It is the library published by sparkfun, edited accordingly to make it work under mbed platform.

Dependents:   MPU9250-dmp-bluepill MPU9250-dmp



File content as of revision 4:2c4e849b8ecf:

SparkFunMPU9250-DMP.cpp - MPU-9250 Digital Motion Processor Arduino Library 
Jim Lindblom @ SparkFun Electronics
original creation date: November 23, 2016

This library implements motion processing functions of Invensense's MPU-9250.
It is based on their Emedded MotionDriver 6.12 library.

Supported Platforms:
any mbed enabled system.
computeEulerAngles function under Sparkfun-DMP-lib is corrected according to issue below. 
Now angles are correct too. 
#include "SparkFunMPU9250-DMP.h"
#include "MPU9250_RegisterMap.h"
#include "mdcompat.h"
extern "C" {
#include "inv_mpu.h"
static unsigned char mpu9250_orientation;
static unsigned char tap_count;
static unsigned char tap_direction;
static bool _tap_available;
static void orient_cb(unsigned char orient);
static void tap_cb(unsigned char direction, unsigned char count);

	_mSense = 6.665f; // Constant - 4915 / 32760
	_aSense = 0.0f;   // Updated after accel FSR is set
	_gSense = 0.0f;   // Updated after gyro FSR is set

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::begin(void)
	inv_error_t result;
    struct int_param_s int_param;
	result = mpu_init(&int_param);
	if (result)
		return result;
	mpu_set_bypass(1); // Place all slaves (including compass) on primary bus
	_gSense = getGyroSens();
	_aSense = getAccelSens();
	return result;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::enableInterrupt(unsigned char enable)
	return set_int_enable(enable);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setIntLevel(unsigned char active_low)
	return mpu_set_int_level(active_low);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setIntLatched(unsigned char enable)
	return mpu_set_int_latched(enable);

short MPU9250_DMP::getIntStatus(void)
	short status;
	if (mpu_get_int_status(&status) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return status;
	return 0;

// Accelerometer Low-Power Mode. Rate options:
// 1.25 (1), 2.5 (2), 5, 10, 20, 40, 
// 80, 160, 320, or 640 Hz
// Disables compass and gyro
inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::lowPowerAccel(unsigned short rate)
	return mpu_lp_accel_mode(rate);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setGyroFSR(unsigned short fsr)
	inv_error_t err;
	err = mpu_set_gyro_fsr(fsr);
	if (err == INV_SUCCESS)
		_gSense = getGyroSens();
	return err;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setAccelFSR(unsigned char fsr)
	inv_error_t err;
	err = mpu_set_accel_fsr(fsr);
	if (err == INV_SUCCESS)
		_aSense = getAccelSens();
	return err;

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getGyroFSR(void)
	unsigned short tmp;
	if (mpu_get_gyro_fsr(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;

unsigned char MPU9250_DMP::getAccelFSR(void)
	unsigned char tmp;
	if (mpu_get_accel_fsr(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;	

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getMagFSR(void)
	unsigned short tmp;
	if (mpu_get_compass_fsr(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setLPF(unsigned short lpf)
	return mpu_set_lpf(lpf);

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getLPF(void)
	unsigned short tmp;
	if (mpu_get_lpf(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setSampleRate(unsigned short rate)
    return mpu_set_sample_rate(rate);

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getSampleRate(void)
	unsigned short tmp;
	if (mpu_get_sample_rate(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setCompassSampleRate(unsigned short rate)
	return mpu_set_compass_sample_rate(rate);

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getCompassSampleRate(void)
	unsigned short tmp;
	if (mpu_get_compass_sample_rate(&tmp) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return tmp;
	return 0;

float MPU9250_DMP::getGyroSens(void)
	float sens;
	if (mpu_get_gyro_sens(&sens) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return sens;
	return 0;
unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::getAccelSens(void)
	unsigned short sens;
	if (mpu_get_accel_sens(&sens) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return sens;
	return 0;

float MPU9250_DMP::getMagSens(void)
	return 0.15; // Static, 4915/32760

unsigned char MPU9250_DMP::getFifoConfig(void)
	unsigned char sensors;
	if (mpu_get_fifo_config(&sensors) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return sensors;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::configureFifo(unsigned char sensors)
	return mpu_configure_fifo(sensors);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::resetFifo(void)
	return mpu_reset_fifo();

