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RF24Network Class Reference

RF24Network Class Reference

2014-2015 - Optimized Network Layer for RF24 Radios More...

#include <RF24Network.h>

Public Member Functions

Primary Interface

These are the main methods you need to operate the network

 RF24Network (RF24 &_radio)
 Construct the network.
void begin (uint16_t _node_address)
 Bring up the network using the current radio frequency/channel.
uint8_t update (void)
 Main layer loop.
bool available (void)
 Test whether there is a message available for this node.
uint16_t peek (RF24NetworkHeader &header)
 Read the next available header.
uint16_t read (RF24NetworkHeader &header, void *message, uint16_t maxlen)
 Read a message.
bool write (RF24NetworkHeader &header, const void *message, uint16_t len)
 Send a message.
Advanced Operation

For advanced operation of the network

void failures (uint32_t *_fails, uint32_t *_ok)
 Return the number of failures and successes for all transmitted payloads, routed or sent directly.
bool multicast (RF24NetworkHeader &header, const void *message, uint16_t len, uint8_t level)
 Send a multicast message to multiple nodes at once Allows messages to be rapidly broadcast through the network.
bool write (RF24NetworkHeader &header, const void *message, uint16_t len, uint16_t writeDirect)
 Writes a direct (unicast) payload.
bool sleepNode (unsigned int cycles, int interruptPin)
 Sleep this node - For AVR devices only.
uint16_t parent () const
 This node's parent address.
uint16_t addressOfPipe (uint16_t node, uint8_t pipeNo)
 Provided a node address and a pipe number, will return the RF24Network address of that child pipe for that node.
bool is_valid_address (uint16_t node)

Maintained for backwards compatibility

void begin (uint8_t _channel, uint16_t _node_address)
 Bring up the network on a specific radio frequency/channel.

External Applications/Systems

Interface for External Applications and Systems ( RF24Mesh, RF24Ethernet )

uint8_t frame_buffer [MAX_FRAME_SIZE]
 The raw system frame buffer of received data.
Data with a header type of EXTERNAL_DATA_TYPE will be loaded into a separate queue.
bool returnSysMsgs
 Variable to determine whether update() will return after the radio buffers have been emptied (DEFAULT), or whether to return immediately when (most) system types are received.
uint8_t networkFlags
 Network Flags allow control of data flow.

Advanced Configuration

For advanced configuration of the network

bool multicastRelay
 Enabling this will allow this node to automatically forward received multicast frames to the next highest multicast level.
uint32_t txTimeout
 Network timeout value.
uint16_t routeTimeout
 This only affects payloads that are routed by one or more nodes.
 RF24Network (RF24 &_radio, RF24 &_radio1)
 Construct the network in dual head mode using two radio modules.
void multicastLevel (uint8_t level)
 By default, multicast addresses are divided into levels.
void setup_watchdog (uint8_t prescalar)
 Set up the watchdog timer for sleep mode using the number 0 through 10 to represent the following time periods:
wdt_16ms = 0, wdt_32ms, wdt_64ms, wdt_128ms, wdt_250ms, wdt_500ms, wdt_1s, wdt_2s, wdt_4s, wdt_8s.

Detailed Description

2014-2015 - Optimized Network Layer for RF24 Radios

This class implements an OSI Network Layer using nRF24L01(+) radios driven by RF24 library.

Definition at line 324 of file RF24Network.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RF24Network ( RF24 &  _radio )

Construct the network.

_radioThe underlying radio driver instance

Definition at line 36 of file RF24Network.cpp.

RF24Network ( RF24 &  _radio,
RF24 &  _radio1 

Construct the network in dual head mode using two radio modules.

Not working on RPi. Radios will share MISO, MOSI and SCK pins, but require separate CE,CS pins.
    RF24 radio(7,8);
    RF24 radio1(4,5);
_radioThe underlying radio driver instance
_radio1The second underlying radio driver instance

Definition at line 44 of file RF24Network.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

uint16_t addressOfPipe ( uint16_t  node,
uint8_t  pipeNo 

Provided a node address and a pipe number, will return the RF24Network address of that child pipe for that node.

Definition at line 910 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool available ( void   )

Test whether there is a message available for this node.

Whether there is a message available for this node

Definition at line 395 of file RF24Network.cpp.

void begin ( uint8_t  _channel,
uint16_t  _node_address 

Bring up the network on a specific radio frequency/channel.

Use radio.setChannel() to configure the radio channel

**Example 1:** Begin on channel 90 with address 0 (master node)


**Example 2:** Begin on channel 90 with address 01 (child of master)


**Example 3:** Begin on channel 90 with address 011 (child of 01, grandchild of master)

_channelThe RF channel to operate on
_node_addressThe logical address of this node

Definition at line 54 of file RF24Network.cpp.

void begin ( uint16_t  _node_address )

Bring up the network using the current radio frequency/channel.

Calling begin brings up the network, and configures the address, which designates the location of the node within RF24Network topology.

