


File content as of revision 0:04250620f3d9:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "Pwm.h"
// Philip Pollheimer, 23.12.2015
// Controlling the engines of the BERTL14 using PWM

// Declaration of outputs

DigitalOut ML_R(P1_0);      //  IN1 EP10, MG1A => MG1 Motor-Pin 2
DigitalOut ML_F(P1_1);      //  IN2 EP10, MG1B => MG1 Motor-Pin 1
PwmOut ML_EN(P1_15);        //  EN1, P34

DigitalOut MR_F(P1_3);      // IN4 EP13, MG2A => MG2 Motor-Pin 2
DigitalOut MR_R(P1_4);      // IN3 EP14, MG2B => MG2 Motor-Pin 1
PwmOut MR_EN(P0_21);        // EN2, P36

void bertl_motor(int links, int rechts)     // subprogramm
    float v_motor_rechts;                   // v => velocity
    float v_motor_links;
    // if-conditions when parameters are bigger than 0 then the first formula will be used.
    // otherwise the otherone. Thats because if the parameter is negative the value will also be negative. 
    // Therefore we write -255, the minus becomes a plus (-(-5) => +5) 
    if(links > 0) {    
        v_motor_links = links / 255.0;            // Formula for the PWM. The variable v_motor_[name] is always < 1, due to the PWM function.
    if(rechts > 0){
        v_motor_rechts = rechts / 255.0;                                  
    }                                          // In PWM 1 equals 5V and 0 equals 0V. The formula calculates a value from 0 to 1 (which is converted to Volt)
                                                  // and with this value the engine will be supplied.
    if(links < 0) {
        v_motor_links = links / -255.0;
    if(rechts < 0){
        v_motor_rechts = rechts / -255.0;

    // if-conditions for positive parameters (when the transfered parameters are positive, the engine turns forward)
    if(links > 0 && rechts < links) {
        ML_EN = v_motor_links;
        MR_EN = v_motor_rechts;
        if(rechts < 0)
            ML_F = MR_R = 1;
            ML_F = MR_R = 0;             
        ML_F = MR_F = 1;
        ML_F = MR_F = 0;
    if(rechts > 0 && rechts > links) {

        ML_EN = v_motor_links;
        MR_EN = v_motor_rechts;
        if(links < 0)
            ML_R = MR_F = 1;
            ML_R = MR_F = 0;
        ML_F = MR_F = 1;
        ML_F = MR_F = 0;
    // if-conditions for negative parameters(when the transfered parameters are negative, the engine turns reverse)
    if(links < 0 && rechts > links) {
        ML_EN = v_motor_links;
        MR_EN = v_motor_rechts;
        ML_R = MR_R = 1;
        ML_R = MR_R = 0;
    if(rechts < 0 && rechts < links) {

        ML_EN = v_motor_links;
        MR_EN = v_motor_rechts;
        ML_R = MR_R = 1;
        ML_R = MR_R = 0;