Control of mbed using OSC. Based on code from the Make Controller. Right now you can turn the onboard LEDs on/off and toggle 8 digital out pins. More I/O will be done in the future.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 439354122597 mbed_osc.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed_osc.cpp	Wed Mar 17 03:17:38 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ * mbed_osc.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Mar 8, 2010
+ *      Author: pehr
+ *       The functions to control the mBed using OSC
+ *     This includes setting up the UDP and  OSC subsystem
+ *     And registering handlers to control mBed I/O
+ */
+ /*********************************************************************************
+ Copyright 2006-2009 MakingThings
+ Licensed under the Apache License,
+ Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
+ under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+ CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+#include "mbed_osc.h"
+#include "mbed_system_osc.h"
+#include "mbed_io_osc.h"
+//#include "mbed_analogin_osc.h"
+#include <stdarg.h>
+InterruptIn button(p5);
+DigitalOut got_udp(LED1);
+Timeout got_udp_TO;
+void got_udp_off(){got_udp=0;}
+DigitalOut sent_udp(LED4);
+Timeout sent_udp_TO;
+void sent_udp_off(){sent_udp=0;}
+DigitalOut green_led(p14);
+Timeout green_led_TO;
+void green_led_off(){green_led=0;}
+DigitalOut green_led2(p18);
+void sent_udp_lights(){
+     if(green_led==0){
+    green_led = 1;
+    green_led_TO.attach(&green_led_off, 0.5);
+    }
+    if(sent_udp==0){
+    sent_udp = 1;
+    sent_udp_TO.attach(&sent_udp_off, 1.0);//auto turn-off
+    }
+void got_udp_lights(){
+    if(got_udp == 0){
+       got_udp = 1; //LED
+       got_udp_TO.attach(&got_udp_off, 1.0);//auto turn-off
+    }
+char scratch1[OSC_SCRATCH_SIZE]; //for building OSC messages
+NetServer *osc_net;
+struct udp_pcb *osc_pcb; //Bound to receiving port, listening for messages
+int lights = 0; //flash lights when we send/receive packets?
+int echo = 1; //echo received packets?
+NetServer * getNetServer(){ //get the netserver to do things like get hostname
+    return osc_net;
+char * getScratch(){
+    return scratch1;
+struct udp_pcb * getUdpPcb(){
+    return osc_pcb;
+/**UDP recv callback  */
+void udp_recv_callback(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *upcb, struct pbuf *p, struct ip_addr *addr, u16_t port)
+    LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(arg);
+ //  printf("Received UDP Packet on port %d\r\n",port);
+   if(lights)
+       got_udp_lights();
+  /* if packet is valid */
+  if (p != NULL) {
+      int length = (int)p->len;
+  //  printf("UDP Packet Received! Payload:\r\n");
+ //   printf("-- %s -- length: %d\r\n",static_cast<char *>(p->payload),length);
+    char *message = (char *)p->payload;
+    if(echo && *message!= '/'){ //Echo if its not OSC
+         err_t code = udp_sendto(upcb, p, IP_ADDR_BROADCAST, UDP_BROADCAST_PORT); //send it back to port 5555
+         printf("Echo'd non-OSC packet, result code is %d\r\n",code);
+        if(lights)
+            sent_udp_lights();
+   }
+   //Do something based on the packet...
+    OscChannel *ch = Osc_GetChannel(OSC_CHANNEL_UDP);
+    memcpy(ch->incoming, message,length);
+    //Process packet
+    Osc_SetReplyAddress( OSC_CHANNEL_UDP, addr );
+    //this would send it back on the same port but we may not be listening on that port
+ // Osc_SetReplyPort( OSC_CHANNEL_UDP, port );
+    Osc_SetReplyPort( OSC_CHANNEL_UDP, UDP_BROADCAST_PORT ); //this never changes
+    Osc_ReceivePacket( OSC_CHANNEL_UDP, ch->incoming, length );
+    /* must free the pbuf */
+    pbuf_free(p);
+  }
+void osc_sendIPBroadcast(){
+    //broadcast IP and the port we are listening on
+    //Make sure it goes to broadcast
+    //Ensure that the property numbers have not changed
+    SystemOsc_PropertyGet( 3, OSC_CHANNEL_UDP ); // /system/ipinfo
+    Osc_SendPacket(OSC_CHANNEL_UDP); //have to manually send since we didnt go thru normal packet receiving
+    //printf("Sent /system/ipinfo msg to broadcast IP and port\r\n");
+    if(lights)
+        sent_udp_lights();
+ * Initialize Mbed OSC
+ * -Set up network interface
+ * -Register UDP receive callback
+ * -Set up OSC subsystem to handle received messages
+ */
+ int osc_init(){
+     printf("Initializing Network Interface with DHCP\r\n");
+     /*Initialize NetServer which gets us our DHCP address and
+    gets the network interface ready
+    and set up UDP
+    */
+   osc_net = NetServer::ready();
+   //Initialize UDP
+   osc_pcb = udp_new();
+  if (osc_pcb != NULL) {
+    /* we have to be allowed to send broadcast packets! */
+    osc_pcb->so_options |= SOF_BROADCAST;
+    udp_bind(osc_pcb, IP_ADDR_ANY, UDP_RECV_PORT); //Receive from any IP address, on the specified port
+    udp_recv(osc_pcb,udp_recv_callback, NULL);
+  }else{
+  printf("Could not make UDP pcb\r\n");
+  return;
+  }
+ osc_net->setHostname("chapala");
+  printf("Network Interface Initialized\r\n");
+  //Now set up OSC system
+  //Configure OSC UDP Channel
+  Osc_SystemInit(osc_pcb);
+  button.rise(&osc_sendIPBroadcast); //Callback to broadcast the IP and Port that it is listening on
+  //Register handlers for mBed control stuff
+  //SystemOsc subsystem -- get system info like IP address
+  int reg1 = Osc_RegisterSubsystem( SystemOsc_GetName(), SystemOsc_ReceiveMessage, NULL );
+  printf("Registered OscSystem, result is %d \r\n",reg1);
+  //IoOsc subsystem - get/set digital I/O pins
+  int reg2 = Osc_RegisterSubsystem( IoOsc_GetName(), IoOsc_ReceiveMessage, NULL );
+  printf("Registered IoSystem, result is %d \r\n",reg2);
+  //LedOsc subsystem - get/set onboard LED
+  int reg3 = Osc_RegisterSubsystem(LedOsc_GetName(), LedOsc_ReceiveMessage, NULL );
+  printf("Registered LedSystem, result is %d \r\n",reg3);
+  //AnalogInOsc subsystem - read analog inputs
+//  int reg4 = Osc_RegisterSubsystem(AnalogInOsc_GetName(),AnalogInOsc_ReceiveMessage, NULL );
+//  printf("Registered AnalogInSystem, result is %d \r\n",reg4);
+  //Broadcast the IP for anyone that is listening on the right port
+  printf("Broadcasting IP on port %d\r\n",UDP_BROADCAST_PORT);
+  osc_sendIPBroadcast();
+/* Poll netserver for received messages
+ * Must be called during main while(1) loop, very fast
+ */
+void osc_poll(){
+    osc_net->poll();
\ No newline at end of file