Code to read a PPM/PWM pulse, interrupt driven. Most useful for RC receivers. Code is non-blocking, and a poll of the stall timer can detect if a signal has been lost (signal changes will reset the timer). Code originally written by Simon Ford, modified by me to add in a lost-signal guard.

Dependents:   triforce-control usbjoystick_prg

Code is simple to use.

Will add a quick tutorial on use, and how to use the lost-signal/stall detection in due course.

Pulsewidth and period variables are:

  • Declared volatile to make sure the value read is not compiler optimised, since the values are modified through an ISR; and


  • Protected by mutex to make sure that values read are true (such as when an ISR is occurring, but a thread tries to read the value during the ISR). Reason:
  • Mutexes are not meant to be called in an ISR (asynchronous). They are costly and may block a thread
--- a/PwmIn.h	Mon May 19 15:43:02 2014 +0000
+++ b/PwmIn.h	Mon May 19 16:04:34 2014 +0000
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
 #ifndef MBED_PWMIN_H_
 #define MBED_PWMIN_H_
@@ -67,8 +66,6 @@
     Timer stallTimer;
-    Mutex mutex_var_update;
     InterruptIn _p;
     Timer _t;
     volatile int _pulsewidth, _period;