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::fifoAvailable(void)
	unsigned char fifoH, fifoL;
	if (mpu_read_reg(MPU9250_FIFO_COUNTH, &fifoH) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return 0;
	if (mpu_read_reg(MPU9250_FIFO_COUNTL, &fifoL) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return 0;
	return (fifoH << 8 ) | fifoL;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::updateFifo(void)
	short gyro[3], accel[3];
	unsigned long timestamp;
	unsigned char sensors, more;
	if (mpu_read_fifo(gyro, accel, &timestamp, &sensors, &more) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL)
		ax = accel[X_AXIS];
		ay = accel[Y_AXIS];
		az = accel[Z_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_X_GYRO)
		gx = gyro[X_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_Y_GYRO)
		gy = gyro[Y_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_Z_GYRO)
		gz = gyro[Z_AXIS];
	time = timestamp;
	return INV_SUCCESS;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::setSensors(unsigned char sensors)
	return mpu_set_sensors(sensors);

bool MPU9250_DMP::dataReady()
	unsigned char intStatusReg;
	if (mpu_read_reg(MPU9250_INT_STATUS, &intStatusReg) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return (intStatusReg & (1<<INT_STATUS_RAW_DATA_RDY_INT));
	return false;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::update(unsigned char sensors)
	inv_error_t aErr = INV_SUCCESS;
	inv_error_t gErr = INV_SUCCESS;
	inv_error_t mErr = INV_SUCCESS;
	inv_error_t tErr = INV_SUCCESS;
	if (sensors & UPDATE_ACCEL)
		aErr = updateAccel();
	if (sensors & UPDATE_GYRO)
		gErr = updateGyro();
	if (sensors & UPDATE_COMPASS)
		mErr = updateCompass();
	if (sensors & UPDATE_TEMP)
		tErr = updateTemperature();
	return aErr | gErr | mErr | tErr;

int MPU9250_DMP::updateAccel(void)
	short data[3];
	if (mpu_get_accel_reg(data, &time))
		return INV_ERROR;		
	ax = data[X_AXIS];
	ay = data[Y_AXIS];
	az = data[Z_AXIS];
	return INV_SUCCESS;

int MPU9250_DMP::updateGyro(void)
	short data[3];
	if (mpu_get_gyro_reg(data, &time))
		return INV_ERROR;		
	gx = data[X_AXIS];
	gy = data[Y_AXIS];
	gz = data[Z_AXIS];
	return INV_SUCCESS;

int MPU9250_DMP::updateCompass(void)
	short data[3];
	if (mpu_get_compass_reg(data, &time))
		return INV_ERROR;		
	mx = data[X_AXIS];
	my = data[Y_AXIS];
	mz = data[Z_AXIS];
	return INV_SUCCESS;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::updateTemperature(void)
	return mpu_get_temperature(&temperature, &time);

int MPU9250_DMP::selfTest(unsigned char debug)
	long gyro[3], accel[3];
	return mpu_run_self_test(gyro, accel);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpBegin(unsigned short features, unsigned short fifoRate)
	unsigned short feat = features;
	unsigned short rate = fifoRate;

	if (dmpLoad() != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	// 3-axis and 6-axis LP quat are mutually exclusive.
	// If both are selected, default to 3-axis
	if (feat & DMP_FEATURE_LP_QUAT)
		feat &= ~(DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT);
	else if (feat & DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT)
	if (dmpEnableFeatures(feat) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	rate = constrain(rate, 1, 200);
	if (dmpSetFifoRate(rate) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	return mpu_set_dmp_state(1);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpLoad(void)
	return dmp_load_motion_driver_firmware();

