mbedRTOS quadcopter quadrotor RATE and ATTITUDE mode (default). Altitude Hold soon to come. pHysiX Coding 2014.
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2 Flight Controller Software
Quadcopter (X-Mode) using RTOS.
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Control loop: PI-PI.
D Gain will not be used as data is noisy and caused instability shortly after liftoff.
- Code now utilises threads and ticker.
- Highest priority given to inner loop and plant output. Next priority given to outer loop. Lowest priority given to telemetry.
- Time critical routine given to command input.
- Code uses semaphores and mutexes.
- Threads are triggered periodically and optimised to run within a bound guarantee.
- Bus resource protected by mutex to ensure no corruption of data.
- Code is now ran at maximum speed for every task.
- 400Hz pulse, update and loop.
- 200Hz loop
- 50Hz time-guaranteed for command input
- 50Hz lowest priority telemetry.
- Code uses non-blocking I2C
- Will need to monitor state machine improvements.
- So far, RTOS has not entered deadlock for > 2hours of continuous operation. Code is stress testing by having it simulate the worst flying conditions it may be subjected to.
- MPU DMP quirks for setup are overcome by creating a separate class for non-blocking implementation, and adding a destructor to the original library for house-keeping purposes.
- Control loop now solid.
- PID gains now fully tuned.
- PID control theory, especially for early warning disturbance rejection almost compliant. There is no motivation to achieve compliance as even with flashed ESCs, the max input update rate is 400Hz. A naive Nyqist analysis would suggest that running the ESC at the same speed as a control loop would have ill consequences with aliasing.
Loop will soon incorporate altitude hold. Algorithm will be posted here, no code until licencing and citation issues are sorted.
4 main threads:
- Thread1: Output telemetry.
- Outputs: YPR, Gyro, Altitude, Voltage, RC Input, RC Command, PID output, ESC Power
- Thread frequency: 50Hz.
- Thread 2-Master: YPR sample, PI Master/Outer control loop. Attitude control.
- Subfunction: Sample MPU6050 and calculate Yaw Pitch Roll angles from DMP quaternion.
- Settings: 50Hz sampling rate (Attitude), 100Hz output FIFO buffer.
- Settings: Input limits: -500.0, 500.0; Output limits: -200.0, 200.0; Output bias: 0.0, Automatic mode
- Settings: KP: 0.5, TI: 1.0, TD = 0.0
- Thread frequency: 200Hz
- Subfunction: Sample MPU6050 and calculate Yaw Pitch Roll angles from DMP quaternion.
- Thread 2-Slave: Gyro sample, PI Slave/Inner control loop. Rate control.
- Settings: Input limits: -500.0, 500.0; Output limits: -200.0, 200.0; Output bias: 0.0, Automatic mode
- Settings: KP: 7.0, TI:2.0, TD = 0.0
- Thread frequency: 400Hz
- Thread 3: RC & Bluetooth Command
- Settings: Default quadcopter is unarmed
- Thread frequency: 50Hz
- Thread 4: Update ESC pulsewidth
- Note: My ESCs can apparently handle refresh rates of up to 400Hz. This means that the ESC should handle a 400Hz PWM pulse. This is distinguished from how fast I update the actual pulsewidth/duty cycle of my pulse!!!
- Settings: PWM frequency: 400Hz
- Thread frequency: 400Hz.
AHRS Sampling¶
Thread frequency: 200Hz
MPU6050 Sampling rate: 100Hz
FIFO Buffer Output rate: 100Hz
To be completed
Gyro Sampling & PID calculations¶
Master PID Loop¶
Thread frequency: 200Hz Control: PI
To be completed
Slave PID Loop¶
Thread frequency: 400Hz Control: PI
To be completed
RC & Bluetooth Command¶
Thread frequency: 50Hz
To be completed
Update ESC¶
Thread frequency: 400Hz
Pulse period: 400HZ
Pulse update rate = Thread frequency = 400Hz
To be completed