FLYSKY RC receiver compatible with TH9X transmitter. Uses an A7105-CL or A7105-SY 2.4Ghz module.

Dependents:   A7105_FLYSKY_RX_WITH_PPM



File content as of revision 3:19d3601a7744:

//FLYSKY RC receiver library with A7105 2.4Ghz module
//compatible with TH9X

// example program: 8 channels receiver with a FRDM-KL05Z platform
// If you want to make a small RC receiver, you can do a custom board with a cheap KL05Z32VLC4 (LQPF32 0.8mm pitch package ),
// an A7105CL or A7105SY module and a small 3.3V regulator. It works with target FRDM-KL05Z and no modification of mbed library!
// In order to program an external KL05Z32VLC4, I take a FRDM-KL25Z board (don't take FRDM-KL05Z board, there's a bug on design !!!),
// cut wire under JP11 connector to disconnect onboard KL25Z chip, do a special cable (see FRDM-KL25Z schematic, J6 SWD CONNECTOR, 
// you just need to solder 5 wires: 3.3V, GND, SWD_DIO, SWD_CLK, RST_TGT) to link your custom KL05Z32VLC4 board, and program FRDM-KL25Z
// board with an FRDM-KL05Z firmware and it works fine as a cheap programmer interface!

#include "mbed.h"
#include "A7105_FLYSKY_RX.h"

//compiler option
#define DEBUG   1   //display status through serial

//A7105 <-> KL05Z pin assignment
#define PIN_SDIO    PTA7    //SPI mosi
#define PIN_GIO1    PTA6    //SPI miso
#define PIN_SCK     PTB0    //SPI sck  
#define PIN_CS      PTA10   //CS
#define PIN_GIO2    PTA11   //wait rx

//servo <-> KL05Z pin assignment
#define SERVO1  PTB5
#define SERVO2  PTA12
#define SERVO3  PTB6
#define SERVO4  PTB7
#define SERVO5  PTB11
#define SERVO6  PTA5
#define SERVO7  PTA9
#define SERVO8  PTA8

//serial debug
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

//servo pwm output
PwmOut servoPwmOut[6] = { PwmOut(PTB5), PwmOut(PTA12), PwmOut(PTB6), PwmOut(PTB7), PwmOut(PTB11), PwmOut(PTA5) };

//A7105 flysky RX
A7105_flysky_RX rx(PIN_SDIO, PIN_GIO1, PIN_SCK, PIN_CS, PIN_GIO2, LED_GREEN); //mosi, miso, sck, cs, wait_rx, status_led)

// M A I N

int main()
    int i;
    bool ok;
    #if DEBUG
    //say hello!
    //init servo PWM output ( 1.5ms pulse width = center position )
    for (i=0; i<6; i++)
        servoPwmOut[i].period_us(20000);    //50hz
        servoPwmOut[i].pulsewidth_us(1500); //1.5ms
    //init A7105
    ok = rx.init();
    if (ok)
        //bind TX
        ok = rx.bind(); //if bind failed, take default tx id
        #if DEBUG
        //display bind status
        if (!ok) printf("\r\nbind failed !!!");
        //display tx id (default tx id if bind failed)
        printf("\r\ntx id = %x %x %x %x", rx.txId[3], rx.txId[2], rx.txId[1], rx.txId[0]);
        //infinite loop, receive packet and update servos
        int cptError = 0;
        while (1)
            //wait packet (1.46ms) or timeout(1.5ms) since last call to this function
            switch( rx.waitPacket() )
                case NO_ERROR: //update servo position
                    for (i=0; i<6; i++) servoPwmOut[i].pulsewidth_us( rx.servoPulseDur[i] ); break;
                case TIME_OUT_ERROR:
                    printf("\r\n%d: time out error", cptError); cptError++; break;
                case VALIDITY_ERROR:
                    printf("\r\n%d: validity error", cptError); cptError++; break;
                case TX_ID_ERROR:
                    printf("\r\n%d: tx id error", cptError); cptError++; break;
    #if DEBUG
         printf("\r\ninit failed !!!");


