LPC8xx Forth in assembler, from a Kiel user Starting point for a Work In Progress

Fork of ENORA-Forth by Gérard Sontag

Original author reports this (original file) compiled with Kiel tools. It is for an NXP LPC812 processor on the 800MAX board. It is considered a Table Token Forth. ARM compiler/assembler is not as robust as the Kiel - per the original author.

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Sun Dec 06 05:18:41 2015 +0000
Commit message:
basic copy of original

Changed in this revision

Forth.s Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Forth_orig.s Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r df922596d756 -r d7744c74e50f Forth.s
--- a/Forth.s	Fri Dec 04 13:09:58 2015 +0000
+++ b/Forth.s	Sun Dec 06 05:18:41 2015 +0000
@@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
         AREA |.text|, CODE
 ;       IMPORT  __Vectors
+;grz added this incluce
+#include "lpc8xx.s"
 BuffSize EQU 64
 ; Values that can be customise
@@ -23,6 +26,9 @@
 DataStackLength     EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 
+; grz error correction - cjouldn't access the chip.s file for this value
+RAMForIAP          EQU  128
 ; Then follow the return stack for a length of:
 ReturnStackLength   EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 
@@ -259,8 +265,8 @@
 ;       INCLUDE yourfavoritechip.s
-        GET     lpc8xx.s
+ ;       GET    ./lpc8xx.s
 ;-(0)-------------------------------( -- 0 )        
diff -r df922596d756 -r d7744c74e50f Forth_orig.s
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Forth_orig.s	Sun Dec 06 05:18:41 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1985 @@
+; Continuer a coder interpret....
+;U/MOD a peut-être des soucis...
+; Impression numeriques KO
+; : call   >r ;
+; : twice:   r> dup call call ;
+; : quadruple   twice: dup + ;
+; Voir pb des caractères de contrôle
+        EXPORT Reset_Handler
+        EXPORT  __initial_sp
+        AREA |.text|, CODE
+;       IMPORT  __Vectors
+        THUMB
+BuffSize EQU 64
+; Values that can be customise
+; Data stack & Return Stack are @ the begining 
+; of Data Memory area 
+DataStackLength     EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 
+; Then follow the return stack for a length of:
+ReturnStackLength   EQU 32 * 4      ; 32 cells 
+; Then follow internal values
+; UserVar               EQU 64 * 4      ; 64 cells
+; Registers allocation              |
+; They are in this way to allow     |
+; the use of r0 r1 r2 r3            |
+; to call subroutine                |
+        ALIAS   r0, WRK0            ; WoRK0 register
+        ALIAS   r1, WRK1            ; WoRK1 register
+        ALIAS   r2, WRK2            ; WoRK2 register 
+        ALIAS   r3, WRK             ; WoRK register 
+        ALIAS   r4, IPTR            ; Instruction PoinTeR 
+        ALIAS   r5, NXT             ; Contain the NeXT routine address
+        ALIAS   r6, TOS             ; Top Of Stack , stack managed by sp
+        ALIAS   r7, RPTR            ; Return stack PoinTeR
+; Flag used in dictionary           |
+Cmponly EQU     0x20                ; Can't be interpreted
+Inline  EQU     0x40                ; Indicate a word can be inline (future !)
+Immed   EQU     0x80                ; Indicate the word must be run immediatly
+; Token equivalence
+; If you know a better way 
+; to define this with µVision 
+; let me know
+; The order of the definition
+; of the EQU don't matter 
+; only the value itself is important
+; If you add a token don't forget
+; to add an entry in the token's addresses
+;Token name                                 ; Word 
+Tick    EQU     (TokTab-wxTick)/4           ; .
+Dot     EQU     (TokTab-wxDot)/4            ; .
+UDot    EQU     (TokTab-wxUDot)/4           ; U.
+Sign    EQU     (TokTab-wxSign)/4           ; SIGN
+NumStr  EQU     (TokTab-wxNumStr)/4         ; #S
+StrPic  EQU     (TokTab-wxStrPic)/4         ; <#
+Numb    EQU     (TokTab-wxNumb)/4           ; #
+EndPic  EQU     (TokTab-wxEndPic)/4         ; #>
+Abs     EQU     (TokTab-wxAbs)/4            ; ABS
+Str     EQU     (TokTab-wxStr)/4            ; STR
+Hold    EQU     (TokTab-wxHold)/4           ; HOLD
+Extract EQU     (TokTab-wxExtract)/4        ; EXTRACT
+Hld     EQU     (TokTab-wxHld)/4            ; HLD
+Pad     EQU     (TokTab-wxPad)/4            ; PAD
+UMSMod  EQU     (TokTab-wxUMSMod)/4         ; UM/MOD
+MSMod   EQU     (TokTab-wxMSMod)/4          ; M/MOD
+SMod    EQU     (TokTab-wxSMod)/4           ; /MOD
+Neg     EQU     (TokTab-wxNeg)/4            ; NEGATE
+RAt     EQU     (TokTab-wxRAt)/4            ; R@
+IsNull  EQU     (TokTab-wxIsNull)/4         ; 0=
+ULess   EQU     (TokTab-wxUless)/4          ; U<
+Mul     EQU     (TokTab-wxMul)/4            ; *
