Simple detection for LE910-NA1 modules

Fork of MTS-Cellular by MultiTech

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Cellular/UIP.h	Tue May 20 15:21:06 2014 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#ifndef UIP_H
+#define UIP_H
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include "MTSBufferedIO.h"
+#include "Cellular.h"
+namespace mts
+/** This is a class for communicating with a Multi-Tech Systems SocketModem iCell. The
+* SocketModem iCell is a family of carrier certified embedded cellular radio modules with
+* a common hardware footprint and AT command set for built in IP-stack functionality.
+* This class supports three main types of cellular radio interactions including:
+* configuration and status AT command processing, SMS processing, and TCP Socket
+* data connections. It should be noted that the radio can not process commands or
+* SMS messages while having an open data connection at the same time. The concurrent
+* capability may be added in a future release. This class also inherits from IPStack
+* providing a common set of commands for communication devices that have an onboard
+* IP Stack. It is also integrated with the standard mbed Sockets package and can therefore
+* be used seamlessly with clients and services built on top of this interface already within
+* the mbed library.
+* All of the following examples use the Pin Names for the Freedom KL46Z board coupled with
+* the SocketModem Shield Arduino compatible board. Please chage Pin Names accordingly to
+* match your hardware configuration. It also assumes the use of RTS/CTS hardware handshaking
+* using GPIOs. To disable this you will need to change settings on the radio module and
+* and use the MTSSerial class instead of MTSSerialFlowControl. The default baud rate for the
+* cellular radio is 115200 bps.
+class UIP : public Cellular
+    /** This static function is used to create or get a reference to a
+    * Cellular object. Cellular uses the singleton pattern, which means
+    * that you can only have one existing at a time. The first time you
+    * call getInstance this method creates a new uninitialized Cellular
+    * object and returns it. All future calls to this method will return
+    * a reference to the instance created during the first call. Note that
+    * you must call init on the returned instance before mnaking any other
+    * calls. If using this class's bindings to any of the Socket package
+    * classes like TCPSocketConnection, you must call this method and the
+    * init method on the returned object first, before even creating the
+    * other objects.
+    *
+    * @returns a reference to the single Cellular obect that has been created.
+    */
+    UIP();
+    /** Destructs a Cellular object and frees all related resources.
+    */
+    ~UIP();
+    virtual bool init(MTSBufferedIO* io);
+    /**
+    *
+    */
+    bool configureSignals(PinName DCD = NC, PinName DTR = NC, PinName RESET = NC);
+    // Wifi connection based commands derived from CommInterface.h
+    virtual bool connect();
+    virtual void disconnect();
+    virtual bool isConnected();
+    virtual void reset();
+    // TCP and UDP Socket related commands
+    // For behavior of the following methods refer to IPStack.h documentation
+    virtual bool bind(unsigned int port);
+    virtual bool open(const std::string& address, unsigned int port, Mode mode);
+    virtual bool isOpen();
+    virtual bool close();
+    virtual int read(char* data, int max, int timeout = -1);
+    virtual int write(const char* data, int length, int timeout = -1);
+    virtual unsigned int readable();
+    virtual unsigned int writeable();
+    virtual bool ping(const std::string& address = "");
+    virtual std::string getDeviceIP();
+    virtual bool setDeviceIP(std::string address = "DHCP");
+    //Cellular functions that derive from Cellular.h
+    virtual std::string sendCommand(const std::string& command, unsigned int timeoutMillis, char esc = CR);
+    virtual Code sendBasicCommand(const std::string& command, unsigned int timeoutMillis, char esc = CR);
+    virtual Code setApn(const std::string& apn);
+    virtual Code setDns(const std::string& primary, const std::string& secondary = "");
+    virtual Code sendSMS(const std::string& phoneNumber, const std::string& message);
+    virtual Code sendSMS(const Sms& sms);
+    virtual std::vector<Cellular::Sms> getReceivedSms();
+    virtual Code deleteAllReceivedSms();
+    virtual Code deleteOnlyReceivedReadSms();
+    /** A method for configuring command ehco capability on the radio. This command
+    * sets whether sent characters are echoed back from the radio, in which case you
+    * will receive back every command you send.
+    *
+    * @param state if true echo will be turned off, otherwise it will be turned on.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
+    Code echo(bool state);
+    /** This method can be used to trade socket functionality for performance.
+    * In order to enable a socket connection to be closed by the client side programtically,
+    * this class must process all read and write data on the socket to guard the special
+    * escape character used to close an open socket connection. It is recommened that you
+    * use the default of true unless the overhead of these operations is too significant.
+    *
+    * @param enabled set to true if you want the socket closeable, otherwise false. The default
+    * is true.
+    * @returns the standard AT Code enumeration.
+    */
+    Code setSocketCloseable(bool enabled = true);  //ETX closes socket (ETX and DLE in payload are escaped with DLE)
+    DigitalIn* dcd; //Maps to the radio's dcd signal
+    DigitalOut* dtr; //Maps to the radio's dtr signal
+    DigitalOut* resetLine; //Maps to the radio's reset signal 