#include "mbed.h"
#include "A7105_FLYSKY_RX.h"

A7105_flysky_RX::A7105_flysky_RX( PinName SDIO, PinName GIO1, PinName SCK, PinName CS, PinName GIO2, PinName LED ):
    _spi(SDIO, GIO1, SCK), _cs(CS), _waitRx(GIO2), _statusLed(LED)
    //config SPI
    _spi.format(8, 0);         //8 bits, mode 0
    _spi.frequency(4000000);   //4MHz
    //CS high
    _cs = 1;
    //init channel counter (0->15)
    channelCnt = 0;

// init

bool A7105_flysky_RX::init(void)
    unsigned char flysky_id_read[4], i;

    //wait 10ms to let A7105 wake up
    //reset A7105
    writeRegVal(0x00, 0x00);
    //init registers A7105
    for (i=0; i<0x33; i++)
        if (A7105_regs_val[i] != 0xFF)
            writeRegVal(i, A7105_regs_val[i]);
    //set flysky protocol id <- 0x2AC57554
    _cs = 0;
    _spi.write(0x06); //set ID command
    for(i=0; i<4; i++) _spi.write(flysky_id[i]);   //set 4 bytes
    _cs = 1;
    //read flysky protocol id -> id[0..3]
    _cs = 0;
    _spi.write(0x46); //read ID
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) flysky_id_read[i] = _spi.write(0x00);   //read 4 bytes (send dummy bytes 0x00)
    _cs = 1;
    //check flysky id read
    for (i=0; i<4; i++)
        if (flysky_id_read[i] != flysky_id[i])
            return  false;
    //standby mode
    writeCmd( 0xA0);              //A0 -> standby mode
    //IF Filter Bank Calibration
    writeRegVal( 0x02, 0x01 );
    while ( readReg(0x02) ); //wait calibration end

    //VCO Current Calibration
    writeRegVal(0x24, 0x013);

    //VCO Bank Calibration
    writeRegVal(0x26, 0x03B);

    //VCO Bank Calibrate channel 0x00
    writeRegVal( 0x0F, 0x00); //Set Channel 0
    writeRegVal( 0x02, 0x02); //VCO Calibration
    while ( readReg(0x02) ); //wait calibration end
    //VCO Bank Calibrate channel 0xA0
    writeRegVal( 0x0F, 0xA0); //Set Channel 0xA0
    writeRegVal( 0x02, 0x02); //VCO Calibration
    while ( readReg(0x02) ); //wait calibration end
    //Reset VCO Band calibration
    writeRegVal( 0x25, 0x08);
    return true;

// writeCmd

void A7105_flysky_RX::writeCmd(unsigned char cmd)
    _cs = 0;
    _cs = 1;

// writeRegVal

void A7105_flysky_RX::writeRegVal(unsigned char regAddr, unsigned char regVal)
    _cs = 0;
    regAddr = regAddr & 0xBF; //clear R/W bit
    _cs = 1;

// readReg

unsigned char A7105_flysky_RX::readReg(unsigned char regAddr)
    unsigned char regVal;
    _cs = 0;
    regAddr = regAddr | 0x40; //set R/W bit
    regVal = _spi.write(0x00);
    _cs = 1;
    return regVal;

// readPacket

void A7105_flysky_RX::readPacket(void)
    unsigned char i, highByte, lowByte;
    unsigned int pulseDur;
    _cs = 0;
    _spi.write(0x45); //cmd read rx packet
    _spi.write(0x00); //read sync
    for (i=0; i<4; i++) packetTxId[i] = _spi.write(0x00);   //read tx id: 4 bytes
    for (i=0; i<8; i++) //read pulse duration: 8 x (lowByte, highByte)
        lowByte = _spi.write(0x00);
        highByte = _spi.write(0x00);
        pulseDur = lowByte + ( highByte << 8 );
        if ( pulseDur > 2000 ) pulseDur = 2000;
        if ( pulseDur < 1000 ) pulseDur = 1000;
        packetServoPulseDur[i] = pulseDur;
    _cs = 1;