+DotS    EQU     (TokTab-wxDotS)/4           ; .S
+Inter   EQU     (TokTab-wxInter)/4          ; INTERPRET
+Word    EQU     (TokTab-wxWord)/4           ; WORD
+toIn    EQU     (TokTab-wxtoIn)/4           ; >IN
+nTib    EQU     (TokTab-wxnTib)/4           ; #TIB
+State   EQU     (TokTab-wxState)/4          ; STATE
+RS0     EQU     (TokTab-wxFalse)/4          ; not a user token
+False   EQU     (TokTab-wxFalse)/4          ; FALSE
+True    EQU     (TokTab-wxTrue)/4           ; TRUE
+DNeg    EQU     (TokTab-wxDNeg)/4           ; DNEGATE
+DPlus   EQU     (TokTab-wxDPlus)/4          ; D+
+DMinus  EQU     (TokTab-wxDMinus)/4         ; D-
+IsNeg   EQU     (TokTab-wxIsNeg)/4          ; <0    
+TDup    EQU     (TokTab-wxTDup)/4           ; 2DUP  
+UMPlus  EQU     (TokTab-wxUMPlus)/4         ; UM+
+TDrop   EQU     (TokTab-wx2Drop)/4          ; 2DROP
+Fill    EQU     (TokTab-wxFill)/4           ; FILL
+Foursta EQU     (TokTab-wxFoursta)/4        ; 4*
+MRot    EQU     (TokTab-wxMRot)/4           ; -ROT
+Rot     EQU     (TokTab-wxRot)/4            ; ROT
+Dec     EQU     (TokTab-wxDec)/4            ; DECIMAL
+Base    EQU     (TokTab-wxBase)/4           ; BASE
+Toupp   EQU     (TokTab-wxToupp)/4          ; TOUPPER
+Find    EQU     (TokTab-wxFind)/4           ; FIND
+Upper   EQU     (TokTab-wxUpper)/4          ; UPPER
+Count   EQU     (TokTab-wxCount)/4          ; COUNT
+Type    EQU     (TokTab-wxType)/4           ; TYPE
+Words   EQU     (TokTab-wxWords)/4          ; WORDS
+CAt     EQU     (TokTab-wxCAt)/4            ; C@
+At      EQU     (TokTab-wxAt)/4             ; @
+Bl      EQU     (TokTab-wxBl)/4             ; BL
+Space   EQU     (TokTab-wxSpace)/4          ; SPACE
+Spaces  EQU     (TokTab-wxSpaces)/4         ; SPACES
+CStore  EQU     (TokTab-wxCStore)/4         ; C!
+Store   EQU     (TokTab-wxStore)/4          ; !
+Swap    EQU     (TokTab-wxSwap)/4           ; SWAP
+Accept  EQU     (TokTab-wxAccept)/4         ; ACCEPT
+Key     EQU     (TokTab-wxKey)/4            ; KEY
+BCode   EQU     (TokTab-wxBCode)/4
+Ten     EQU     (TokTab-wxTen)/4            ; #10
+Two     EQU     (TokTab-wxTwo)/4            ; #2
+One     EQU     (TokTab-wxOne)/4            ; 1
+Zero    EQU     (TokTab-wxZero)/4           ; 0
+Within  EQU     (TokTab-wxWithin)/4         ; WITHIN
+FromR   EQU     (TokTab-wxFromR)/4          ; R>
+ToR     EQU     (TokTab-wxToR)/4            ; >R
+Digit   EQU     (TokTab-wxDigit)/4          ; DIGIT
+Not     EQU     (TokTab-wxNot)/4            ; NOT
+Xor     EQU     (TokTab-wxXor)/4            ; XOR
+Or      EQU     (TokTab-wxOr)/4             ; OR
+And     EQU     (TokTab-wxAnd)/4            ; AND
+Eq      EQU     (TokTab-wxEq)/4             ; =
+Gt      EQU     (TokTab-wxGt)/4             ; >
+Lt      EQU     (TokTab-wxLt)/4             ; <
+Over    EQU     (TokTab-wxOver)/4           ; OVER
+Cr      EQU     (TokTab-wxCr)/4             ; CR
+Max     EQU     (TokTab-wxMax)/4            ; MAX
+Min     EQU     (TokTab-wxMin)/4            ; MIN
+Plus1   EQU     (TokTab-wxPlus1)/4          ; 1+
+Minus1  EQU     (TokTab-wxMinus1)/4         ; 1-
+Snap    EQU     (TokTab-wxSnap)/4   
+DupNZ   EQU     (TokTab-wxDupNZ)/4          ; ?DUP  
+Dup     EQU     (TokTab-wxDup)/4            ; DUP
+Minus   EQU     (TokTab-wxMinus)/4          ; -
+Lit8    EQU     (TokTab-wxdoLit8)/4
+Lit16   EQU     (TokTab-wxdoLit16)/4
+Lit32   EQU     (TokTab-wxdoLit32)/4
+Plus    EQU     (TokTab-wxPlus)/4           ; +
+Exit    EQU     (TokTab-wxExit)/4           ; EXIT
+Bra     EQU     (TokTab-wxBra)/4        
+ZBra    EQU     (TokTab-wxZBra)/4
+Emit    EQU     (TokTab-wxEmit)/4           ; EMIT
+SpAt    EQU     (TokTab-wxSpAt)/4           ; SP@
+Sp0     EQU     (TokTab-wxSp0)/4            ; SP0
+Slash4  EQU     (TokTab-wxSlash4)/4         ; /4
+;USMod  EQU     (TokTab-wxUSMod)/4          ; U/MOD ?????
+Drop    EQU     (TokTab-wxDrop)/4           ; DROP
+Execute EQU     (TokTab-wxExecute)/4        ; EXECUTE
+Depth   EQU     (TokTab-wxDepth)/4          ; DEPTH
+Lf      EQU     (TokTab-wxLf)/4             ; LF
+;Not so usefull macro...to be change
+        MACRO
+$lab    LINK    $p
+$lab    DCD     $p
+        MEND
+;Handy way to code the Next routine
+        MACRO
+$lab    RET
+$lab    BX  NXT
+        MEND    
+; These macro compute the displacement 
+; which is store in a halfword aligned
+        MACRO
+$label  Branch  $target
+$label  DCB     Bra
+        DCW     $target-.
+        MEND
+        MACRO
+$label  ZBranch $target
+$label  DCB     ZBra
+        DCW     $target-.
+        MEND
+; These macro Create Counted string 
+        MACRO
+$label  String  $String
+$label  DCB     $String
+        MEND
+m0      DCB     m2-m1
+m1      DCB     "TOTO"
+m2      EQU     .
