test export

Dependencies:   DmTftLibrary mbed

Fork of dm_touch by Display Module

--- a/main.cpp	Tue May 20 15:44:16 2014 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 04 10:38:42 2014 +0000
@@ -27,26 +27,31 @@
  * Typedefs and defines
+/* Note that there are restrictions on which platforms that can use printf
+   in combinations with the DmTftLibrary. Some platforms (e.g. LPC1549 LPCXpresso)
+   use the same pins for USBRX/USBTX and display control. Printing will
+   cause the display to not work. Read more about this on the display's notebook
+   page. */
 //#define log(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
 #define log(...)
-#if 0 /* Displays without adapter */
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   D11
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D12
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   D13
-#define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D4
-#define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     D10
-#define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D8
-#define DM_PIN_CS_FLASH   D6
-#else /* Displays with adapter */
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   A0
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D9
-#define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   A1
-#define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D8
-#define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     A3
-#define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D10
+#if 1
+  /* Displays without adapter */
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   D11
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D12
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   D13
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D4
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     D10
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D8
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_FLASH   D6
+  /* Displays with adapter */
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_MOSI   A0
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_MISO   D9
+  #define DM_PIN_SPI_SCLK   A1
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH   D8
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_TFT     A3
+  #define DM_PIN_CS_SDCARD  D10
@@ -55,15 +60,16 @@
 //DmTftHX8353C tft;  /* DM_TFT18_101 */
 //DmTftS6D0164 tft;  /* DM_TFT22_102 */
-DmTftIli9325 tft;  /* DM_TFT28_103 and DM_TFT24_104 */
+//DmTftIli9325 tft;  /* DM_TFT28_103 and DM_TFT24_104 */
 //DmTftIli9341 tft;  /* DM_TFT28_105 */
-//DmTftSsd2119 tft;   /* DM_TFT35_107 */
+DmTftSsd2119 tft;   /* DM_TFT35_107 */
-DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT28_103, false); /* For LPC4088 QuickStart Board */
+//DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT28_103, DmTouch::Software); /* For LPC4088 QuickStart Board */
 //DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT28_103);
-//DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT24_104, false); /* For LPC4088 QuickStart Board */
+//DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT24_104, DmTouch::Software); /* For LPC4088 QuickStart Board */
+//DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT24_104);
 //DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT28_105);
-//DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT35_107);
+DmTouch touch(DmTouch::DM_TFT35_107);
 DigitalInOut csTouch(DM_PIN_CS_TOUCH, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);
 DigitalInOut csDisplay(DM_PIN_CS_TFT, PIN_OUTPUT, PullUp, 1);