mbedRTOS quadcopter quadrotor RATE and ATTITUDE mode (default). Altitude Hold soon to come. pHysiX Coding 2014.

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Feel free to look at the code and implement your own. Don't forget to add in the correct licences, and relevant citation for the relevant developers if you do end up following parts of my code. Sharing is caring :) PM me for queries/code.

This article will be updated slowly, whenever I get a break from rock climbing, university and work commitments. Feel free to comment or ask me questions as need be.

Refer to Wiki Page for complete documentation!

Trung Tin Ian HUA - pHysiX Coding May 2014.


Click on image to go to 1-Build Wiki. Link to youtube video

To do/discussions (respective order of priority)

  1. Switch to body frame instead of current YPR.
  2. Implement Altitude hold!
  3. Add support for EEPROM to store tuned gains outside of default
  4. Remap keyboard input for intuitive Telemetry/control
  5. Remove Bluetooth arming dependency
  6. Add in LCD output for offline setting/debugging
  7. Add in voltage sensing alarm
  8. Build GUI using Processing for Multiwii-like control
  9. Finish this article!

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