+; High level routine doCol/Enter (save IPTR)
+; 8 bytes long for each high level word
+        MACRO
+$lab    doCol                       ; !!! We come here from a BX WRK2 in the next routine see below
+$lab    STR     IPTR,[RPTR]         ; Save Instruction pointer to the return Stack
+        ADDS    RPTR, RPTR, #4      ; Update Return stack pointer
+        ADDS    IPTR, WRK2, #7      ; Warning! adjusted to point after the RET Macro. Point to the first byte/token in the byte/token list
+        RET
+        MEND
+; The long next routine
+; we jump into it with a BX NXT 
+; where NXT is the register which contain 
+; the doNext address
+doNext  LDR     WRK2,=(TokTab)      ; Last Table Entry address (Tok=0)
+        LDRB    WRK, [IPTR]         ; Get the token to be execute in the thread
+        CMP     WRK, #255           ; Is it a one byte token or a multiple' one?
+        BEQ     high                ; go to next token (NOT IMPLEMENTED )
+        LSLS    WRK, #2             ; Token number * 4 (word length)
+        SUBS    WRK2, WRK2, WRK     ; Compute the entry table address
+        ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Point to next token before running the actual one
+        LDR     WRK2, [WRK2]        ; Get the run address
+        BX      WRK2                ; Go to it!
+high    B       high                ; To be update latter when i will use 2 bytes tokens
+        LDR     RPTR, =Begin
+        LDR     NXT, =doNext
+        BL      UartConfig
+        LDR     IPTR, =test18
+        BX      NXT
+; Dictionary start here
+LExit   LINK    0                   ; Link
+        DCB     4, "EXIT"   
+xExit   SUBS    RPTR, RPTR, #4      ; Adjust the return stack pointer 
+        LDR     IPTR,[RPTR]         ; Collect the value
+        RET
+; All specific code  for a chip
+; Must be put in a separate file
+; see lpc8xx.s as an example
+;       INCLUDE yourfavoritechip.s
+ ;       GET    ./lpc8xx.s
+;-(0)-------------------------------( -- 0 )        
+LZero   LINK    LKey                ; Link to LKey which is in the included file
+        DCB     1+Inline, "0"   
+xZero   PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #0
+        RET
+;-(1)-------------------------------( -- 1 )        
+LOne    LINK    LZero               ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline,"1"    
+xOne    PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #1
+        RET
+;-(#2)-------------------------------( -- 2 )       
+LTwo    LINK    LOne                ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline,"#2"   
+xTwo    PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #2
+        RET
+;-(#10)------------------------------( -- 10 )      
+LTen    LINK    LTwo                ; Link
+        DCB     3+Inline, "#10" 
+xTen    PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #10
+        RET
+;-(Plus1)---------------------------( n -- n+1 )
+LPlus1  LINK    LTen                ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "1+"
+xPlus1  ADDS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Add 1 to TOS
+        RET
+;-(Minus1)--------------------------( n -- n-1 )
+LMinus1 LINK    LPlus1              ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "1-"
+xMinus1 SUBS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Substract 1 to TOS
+        RET
+;-(DUP)-----------------------------(x -- x,x)
+LDup    LINK    LMinus1             ; Link
+        DCB     3+Inline, "DUP"
+xDup    PUSH    {TOS}               ; Push Top of stack onto the stack (sp pointing)
+        RET
+;-(2DUP)----------------------------(x2,x1 -- x2,x1,x2,x1)
+L2Dup   LINK    LDup                ; Link
+        DCB     4, "2DUP"
+x2Dup   POP     {WRK}               ; Get second element
+        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put second element
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put first element
+        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put second element
+        RET                         ; First is still in TOS
+;-(doLit8)--------------------------( -- n )
+LdoLit8 LINK    L2Dup               ; Link
+        DCB     5, "Lit8"           ; For value between -128,+127
+doLit8  PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
+        LDRB    TOS,[IPTR]          ; Collect the byte just after the token (IPTR pointing to it)
+        SXTB    TOS, TOS            ; Extent the sign
+        ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Jump over the byte
+        RET
+;-(doLit16)-------------------------( -- n )
+LdoLit16 LINK   LdoLit8             ; Link
+        DCB     5, "Lit16"
+doLit16 PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
+        ADDS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ; Point to 
+        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   the next halfword 
+        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   boundary
+        LDRH    TOS, [IPTR]         ; Collect the halfword
+        SXTH    TOS, TOS            ; Extend the sign
+        ADDS    IPTR, #2            ; Jump over the halfword
+        RET
+;-(doLit32)-------------------------( -- n )    
+LdoLit32 LINK   LdoLit16            ; Link
+        DCB     5, "Lit32"
+doLit32 PUSH    {TOS}
+        ADDS    IPTR, IPTR, #3      ; point to 
+        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #2      ;   the next word 
+        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #2      ;   boundary
+        LDR     TOS, [IPTR]
+        ADDS    IPTR, #4            ; Jump over the word
+        RET
+;-(OR)------------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+LOr     LINK    LdoLit32            ; Link
+        DCB     2,"OR"
+xOr     POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
+        ORRS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Or
+        RET
+;-(AND)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+LAnd    LINK    LOr                 ; Link
+        DCB     3,"AND"
+xAnd    POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
+        ANDS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; And
+        RET
+;-(XOR)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x3 )
+LXor    LINK    LAnd                ; Link
+        DCB     3, "XOR"
+xXor    POP     {WRK}               ; Get second parameter
+        EORS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Xor
+        RET
+;-(0<)------------------------------( n -- f)
+LIsNeg  LINK    LXor                ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "0<"
+xIsNeg  ASRS    TOS, TOS, #31       ; Extend the sign True=FFFFFFFF False=00000000
+        RET
+;-(0=)------------------------------( n -- f )
+LIsNull LINK    LIsNeg              ; Link