// bind

//tries to bind TX for approx 3 seconds
//if bind succeed then return true and update txId
//if bind failed then return false and take default txId

bool A7105_flysky_RX::bind(void)
    short int  cpt, i;
    unsigned char modeReg;
    bool bindOk = false;  
    //wait bind packet for 3 seconds (300 loops of 10ms)
    for (cpt=0; cpt<300; cpt++)
        //blink led at 12hz
        if (cpt & 0x0004) _statusLed = 1; else _statusLed = 0;
        //listen on channel 0
        writeCmd( 0xA0);              //A0 -> standby mode
        writeCmd( 0xF0);              //F0 -> reset RX FIFO
        writeRegVal( 0x0F, 0x00 );    //Set Channel 0
        writeCmd( 0xC0 );             //C0 -> get into RX mode
        //wait WAIT_RX to setup (takes about 1us)
        while ( !_waitRx );
        //wait 10ms to receive packet        
        //test receive bind packet
        if ( !_waitRx )
            modeReg = readReg(0x00);  //read mode register
            if ( !(modeReg & 0x60) )        //test valid packet ( CRC(bit5) and CEF(bit6) = 0 )
                bindOk = true;              //bind ok
                readPacket();               //read packet
                for (i=0; i<4; i++)         //txId <- packetTxId
                    txId[i] = packetTxId[i];
                break;                      //exit loop
    //default id if failed
    if (!bindOk) for (cpt=0; cpt<4; cpt++)
        txId[cpt] = default_tx_id[cpt]; //txId <- pdefault_tx_id
    //led off
    _statusLed = 1;
    return bindOk;

// waitPacket

//return error code

unsigned char A7105_flysky_RX::waitPacket(void)
    unsigned char channelNbr;
    int begin, now;
    unsigned char modeReg, i;
    unsigned char errorCode = NO_ERROR;
    //wait time out(1.5ms) or packet received
    begin = timer.read_us();
    now = begin;
    while ( ( ( now - begin ) < 1500 ) & _waitRx )
        now = timer.read_us();
    //test packet received or time out
    if (!_waitRx)
    //packet received, check validity
        modeReg = readReg(0x00);  //read mode register
        if ( !(modeReg & 0x60) )        //test valid packet ( CRC(bit5) and CEF(bit6) = 0 )
            //valid packet -> read packet
            //check txId
            if ( ( txId[0] == packetTxId[0] )
                &( txId[1] == packetTxId[1] )
                &( txId[2] == packetTxId[2] )
                &( txId[3] == packetTxId[3] ) )
                //led on
                _statusLed = 0;
                //update servo pulse duration
                for (i=0; i<8; i++) servoPulseDur[i] = packetServoPulseDur[i];
                errorCode = TX_ID_ERROR;
                //led off
                _statusLed = 1;
            errorCode = VALIDITY_ERROR;
            //led off
            _statusLed = 1;
    //time out
        errorCode = TIME_OUT_ERROR;
        //led off
        _statusLed = 1;

        //increment channel counter
        channelCnt++; if ( channelCnt > 15 ) channelCnt = 0;
    //increment channel counter
    channelCnt++; if ( channelCnt > 15 ) channelCnt = 0;

    //get channel number into "A7105_tx_channels" table
    channelOffset = txId[0] >> 4; if ( channelOffset > 9 ) channelOffset = 9;
    channelNbr =  A7105_tx_channels[ txId[0] & 0x0F ][ channelCnt ] - channelOffset - 1;
    //listen to channel number
    writeCmd( 0xA0);                  //A0 -> standby mode (does a falling edge on WAIT_RX pin !!!)
    writeCmd( 0xF0);                  //F0 -> reset RX FIFO
    writeRegVal( 0x0F, channelNbr );  //Set Channel number
    writeCmd( 0xC0 );                 //C0 -> get into RX mode
    //result of previous listening...
    return errorCode;