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::dmpGetFifoRate(void)
	unsigned short rate;
	if (dmp_get_fifo_rate(&rate) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return rate;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpSetFifoRate(unsigned short rate)
	return dmp_set_fifo_rate(rate);

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpUpdateFifo(void)
	short gyro[3];
	short accel[3];
	long quat[4];
	unsigned long timestamp;
	short sensors;
	unsigned char more;
	if (dmp_read_fifo(gyro, accel, quat, &timestamp, &sensors, &more)
		   != INV_SUCCESS)
	   return INV_ERROR;
	if (sensors & INV_XYZ_ACCEL)
		ax = accel[X_AXIS];
		ay = accel[Y_AXIS];
		az = accel[Z_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_X_GYRO)
		gx = gyro[X_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_Y_GYRO)
		gy = gyro[Y_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_Z_GYRO)
		gz = gyro[Z_AXIS];
	if (sensors & INV_WXYZ_QUAT)
		qw = quat[0];
		qx = quat[1];
		qy = quat[2];
		qz = quat[3];
	time = timestamp;
	return INV_SUCCESS;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpEnableFeatures(unsigned short mask)
	unsigned short enMask = 0;
	enMask |= mask;
	// Combat known issue where fifo sample rate is incorrect
	// unless tap is enabled in the DMP.
	enMask |= DMP_FEATURE_TAP; 
	return dmp_enable_feature(enMask);

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::dmpGetEnabledFeatures(void)
	unsigned short mask;
	if (dmp_get_enabled_features(&mask) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return mask;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpSetTap(
        unsigned short xThresh, unsigned short yThresh, unsigned short zThresh,
        unsigned char taps, unsigned short tapTime, unsigned short tapMulti)
	unsigned char axes = 0;
	if (xThresh > 0)
		axes |= TAP_X;
		xThresh = constrain(xThresh, 1, 1600);
		if (dmp_set_tap_thresh(1<<X_AXIS, xThresh) != INV_SUCCESS)
			return INV_ERROR;
	if (yThresh > 0)
		axes |= TAP_Y;
		yThresh = constrain(yThresh, 1, 1600);
		if (dmp_set_tap_thresh(1<<Y_AXIS, yThresh) != INV_SUCCESS)
			return INV_ERROR;
	if (zThresh > 0)
		axes |= TAP_Z;
		zThresh = constrain(zThresh, 1, 1600);
		if (dmp_set_tap_thresh(1<<Z_AXIS, zThresh) != INV_SUCCESS)
			return INV_ERROR;
	if (dmp_set_tap_axes(axes) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	if (dmp_set_tap_count(taps) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	if (dmp_set_tap_time(tapTime) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	if (dmp_set_tap_time_multi(tapMulti) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	return INV_SUCCESS;

unsigned char MPU9250_DMP::getTapDir(void)
	_tap_available = false;
	return tap_direction;

unsigned char MPU9250_DMP::getTapCount(void)
	_tap_available = false;
	return tap_count;

bool MPU9250_DMP::tapAvailable(void)
	return _tap_available;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpSetOrientation(const signed char * orientationMatrix)
	unsigned short scalar;
	scalar = orientation_row_2_scale(orientationMatrix);
	scalar |= orientation_row_2_scale(orientationMatrix + 3) << 3;
	scalar |= orientation_row_2_scale(orientationMatrix + 6) << 6;
	return dmp_set_orientation(scalar);

unsigned char MPU9250_DMP::dmpGetOrientation(void)
	return mpu9250_orientation;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpEnable3Quat(void)
	unsigned short dmpFeatures;
	// 3-axis and 6-axis quat are mutually exclusive
	dmpFeatures = dmpGetEnabledFeatures();
	dmpFeatures &= ~(DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT);
	dmpFeatures |= DMP_FEATURE_LP_QUAT;
	if (dmpEnableFeatures(dmpFeatures) != INV_SUCCESS)
		return INV_ERROR;
	return dmp_enable_lp_quat(1);
unsigned long MPU9250_DMP::dmpGetPedometerSteps(void)
	unsigned long steps;
	if (dmp_get_pedometer_step_count(&steps) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return steps;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpSetPedometerSteps(unsigned long steps)
	return dmp_set_pedometer_step_count(steps);