+        DCB     2, "0="
+xIsNull MOVS    TOS,TOS             ; test the value
+        BEQ     Isnull1
+        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; False
+        B       IsNull2
+Isnull1 SUBS    TOS,TOS,#1          ; True 
+IsNull2 RET 
+;-(0>)------------------------------( n -- f )
+LIsPos  LINK    LIsNull             ; Link
+        DCB     2, "0>"
+xIsPos  MOVS    TOS,TOS
+        LDR     TOS,=0x0            ; False
+        BNE     IsPos1
+        BPL     IsPos1
+        SUBS    TOS,TOS,#1          ; True 
+IsPos1  RET
+        LTORG
+;-(EXECUTE)-------------------------( xt -- )
+LExec   LINK    LIsPos              ; Link
+        DCB     7+Inline, "EXECUTE"
+xExec   ADDS    WRK2, TOS, #1       ; Because of Thumb              
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS    
+        BX      WRK2                ; We need to use WRK2 at the entry of a high level word. See doCol comment
+;-(DROP)-----------------------------(x -- )
+LDrop   LINK    LExec               ; Link
+        DCB     4+Inline, "DROP"
+xDrop   POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element
+        RET
+;-(2DROP)---------------------------( x1 x2 -- )
+L2Drop  LINK    LDrop               ; Link
+        DCB     5+Inline, "2DROP"
+x2Drop  POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Get previous element
+        RET
+;-(SWAP)----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 )
+LSwap   LINK    L2Drop              ; Link
+        DCB     4, "SWAP"
+xSwap   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
+        MOVS    TOS,WRK             ; Put x1
+        RET
+;-(OVER)----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x1 x2 x1 )
+LOver   LINK    LSwap               ; Link
+        DCB     4+Inline, "OVER"
+xOver   PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
+        LDR     TOS,[sp,#4]         ; Get x1
+        RET
+;-(ROT)-----------------------------( x1 x2 x3 -- x2 x3 x1 )
+LRot    LINK    LOver               ; Link
+        DCB     3, "ROT"
+xRot    POP     {WRK}               ; Get x2 
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get x1
+        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put x2
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x3
+        MOV     TOS,WRK2            ; Put x1
+        RET
+;-(-ROT)-----------------------------( x1 x2 x3 -- x3 x1 x2 )
+LMRot   LINK    LRot                ; Link
+        DCB     4, "-ROT"
+xMRot   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x2 
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get x1
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x3
+        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; Put x1
+        MOV     TOS,WRK             ; Put x2
+        RET
+;-(NIP)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 )
+LNip    LINK    LMRot               ; Link
+        DCB     3+Inline, "NIP"
+xNip    POP     {WRK}               ; Discard x1
+        RET
+;-(TUCK)-----------------------------( x1 x2 -- x2 x1 x2 )
+LTuck   LINK     LNip               ; Link
+        DCB     4, "TUCK"
+xTuck   POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put x2
+        PUSH    {WRK}               ; Put x1
+        RET
+;-(+)-------------------------------( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
+LPlus   LINK    LTuck               ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline, "+"
+xPlus   POP     {WRK}               ; Get n1|u1
+        ADDS    TOS, TOS, WRK       ; Add n2|u2
+        RET
+;-(-)-------------------------------( n1|u1 n2|u2 -- n3|u3 )
+LMinus  LINK     LPlus              ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline, "-"
+xMinus  POP     {WRK}               ; Get n1|u1
+        SUBS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; Substract from TOS
+        RET
+LTwosta LINK    LMinus              ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "2*"
+xTwoStar LSLS   TOS, TOS, #1        ; Shift one bit
+        RET
+LTwosla LINK    LTwosta             ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "2/"
+xTwoSla ASRS    TOS, TOS, #1        ; Shift one bit
+        RET
+LFoursta LINK   LTwosla             ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "4*"
+xFoursta LSLS   TOS, TOS, #2        ; Shift two bits
+        RET
+L4Slash LINK    LFoursta            ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "4/"
+xSlash4 ASRS    TOS, TOS, #2        ; Shift two bits
+        RET 
+;-(LSHIFT)--------------------------(x1,u --- x2)
+LShift  LINK    L4Slash             ; Link
+        DCB     6+Inline, "LSHIFT"
+xSixtn  POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
+        LSLS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Shift x1 u place to the left
+        MOVS    TOS, WRK
+        RET
+;-(RSHIFT)--------------------------(x1,u --- x2)
+LRShift LINK    LShift              ; Link
+        DCB     6+Inline, "RSHIFT"
+        POP     {WRK}               ; Get x1
+        LSRS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Shift x1 u place to the right
+        MOVS    TOS, WRK
+        RET
+;-(@)-------------------------------( a -- x )
+LAt     LINK    LRShift             ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline, "@"
+xAt     LDR     TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the value pointed by TOS
+        RET
+;-(C@)------------------------------( a -- c )
+LCAt    LINK    LAt                 ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "C@"
+xCAt    LDRB    TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the caracter pointed by TOS
+        RET
+;-(H@)------------------------------( a -- h )
+LHAt    LINK    LCAt                ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "H@"
+xHAt    LDRH    TOS, [TOS]          ; Get the halfword pointed by TOS
+        RET
+;-(!)-------------------------------(word,address --)
+LStore  LINK    LHAt                ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline, "!"
+xStore  POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store     
+        STR     WRK, [TOS]          ; Store word where TOS point to
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
+        RET 
+LCStore LINK    LStore              ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline, "C!"
+xCStore POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store    
+        STRB    WRK, [TOS]          ; Store Character value where TOS point to
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
+        RET 
+;-(H!)------------------------------(halfword,address --)
+LHStore LINK    LCStore             ; Link
+        DCB     2                   ; Length
+        DCB     "H!"