Node addresses are specified in Octal format, see RF24Network Addressing for more information.
Be sure to 'begin' the radio first.

**Example 1:** Begin on current radio channel with address 0 (master node)


**Example 2:** Begin with address 01 (child of master)


**Example 3:** Begin with address 011 (child of 01, grandchild of master)

See also:
begin(uint8_t _channel, uint16_t _node_address )
_node_addressThe logical address of this node

Definition at line 369 of file RF24Network.h.

void failures ( uint32_t *  _fails,
uint32_t *  _ok 

Return the number of failures and successes for all transmitted payloads, routed or sent directly.

This needs to be enabled via define ENABLE_NETWORK_STATS in RF24Network_config.h
 bool fails, success;

Definition at line 105 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool is_valid_address ( uint16_t  node )
Addresses are specified in octal: 011, 034
True if a supplied address is valid

Definition at line 953 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool multicast ( RF24NetworkHeader header,
const void *  message,
uint16_t  len,
uint8_t  level 

Send a multicast message to multiple nodes at once Allows messages to be rapidly broadcast through the network.

Multicasting is arranged in levels, with all nodes on the same level listening to the same address Levels are assigned by network level ie: nodes 01-05: Level 1, nodes 011-055: Level 2

See also:
messagePointer to memory where the message is located
lenThe size of the message
levelMulticast level to broadcast to
Whether the message was successfully sent

Definition at line 464 of file RF24Network.cpp.

void multicastLevel ( uint8_t  level )

By default, multicast addresses are divided into levels.

Nodes 1-5 share a multicast address, nodes n1-n5 share a multicast address, and nodes n11-n55 share a multicast address.

This option is used to override the defaults, and create custom multicast groups that all share a single address.
The level should be specified in decimal format 1-6

See also:
levelLevels 1 to 6 are available. All nodes at the same level will receive the same messages if in range. Messages will be routed in order of level, low to high by default, with the master node (00) at multicast Level 0

Definition at line 977 of file RF24Network.cpp.

uint16_t parent (  ) const

This node's parent address.

This node's parent address, or -1 if this is the base

Definition at line 404 of file RF24Network.cpp.

uint16_t peek ( RF24NetworkHeader header )

Read the next available header.

Reads the next available header without advancing to the next incoming message. Useful for doing a switch on the message type

If there is no message available, the header is not touched

[out]headerThe header (envelope) of the next message

Definition at line 418 of file RF24Network.cpp.

uint16_t read ( RF24NetworkHeader header,
void *  message,
uint16_t  maxlen 

Read a message.

 while ( network.available() )  {
   RF24NetworkHeader header;
   uint32_t time;
   if(header.type == 'T'){
     Serial.print("Got time: ");
[out]headerThe header (envelope) of this message
[out]messagePointer to memory where the message should be placed
maxlenThe largest message size which can be held in message
The total number of bytes copied into message

Definition at line 431 of file RF24Network.cpp.

void setup_watchdog ( uint8_t  prescalar )

Set up the watchdog timer for sleep mode using the number 0 through 10 to represent the following time periods:
wdt_16ms = 0, wdt_32ms, wdt_64ms, wdt_128ms, wdt_250ms, wdt_500ms, wdt_1s, wdt_2s, wdt_4s, wdt_8s.

    setup_watchdog(7);   // Sets the WDT to trigger every second
prescalarThe WDT prescaler to define how often the node will wake up. When defining sleep mode cycles, this time period is 1 cycle.

Definition at line 1077 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool sleepNode ( unsigned int  cycles,
int  interruptPin 

Sleep this node - For AVR devices only.

NEW - Nodes can now be slept while the radio is not actively transmitting. This must be manually enabled by uncommenting the define ENABLE_SLEEP_MODE in RF24Network_config.h
Setting the interruptPin to 255 will disable interrupt wake-ups
The watchdog timer should be configured in setup() if using sleep mode. This function will sleep the node, with the radio still active in receive mode.

The node can be awoken in two ways, both of which can be enabled simultaneously: 1. An interrupt - usually triggered by the radio receiving a payload. Must use pin 2 (interrupt 0) or 3 (interrupt 1) on Uno, Nano, etc. 2. The watchdog timer waking the MCU after a designated period of time, can also be used instead of delays to control transmission intervals.

 if(!network.available()){ network.sleepNode(1,0); }  //Sleeps the node for 1 second or a payload is received

 Other options:
 network.sleepNode(0,0);         // Sleep this node for the designated time period, or a payload is received.
 network.sleepNode(1,255);       // Sleep this node for 1 cycle. Do not wake up until then, even if a payload is received ( no interrupt )
See also:
cycles,:The node will sleep in cycles of 1s. Using 2 will sleep 2 WDT cycles, 3 sleeps 3WDT cycles...
interruptPin,:The interrupt number to use (0,1) for pins two and three on Uno,Nano. More available on Mega etc.
True if sleepNode completed normally, after the specified number of cycles. False if sleep was interrupted

Definition at line 1052 of file RF24Network.cpp.

uint8_t update ( void   )

Main layer loop.

