Control of mbed using OSC. Based on code from the Make Controller. Right now you can turn the onboard LEDs on/off and toggle 8 digital out pins. More I/O will be done in the future.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/error.h	Wed Mar 17 03:17:38 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ Copyright 2006-2009 MakingThings
+ Licensed under the Apache License, 
+ Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+ with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed
+ under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+ CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
+ the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+	error.h
+  Error return codes.
+#ifndef ERROR_H
+#define ERROR_H
+\defgroup Error Error Return Codes
+Error return values for Make Controller API calls.
+\ingroup Core
+/** All's well here */
+#define CONTROLLER_OK                                0
+/** Can't get a lock on a resource */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_CANT_LOCK                  -1
+/** There are too many other users on this resource */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_TOO_MANY_USERS             -2
+/** This resource has already been stopped too many times */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_TOO_MANY_STOPS             -3
+/** Lock attempt was unsuccessful */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NOT_LOCKED                 -4
+/** The requested index is not valid */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INDEX              -5
+/** The requested ID is not valid */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ID                 -6
+/** Parameter is not valid */
+/** Resource is not open */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NOT_OPEN                   -8
+/** Not enough memory available */
+/** Error reading data */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_BAD_DATA                   -10
+/** Not enough space for the requested operation */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NO_SPACE                   -11
+/** Resource is missing */
+/** Board doesn't have an address */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NO_ADDRESS                 -13
+/** The operation has timed out */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_TIMEOUT                    -14
+/** Address is not valid */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS                -15
+/** Data passed in the wrong format */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_BAD_FORMAT                 -16
+/** Couldn't complete operation because the subsystem is inactive */
+/** An error with the queue */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_QUEUE_ERROR                -18
+/** Property specified is not valid */
+/** OSC data type is not valid */
+/** Couldn't find the type tag in this OSC message */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NO_TYPE_TAG                -21
+/** No OSC property specified */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NO_PROPERTY                -22
+/** The network is not up */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_NO_NETWORK                 -23
+/** Specified string is too long */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_STRING_TOO_LONG            -24
+/** The system is not active */
+/** A requested write was unsuccessful */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED               -26
+/** Not enough memory available for the requested operation */
+/** Task did not start successfully */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_CANT_START_TASK            -28
+/** Unexpected count returned */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_COUNT_MISMATCH             -100
+/** Requested operation failed to start */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_START_FAILED               -101
+/** Requested stop operation failed */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_STOP_FAILED                -102
+/** The user count is not valid */
+/** A data structure's size was not valid */
+/** Initialization was not successful */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_INCORRECT_INIT             -105
+/** De-initialization was not successful */
+/** An error occurred while trying to lock */
+#define CONTROLLER_ERROR_LOCK_ERROR                 -107
+/** An error occurred when granting a lock */
+/** A use error occurred */
+/** Initialization was not successful */
+/* @} */
+#endif // ERROR_H