+xHStore POP     {WRK}               ; Get value to store    
+        STRH    WRK, [TOS]          ; Store Halfword where TOS point to
+        POP     {TOS}   
+        RET
+;-(>R)------------------------------( n -- R:n)
+LToR    LINK    LHStore             ; Link
+        DCB     2+Inline+Cmponly, ">R"
+xToR    STR     TOS,[RPTR]          ; Put TOS on return stack
+        ADDS    RPTR, #4            ; Adjust Stack pointer
+        POP     {TOS}               ; update TOS
+        RET 
+;-(R>)------------------------------(R:n -- n)
+LFromR  LINK    LToR                ; Link
+        DCB     2, "R>"
+xFromR  PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
+        SUBS    RPTR, RPTR, #4      ; Prepare to collect
+        LDR     TOS, [RPTR]         ; Collect value
+        RET 
+LRAt    LINK    LFromR              ; Link
+        DCB     2, "R@"
+xRAt    PUSH    {TOS}               ; Make room
+        MOVS    TOS, RPTR           ; Collect value
+        SUBS    TOS, #4             ; Point to previous word
+        LDR     TOS,[TOS]           ; Get value
+        RET
+LNot    LINK    LRAt                ; Link
+        DCB     3+Inline, "NOT"
+xNot    MVNS    TOS, TOS            ; move not
+        RET 
+;-(branch)-------------------------- Branch & ZBranch use a halfword align displacement 
+Lbranch LINK    LNot                ; Link
+        DCB     3, "BRA"
+xBra    ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Point to
+        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ; the next halfword 
+        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ; boundary
+        LDRH    WRK, [IPTR]         ; Get the displacement
+        SXTH    WRK, WRK            ; Extend the sign
+        ADDS    IPTR, IPTR, WRK     ; Compute destination address
+        RET
+LZbranch LINK   Lbranch             ; Link
+        DCB     4, "0BRA"
+xZBra   TST     TOS,TOS             ; Update flags
+        POP     {TOS}               ; 
+        BEQ     xBra                ; Take the branch if TOS = 0
+        ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Else compute
+        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ; the next halfword 
+        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ; boundary              
+        ADDS    IPTR, #2            ; and jump over the halfword displacement
+        RET
+;-(NEGATE)--------------------------(n -- -n)
+LNegate LINK    LZbranch            ; Link
+        DCB     6+Inline, "NEGATE"
+xNeg    MVNS    TOS, TOS            ; Move NOT signed 
+        ADDS    TOS, #1
+        RET
+;-(ABS)-----------------------------(n -- |n|)
+LAbs    LINK    LNegate             ; Link
+        DCB     3, "ABS"
+xAbs    TST     TOS, TOS            ; Test TOS 
+        BPL     Abs1                ; If positive do nothing
+        MOVS    WRK, #0
+        SUBS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; TOS = 0 - TOS
+Abs1    RET
+;-(MAX)-----------------------------(n1, n2 -- Max(n1,n2))
+LMax    LINK    LAbs                ; Link
+        DCB     3, "MAX"    
+xMax    POP     {WRK}       
+        CMP     WRK, TOS
+        BLT     xMax1
+        MOVS    TOS, WRK
+xMax1   RET 
+;-(MIN)-----------------------------(n1, n2 -- Min(n1,n2))
+LMin    LINK    LMax                ; Link
+        DCB     3, "MIN"
+xMin    POP     {WRK}
+        CMP     WRK, TOS
+        BGT     xMin1
+        MOVS    TOS, WRK
+xMin1   RET
+LWithin LINK    LMin                ; Link
+        DCB     6, "WITHIN"
+xWithin doCol
+        DCB     Over, Minus, ToR    ; : Within Over - >R - R> U< ; 
+        DCB     Minus, FromR, ULess ; 
+        DCB     Exit
+LEq     LINK    LWithin             ; Link
+        DCB     1, "="
+xEq     POP     {WRK}   
+        CMP     WRK,TOS
+        LDR     TOS, =0x0           ; False flag
+        BNE     xEq1
+        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; True 
+xEq1    RET
+LLt     LINK    LEq                 ; Link
+        DCB     1, "<"
+xLt     POP     {WRK}   
+        CMP     WRK,TOS
+        LDR     TOS, =0x0
+        BGE     xLt1
+        SUBS    TOS, #1
+xLt1    RET
+LGt     LINK    LLt                 ; Link
+        DCB     1, ">"
+xGt     POP     {WRK}   
+        CMP     WRK,TOS
+        LDR     TOS, =0x0
+        BLE     xGt1
+        SUBS    TOS, #1
+xGt1    RET
+LInvert LINK    LGt                 ; Link
+        DCB     6+Inline, "INVERT"                              
+xInvert MVNS    TOS, TOS
+        RET                  
+;-(?DUP)----------------------------(n -- n,n | n)
+LDupNZ  LINK    LInvert             ; Link
+        DCB     4, "?DUP"
+xDupNZ  TST     TOS, TOS            ; Test TOS 
+        BEQ     DupNZ1              ; If 0 do nothing
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Duplicate
+DupNZ1  RET
+LMul    LINK    LDupNZ              ; Link
+        DCB     1+Inline, "*"
+xMul    POP     {WRK}               ; Get 2nd Element 
+        MULS    TOS, WRK, TOS       ; Multiply
+        RET
+LAddSto LINK    LMul                ; Link
+        DCB     2, "+!"
+xAddSto POP     {WRK}
+        LDR     WRK2, [TOS]
+        ADDS    WRK, WRK, WRK2
+        STR     WRK, [TOS]
+        POP     {TOS}
+        RET
+LSubSto LINK    LAddSto             ; Link
+        DCB     2, "-!"
+xSubSto POP     {WRK}
+        LDR     WRK2, [TOS]
+        SUBS    WRK, WRK, WRK2
+        STR     WRK, [TOS]
+        POP     {TOS}
+        RET
+LCell   LINK    LSubSto             ; Link
+        DCB     4+Inline, "CELL"
+xCell   PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #4             ; Cells are 4 bytes
+        RET
+LSP0    LINK    LCell               ; Link
+        DCB     3, "SP0"
+xSp0    SUBS    WRK, WRK            ; Cortex M0+ initial stack value address : 0
+        LDR     WRK, [WRK]
+        PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOV     TOS, WRK            
+        RET
+LSPAt   LINK    LSP0                ; Link
+        DCB     3, "SP@"
+xSpAt   MOV     WRK, sp             ; Collect the value before push!