unsigned long MPU9250_DMP::dmpGetPedometerTime(void)
	unsigned long walkTime;
	if (dmp_get_pedometer_walk_time(&walkTime) == INV_SUCCESS)
		return walkTime;
	return 0;

inv_error_t MPU9250_DMP::dmpSetPedometerTime(unsigned long time)
	return dmp_set_pedometer_walk_time(time);

float MPU9250_DMP::calcAccel(int axis)
	return (float) axis / (float) _aSense;

float MPU9250_DMP::calcGyro(int axis)
	return (float) axis / (float) _gSense;

float MPU9250_DMP::calcMag(int axis)
	return (float) axis / (float) _mSense;

float MPU9250_DMP::calcQuat(long axis)
	return qToFloat(axis, 30);
float MPU9250_DMP::qToFloat(long number, unsigned char q)
	unsigned long mask;
	for (int i=0; i<q; i++)
		mask |= (1<<i);
	return (number >> q) + ((number & mask) / (float) (2<<(q-1)));

void MPU9250_DMP::computeEulerAngles(bool degrees)
    float dqw = qToFloat(qw, 30);
    float dqx = qToFloat(qx, 30);
    float dqy = qToFloat(qy, 30);
    float dqz = qToFloat(qz, 30);

    float norm = sqrt(dqw*dqw + dqx*dqx + dqy*dqy + dqz*dqz);
    dqw = dqw/norm;
    dqx = dqx/norm;
    dqy = dqy/norm;
    dqz = dqz/norm;

    float ysqr = dqy * dqy;

    // roll (x-axis rotation)
    float t0 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqx + dqy * dqz);
    float t1 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (dqx * dqx + ysqr);
    roll = atan2(t0, t1);

    // pitch (y-axis rotation)
    float t2 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqy - dqz * dqx);
    t2 = t2 > 1.0 ? 1.0 : t2;
    t2 = t2 < -1.0 ? -1.0 : t2;
    pitch = asin(t2);

    // yaw (z-axis rotation)
    float t3 = +2.0 * (dqw * dqz + dqx * dqy);
    float t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (ysqr + dqz * dqz);  
    yaw = atan2(t3, t4);
	if (degrees)
		pitch *= (180.0 / PI);
		roll *= (180.0 / PI);
		yaw *= (180.0 / PI);
		if (pitch < 0) pitch = 360.0 + pitch;
		if (roll < 0) roll = 360.0 + roll;
		if (yaw < 0) yaw = 360.0 + yaw;	

float MPU9250_DMP::computeCompassHeading(void)
	if (my == 0)
		heading = (mx < 0) ? 180.0 : 0;
		heading = atan2((double)mx, (double)my);
	if (heading > PI) heading -= (2 * PI);
	else if (heading < -PI) heading += (2 * PI);
	else if (heading < 0) heading += 2 * PI;
	heading*= 180.0 / PI;
	return heading;

unsigned short MPU9250_DMP::orientation_row_2_scale(const signed char *row)
    unsigned short b;

    if (row[0] > 0)
        b = 0;
    else if (row[0] < 0)
        b = 4;
    else if (row[1] > 0)
        b = 1;
    else if (row[1] < 0)
        b = 5;
    else if (row[2] > 0)
        b = 2;
    else if (row[2] < 0)
        b = 6;
        b = 7;		// error
    return b;
static void tap_cb(unsigned char direction, unsigned char count)
	_tap_available = true;
	tap_count = count;
	tap_direction = direction;

static void orient_cb(unsigned char orient)
	mpu9250_orientation = orient;