An example of importing Embedded Coder code into the mbed IDE. Currently doesn't connect IO to PWM, ADC, and Encoder, instead provides random inputs and measures execution time.

Dependencies:   mbed-dsp mbed Nucleo_pmsmfoc

Dependents:   Nucleo_pmsmfoc

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/html/html/rtwreport_utils.js	Tue Nov 25 07:52:02 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// Copyright 2011-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.
+function local_onload() {
+    if (typeof top.rtwreport_document_frame !== "undefined") {
+        var docObj = window.document;
+        var alink =  docObj.getElementById("linkToText_plain");
+        if (alink) {
+            alink.href = "matlab:coder.internal.editUrlTextFile('" + alink.href + "')";
+        }
+        alink = docObj.getElementById("linkToCS");
+        if (alink) {
+            alink.href = "matlab:coder.internal.viewCodeConfigsetFromReport('" + alink.href + "');";
+        }
+    }
+var utils = (function() {
+    // Load via Microsoft.XMLDOM--for older versions of IE
+    function loadXML_MSXMLDOM(filename, callback, async) {
+        if (navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
+            // Internet Explorer 5/6 
+            try {
+                var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
+                xmlDoc.async = async;
+                xmlDoc.onreadystatechange = function() {
+                    if (xmlDoc.readyState == 4) {
+                        callback(xmlDoc);
+                    }
+                }
+                xmlDoc.load(filename);
+                return true;
+            } catch(e) {
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Load via XMLHttpRequest
+    function loadXML_XHR(filename, callback, async) {
+        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+            try {
+                var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+                xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
+                    if (this.readyState == 4) {
+                        callback(this.responseXML);
+                    }
+                }
+      "GET", filename, async);
+                xhr.send("");
+                return true;
+            } catch(e) {
+                if (navigator.appName === "Netscape" && e.code === 1012) {
+                    // file not found: ignore
+                    return true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    return {
+        trimText: function(s) {
+            // In IE9, String.trim not present
+            if (s && s.trim) {
+                return s.trim();
+            }
+            else {
+                return s;
+            }
+        },
+        getText: function(elt) {
+            // In IE9, use 'text' property rather than 'textContent'
+            return elt.textContent ? elt.textContent : elt.text;
+        },
+        loadXML: function(filename, callback, options) {
+            var async = !!options && typeof(options["async"]) !== "undefined" ? options.async : true;
+            if (!loadXML_XHR(filename, callback, async)) {
+                if (!loadXML_MSXMLDOM(filename, callback, async)) {
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+    };
+function code2model(sid) {
+    utils.loadXML("http://localhost:31415/matlab/feval/coder.internal.code2model?arguments=[\"" + sid + "\"]", function() {});
+    //window.location.href = "matlab:coder.internal.code2model('" + sid + "')";