+        PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOV     TOS, WRK            ; Update
+        RET
+;-(DEPTH)---------------------------: Depth SP@ SP0 - /4 ; 14 bytes
+LDepth  LINK    LSPAt               ; Link
+        DCB     5, "DEPTH"
+xDepth  doCol
+        DCB     SpAt, Sp0, Swap
+        DCB     Minus, Slash4       ; 
+        DCB     Exit
+LState  LINK    LDepth              ; Link
+        DCB     5, "STATE"
+xState  PUSH    {TOS}
+        LDR     TOS, =VState        ; Put address on TOS    
+        RET
+LLatest LINK    LState              ; Link
+        DCB     6, "LATEST"
+;Latest STR     TOS, [DPTR]
+;       INC     DPTR
+;       LDR     TOS, =SLatest       ; Put address on TOS    
+        RET
+LHere   LINK    LLatest             ; Link
+        DCB     4, "HERE"
+;Here   STR     TOS, [DPTR]
+;       INC     DPTR
+;       LDR     TOS, =SHere         ; Put address on TOS    
+        RET                         ; To collect the address    
+LBase   LINK    LHere               ; Link
+        DCB     4, "BASE"
+xBase   PUSH    {TOS}
+        LDR     TOS, =VBase         ; Put address on TOS    
+        RET
+Lmsec   LINK    LBase               ; Link
+        DCB     4, "msec"
+msec    LDR     WRK, =2400
+L1msec  SUBS    WRK, #1             ; 1 Cycle
+        BNE     L1msec              ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
+        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; 1 cycle
+        BNE     msec                ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
+        RET
+Lusec   LINK    Lmsec               ; Link
+        DCB     6, "10usec"
+Tusec   LDR     WRK, =23
+L1usec  SUBS    WRK, #1             ; 1 Cycle
+        BNE     L1usec              ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
+        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; 1 cycle
+        BNE     Tusec               ; 2 cycles (taken) 1 cycle (not taken)
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS 
+        RET
+;-(SNAP)----------------------------;  Debug helper
+LSnap   LINK    Lusec
+        DCB     4, "SNAP"
+xSnap   PUSH    {TOS}
+ESnap   MOVS    r0,#8
+Snap0   PUSH    {TOS}
+        LSRS    TOS, TOS, #28
+        CMP     TOS, #0x9
+        BGT     Snap1
+        ADDS    TOS, #"0"
+        B       Snap2
+Snap1   ADDS    TOS, #("A"-0xa)
+Snap2   LDR     r1,=(USART0)
+Snap3   LDR     r2,[r1,#STAT]
+        LSRS    r2,#3
+        BCC     Snap3               ; ? ready to Xmit
+        STR     TOS,[r1,#TXDAT]     
+        POP     {TOS}
+        LSLS    TOS,#4
+        SUBS    r0,#1
+        BNE     Snap0               ; =0?
+        POP     {TOS}
+        RET
+;-(COUNT)---------------------------(caddr -- addr,count)
+LCount  LINK    LSnap
+        DCB     5, "COUNT"
+xCount  MOVS    WRK, TOS            ; 
+        ADDS    TOS, #1             ; Point to 1st char
+        PUSH    {TOS}               ; Put it on the stack
+        LDRB    TOS, [WRK]          ; Get length
+        RET
+;-(FIND)----------------------------(caddr -- caddr|xt,flag )
+;                                    flag=0 not found, =1 immediate, =-1 not immediate
+LFind   LINK    LCount
+        DCB     4, "FIND"               ; May be has to be recoded in high level !
+xFind   LDR     WRK2, =VLatest      ; Get last entry pointer field
+Find1   TST     WRK2, WRK2          ; More words?
+        BEQ     Find4               ; No we have to leave
+        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; save pointer
+        ADDS    WRK2, #4            ; WRK2 point to counted string
+        LDRB    WRK1, [WRK2]        ; Get Lenght+flag from dictionnary
+        MOVS    WRK0,  #0x1F        ; Flag mask
+        ANDS    WRK1, WRK0          ; Discard flags
+        LDRB    WRK0, [TOS]         ; Get length of searched string
+        CMP     WRK0, WRK1          ; Are they equals ?
+        BNE     Find3               ; no , we have to test next word
+        PUSH    {TOS}
+Find1b  ADDS    TOS, #1             ; point to next char in input string
+        ADDS    WRK2, #1            ; point to next char in dictionnary word
+        LDRB    WRK0, [TOS]         ; Get char in input string 
+        LDRB    WRK, [WRK2]         ; Get char in dictionnary
+        CMP     WRK0, WRK           ; Are they equal 
+        BNE     Find2               ; no try another word
+        SUBS    WRK1, #1            ; we start this loop with length in WRK1. It's our char counter
+        BNE     Find1b              ; We still have to compare more caracters
+        POP     {TOS}               ; Yes we find it
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; link fiel address of the word we have found
+        LDRB    WRK, [WRK2, #4]     ; Get flag+Length byte
+        MOVS    WRK0, #Immed     
+        ANDS    WRK, WRK0           ; ?Immed
+        BNE     Find1c              ; Immed
+        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; Not Immed 
+        SUBS    TOS, #1             ; flag=-1 not immed
+        B       Find1d
+Find1c  MOVS    TOS, #1             ; Flag= 1 immed
+Find1d  LDRB    WRK, [WRK2, #4]         
+        MOVS    WRK1, #0x1f
+        ANDS    WRK, WRK1
+        ADDS    WRK2, #6            ; 4 of Lnk length, 1 name length and 1 to insure halfword align
+        ADDS    WRK2, WRK
+        LSRS    WRK2, #1            ; Round to a multiple
+        LSLS    WRK2, #1            ; of 2
+        PUSH    {WRK2}              ; Xt address
+        B       Find5               ; Done
+Find2   POP     {TOS}               ; Restore the address of counted string we are looking for
+Find3   POP     {WRK2}              ; Restore pointer of the linked chain
+        LDR     WRK2,[WRK2]         ; Link to next in dictionnary
+        B       Find1               ; Try next one
+Find4   PUSH    {TOS}               ; Leave the c-address
+        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; Clear TOS (not found)     
+Find5   RET     
+        LTORG
+;-(ACCEPT)--------------------------( addr, len --- len2)
+LAccept LINK    LFind
+        DCB     6
+        DCB     "ACCEPT"    
+xAccept doCol
+        DCB     Zero, ToR           ; Initial count=0
+        DCB     Swap                ; ( len, addr --- R:0)
+        DCB     Key                 ; ( len, addr, char --- R:count)
+        DCB     Dup, Bl, Lt         ; Is it a control character?
