TextStar Serial LCD Library

TextStar is an intelligent 2x16 serial LCD module. It has many nice features including RS232 or TTL interface, a 16-line virtual display, custom characters, bar graphs and intelligent scrolling. It is available either directly from the manufacturer, Cat's Whisker Technologies (www.cats-whisker.com), or from Cool Components. The photo below shows TextStar in action.

I have created a library to drive TextStar and a simple test harness to exercise the library and facilitate playing with the module. The TextStar class is based on Simon Ford's Terminal class, but has many extra functions to support the module's numerous commands.

Please note that if you wish to use TextStar in a scrolling (i.e. terminal-style) manner, then you need to end your printf() and puts() strings with \r instead of the usual \n. This is because TextStar interprets \r as a CRLF operation but \n just moves the cursor down.

I have published this in my profile as TextStar1.



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