]
-        static const float  VELOCITY_THRESHOLD;         // velocity threshold before switching off, in [m/s] and [rad/s]
-        Controller&     controller;
-        DigitalOut&     enableMotorDriver;
-        DigitalOut&     led0;
-        DigitalOut&     led1;
-        DigitalOut&     led2;
-        DigitalOut&     led3;
-        DigitalOut&     led4;
-        DigitalOut&     led5;
-        DigitalIn&      button;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor0;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor1;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor2;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor3;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor4;
-        IRSensor&       irSensor5;
-        int             state;
-        int             buttonNow;
-        int             buttonBefore;
-        ThreadFlag      threadFlag;
-        Thread          thread;
-        Ticker          ticker;
-        void    sendThreadFlag();
-        void    run();
-#endif /* STATE_MACHINE_H_ */