+        ZBranch Accept3             ; No 
+        DCB     Dup, Lit8, 8, Eq    ; Is it a backspace?
+        ZBranch Accept2             ; No
+        DCB     FromR, Dup,Zero,Eq  ; Begining of line?
+        DCB     Swap, ToR
+        ZBranch Accept1b            ; No
+        DCB     Lit8, 7, Emit, Drop ; Emit Bell and go to get next char
+        Branch  Accept1
+        DCB     Dup,Emit, Bl, Emit, Emit
+        DCB     FromR, Minus1,ToR
+        DCB     Minus1
+        Branch  Accept1     
+        DCB     Dup, Lit8, 13, Eq   ; Is it a Carriage return
+        ZBranch Accept3             ; No
+        Branch  Accept4
+        DCB     Over, Over, Swap    ; ( len , addr, char, char, addr--- r:count)
+        DCB     CStore              ; ( len, addr, char---R:count)
+        DCB     Emit                ; ( len, addr---R:count)
+        DCB     Plus1               ; ( len, addr+1---R:count)
+        DCB     FromR,Plus1, ToR    ; ( len, addr+1---R:count+1)                
+        Branch  Accept1             ; go get next char      
+        DCB     TDrop, Drop, FromR  ; (count)
+        DCB     Cr
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(WORD)----------------------------(char --- cstring)???????????????????????
+LWord   LINK    LAccept
+        DCB     4
+        DCB     "WORD"  
+xWord   LDR     WRK, =(APAD)                
+        LDR     WRK1, =(TIB)        ; Get char at address
+        MOVS    WRK2,WRK1           ; save TIB
+        LDR     WRK0,=(AtoIn)
+        LDR     WRK0, [WRK0]
+        ADDS    WRK1, WRK0          ; Point current char
+        LDR     WRK0, =(AnTib)
+        LDR     WRK0, [WRK0]
+        ADDS    WRK2, WRK0          ; Point end of TIB
+Word1   CMP     WRK1, WRK2              
+        BEQ     Word3
+        LDRB    WRK0,[WRK1]         ; Get char
+        ADDS    WRK1, #1            ; point to next char
+        CMP     WRK0, TOS           ; is it the delimiter?
+        BEQ     Word1
+Word2   ADDS    WRK, #1             ; avance 1 byte in PAD
+        STRB    WRK0, [WRK]
+        CMP     WRK1, WRK2
+        BEQ     Word3
+        LDRB    WRK0,[WRK1]         ; Get char
+        ADDS    WRK1, #1            ; point to next char
+        CMP     WRK0, TOS           ; is it the delimiter?
+        BNE     Word2               ; 
+Word3   MOVS    WRK0, #0x32         ; Put a blank
+        STRB    WRK0, [WRK, #1]     ; at the end of string in pad
+        LDR     TOS, =(APAD)
+        SUBS    WRK, WRK, TOS       ; Compute length
+        STRB    WRK, [TOS]          ; Put length at the beginning
+                                    ; of PAD
+        LDR     WRK, =(TIB)             
+        SUBS    WRK1, WRK           
+        LDR     WRK, =(AtoIn)
+        STR     WRK1, [WRK]     
+        RET
+        LTORG
+LWords  LINK    LWord
+        DCB     5
+        DCB     "WORDS" 
+xWords  doCol
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     VLatest                 ; ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
+Words1  DCB     Dup, ToR
+        DCB     Lit8, 4, Plus
+        DCB     Count, Lit8, 0x1f, And
+        DCB     Type, Bl, Emit
+        DCB     FromR, At, Dup
+        ZBranch Words2
+        Branch  Words1
+Words2  DCB     Drop, Cr
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(TYPE)----------------------------(addr,number --)
+LType   LINK    LWords
+        DCB     4
+        DCB     "TYPE"  
+xType   doCol
+Type1   DCB     Dup                 ; (addr,number,number)
+        ZBranch Type2
+        DCB     Swap, Dup, CAt      ; (number, addr, char)
+        DCB     Emit
+        DCB     Plus1, Swap, Minus1 ; (addr+1, number-1)
+        Branch  Type1
+Type2   DCB     Drop, Drop          ; ()
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(UM+)-----------------------------(number,number -- sum,carry)        
+LUMPlus LINK    LType
+        DCB     3, "UM+"
+xUMPlus POP     {WRK}   
+        SUBS    WRK2, WRK2
+        ADDS    WRK,WRK,TOS
+        BCC     UMPlus1
+        ADDS    WRK2, #1
+UMPlus1 MOVS    TOS, WRK2       
+        PUSH    {WRK}
+        RET
+;-(D+)------------------------------(double,double -- double)       
+LDPlus  LINK    LUMPlus
+        DCB     2, "D+"
+xDPlus  POP     {WRK}               ; low1
+        POP     {WRK1}              ; high2
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; low2
+        ADDS    WRK, WRK2           ; low1 + low2
+        ADCS    TOS, WRK1           ; high1+ high2 +carry
+        PUSH    {WRK}
+        RET
+;-(D-)------------------------------(double,double -- double)       
+LDMinus LINK    LDPlus
+        DCB     2, "D-"                                     ; Voir si a améliorer
+xDMinus doCol
+        DCB     DNeg, DPlus
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(DNEGATE)-------------------------(double --  -double)        
+LDNeg   LINK    LDMinus
+        DCB     7, "DNEGATE"                                ; Voir si a améliorer
+xDNeg   doCol
+        DCB     Not, ToR, Not
