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Mbed library for SHTC3 humidity & temperature sensor

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Framework Badge mbed

Mbed library for SHTC3 humidity & temperature sensor


#include "mbed.h"
#include "SHTC3.h"

SHTC3 sht(PB_9, PB_8);

int main() {
    if (!sht.init()) {
        printf("Init failed\n");
        return 0;

    while (1) {
        uint16_t raw_temp, raw_humidity;

        if (, &raw_humidity)) {
            printf("Temperature: %f*C (%u), humidity: %f%% (%u)\n", sht.toCelsius(raw_temp), raw_temp,
                   sht.toPercentage(raw_humidity), raw_humidity);

        } else {
            printf("Read failed\n");


If you don’t see float numbers in the console output, you need to turn on the support of float for printf
json { "target_overrides": { "*": { "platform.minimal-printf-enable-floating-point": true, "platform.minimal-printf-set-floating-point-max-decimals": 6 } } }

Example passing I2C object

#include "mbed.h"
#include "SHTC3.h"

I2C i2c(PB_9, PB_8);
SHTC3 sht;

int main() {
    if (!sht.init(&i2c)) {
        printf("Init failed\n");
        return 0;

    while (1) {
        uint16_t raw_temp, raw_humidity;

        if (, &raw_humidity)) {
            printf("Temperature: %f*C (%u), humidity: %f%% (%u)\n", sht.toCelsius(raw_temp), raw_temp,
                   sht.toPercentage(raw_humidity), raw_humidity);

        } else {
            printf("Read failed\n");