This function must be called regularly to keep the layer going. This is where payloads are re-routed, received, and all the action happens.

See also:
Returns the type of the last received payload.

Definition at line 114 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool write ( RF24NetworkHeader header,
const void *  message,
uint16_t  len,
uint16_t  writeDirect 

Writes a direct (unicast) payload.

This allows routing or sending messages outside of the usual routing paths. The same as write, but a physical address is specified as the last option. The payload will be written to the physical address, and routed as necessary by the recipient

Definition at line 479 of file RF24Network.cpp.

bool write ( RF24NetworkHeader header,
const void *  message,
uint16_t  len 

Send a message.

RF24Network now supports fragmentation for very long messages, send as normal. Fragmentation may need to be enabled or configured by editing the RF24Network_config.h file. Default max payload size is 120 bytes.
 uint32_t time = millis();
 uint16_t to = 00; // Send to master
 RF24NetworkHeader header(to, 'T'); // Send header type 'T'
[in,out]headerThe header (envelope) of this message. The critical thing to fill in is the to_node field so we know where to send the message. It is then updated with the details of the actual header sent.
messagePointer to memory where the message is located
lenThe size of the message
Whether the message was successfully received

Definition at line 474 of file RF24Network.cpp.

Field Documentation

Data with a header type of EXTERNAL_DATA_TYPE will be loaded into a separate queue.

The data can be accessed as follows:

 RF24NetworkFrame f;
 while(network.external_queue.size() > 0){
   f = network.external_queue.front();
   uint16_t dataSize = f.message_size;
   //read the frame message buffer

The frag_ptr is only used with Arduino (not RPi/Linux) and is mainly used for external data systems like RF24Ethernet. When an EXTERNAL_DATA payload type is received, and returned from network.update(), the frag_ptr will always point to the starting memory location of the received frame.
This is used by external data systems (RF24Ethernet) to immediately copy the received data to a buffer, without using the user-cache.

See also:
 uint8_t return_type = network.update();
 if(return_type == EXTERNAL_DATA_TYPE){
     uint16_t size = network.frag_ptr->message_size;

Linux devices (defined as RF24_LINUX) currently cache all payload types, and do not utilize frag_ptr.

Definition at line 698 of file RF24Network.h.

uint8_t frame_buffer[MAX_FRAME_SIZE]

The raw system frame buffer of received data.

Definition at line 660 of file RF24Network.h.

Enabling this will allow this node to automatically forward received multicast frames to the next highest multicast level.

Duplicate frames are filtered out, so multiple forwarding nodes at the same level should not interfere. Forwarded payloads will also be received.

See also:

Definition at line 493 of file RF24Network.h.

uint8_t networkFlags

Network Flags allow control of data flow.

Incoming Blocking: If the network user-cache is full, lets radio cache fill up. Radio ACKs are not sent when radio internal cache is full.
This behaviour may seem to result in more failed sends, but the payloads would have otherwise been dropped due to the cache being full.

| FLAGS | Value | Description | |-------|-------|-------------| |FLAG_HOLD_INCOMING| 1(bit_1) | INTERNAL: Set automatically when a fragmented payload will exceed the available cache | |FLAG_BYPASS_HOLDS| 2(bit_2) | EXTERNAL: Can be used to prevent holds from blocking. Note: Holds are disabled & re-enabled by RF24Mesh when renewing addresses. This will cause data loss if incoming data exceeds the available cache space| |FLAG_FAST_FRAG| 4(bit_3) | INTERNAL: Replaces the fastFragTransfer variable, and allows for faster transfers between directly connected nodes. |

Definition at line 733 of file RF24Network.h.

Variable to determine whether update() will return after the radio buffers have been emptied (DEFAULT), or whether to return immediately when (most) system types are received.

As an example, this is used with RF24Mesh to catch and handle system messages without loading them into the user cache.

The following reserved/system message types are handled automatically, and not returned.

| System Message Types
(Not Returned) | |-----------------------| | NETWORK_ADDR_RESPONSE | | NETWORK_ACK | | NETWORK_PING | | NETWORK_POLL
(With multicast enabled) | | NETWORK_REQ_ADDRESS |

Definition at line 718 of file RF24Network.h.

uint16_t routeTimeout

This only affects payloads that are routed by one or more nodes.

This specifies how long to wait for an ack from across the network. Radios sending directly to their parent or children nodes do not utilize this value. Timeout for routed payloads

Definition at line 524 of file RF24Network.h.

uint32_t txTimeout

Network timeout value.

: This value is automatically assigned based on the node address to reduce errors and increase throughput of the network.

Sets the timeout period for individual payloads in milliseconds at staggered intervals. Payloads will be retried automatically until success or timeout Set to 0 to use the normal auto retry period defined by radio.setRetries()

Definition at line 515 of file RF24Network.h.