+        DCB     Lit8, 1, UMPlus
+        DCB     FromR, Plus
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(S>D)-----------------------------(number --  double)     
+LStoD   LINK    LDNeg
+        DCB     3                                           
+        DCB     "S>D"
+xStoD   PUSH    {TOS}
+        ASRS    TOS, #32
+        RET
+;-(U<)------------------------------(u1, u2 -- flag)        
+LULess  LINK    LStoD
+        DCB     2
+        DCB     "U<"
+xULess  doCol                                               ; Voir si a améliorer
+        DCB     TDup, Xor, IsNeg
+        ZBranch ULess1
+        DCB     Swap, Drop, IsNeg
+        Branch  ULess2
+ULess1  DCB     Minus, IsNeg
+ULess2  DCB     Exit
+;-(U/MOD)---------------------------(ud, u -- ur , uq)
+LUmod   LINK    LULess
+        DCB     6
+        DCB     "UM/MOD"    
+; From Pygmy Forth
+;       divide 64 bit r1:r2 by 32 bit TOS
+xUMSMod POP     {WRK1}              ; Hi reg from ud
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; low reg from ud
+        MOVS    WRK, #32            ; Loop Index
+        ADDS    WRK2, WRK2          
+        ADCS    WRK1, WRK1
+        CMP     WRK1, TOS
+        BCC     USMod2
+        ADDS    WRK2, #1
+        SUBS    WRK1, TOS
+        SUBS    WRK, #1
+        BNE     USMod1                  
+        PUSH    {WRK1}
+        MOV     TOS, WRK2
+        RET
+;-(LF)------------------------------; : LF 10 EMIT ;
+LLinF   LINK    LUmod
+        DCB     2, "LF" 
+xLf     doCol
+        DCB     Ten, Emit       
+        DCB     Exit 
+;-(CR)------------------------------; : CR 13 EMIT LF ; 
+LCr     LINK    LLinF
+        DCB     2, "CR" 
+xCr     doCol       
+        DCB     Lit8, 0x0d, Emit, Lf    
+        DCB     Exit 
+LBl     LINK    LCr
+        DCB     2+Inline, "BL"  
+xBl     PUSH    {TOS}
+        MOVS    TOS, #' '
+        RET
+LSpace  LINK    LBl
+        DCB     5,"SPACE"
+xSpace  doCol
+        DCB     Lit8, ' ', Emit
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(SPACES)--------------------------;(n --)
+LSpaces LINK    LSpace
+        DCB     6,"SPACES"
+xSpaces doCol
+Spaces1 DCB     DupNZ
+        ZBranch Spaces2
+        DCB     Space, Minus1
+        Branch  Spaces1
+Spaces2 DCB     Exit
+;-(DIGIT)---------------------------;(n -- char)
+LDigit  LINK    LSpaces
+        DCB     5, "DIGIT"          
+xDigit  doCol                           ; : Digit 9 Over < 7 And + 48 + ;
+        DCB     Lit8, 9, Over, Lt
+        DCB     Lit8, 7, And, Plus
+        DCB     Lit8, '0', Plus
+        DCB     Exit
+;-(FILL)----------------------------( addr,u,char -- )
+LFill   LINK    LDigit
+        DCB     4
+        DCB     "FILL"  
+xFill   POP     {WRK}               ; Get u
+        POP     {WRK2}              ; Get addr
+Fill1   CMP     WRK, #0
+        BEQ     Fill2               ; Finish?
+        STRB    TOS, [WRK2]         ; Put char 
+        ADDS    WRK2, #1            ; addr= addr+1
+        SUBS    WRK, #1             ; u = u-1
+        B       Fill1               ; One more time
+Fill2   POP     {TOS}               ; Update TOS
+        RET
+LBCode  LINK    LFill
+        DCB     5+Cmponly           ; CODE: CANNOT be Inline !
+        DCB     "CODE:"         
+xBCode  ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; to align at
+        LSRS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   the next halfword 
+        LSLS    IPTR, IPTR, #1      ;   boundary                                
+        ADDS    IPTR, #1            ; Because of Thumb boundary
+        MOV     PC, IPTR            ; Jump to code itself
+        RET
+LECode  LINK    LBCode
+        DCB     5+Inline+Cmponly    ; It MUST be inline ????
+        DCB     ";CODE" 
+xECode  BL      Here                ; Where are we ? Collect address in lr
+Here    MOV     IPTR, lr            ; 
+        ADDS    IPTR, #5            ; To point after the RET
+        RET         
+LToupp  LINK    LECode
+        DCB     7                       
+        DCB     "TOUPPER"   
+xToupp  CMP     TOS, #'a'-1
+        BLE     Toupp1
+        CMP     TOS, #'z'+1
+        BGE     Toupp1
+        SUBS    TOS, #'a'-'A'
+Toupp1  RET
+LNoop   LINK    LToupp
+        DCB     4               
+xNoop   DCB     "NOOP"  
+        RET
+;-(UPPER)---------------------------(addr, count --)
+LUpper  LINK    LNoop
+        DCB     5
+        DCB     "UPPER"
+        POP     {WRK}               ; Get addr
+xUpper  CMP     TOS, #0             ; count=0?
+        BEQ     Upperx              ; yes
+        LDRB    WRK2, [WRK]
+        CMP     WRK2, #'a'-1
+        BLE     Upper3
+        CMP     WRK2, #'z'+1
+        BGE     Upper3
+        SUBS    WRK2, #'a'-'A'
+        STRB    WRK2, [WRK]
+Upper3  ADDS    WRK, #1
+        SUBS    TOS, #1
+        B       xUpper
+Upperx  POP     {TOS}
+        RET
+LFalse  LINK    LUpper
+        DCB     5, "FALSE"
+xFalse  PUSH    {TOS}       
+        SUBS    TOS, TOS            ; Put 0 in TOS
+        RET
+LTrue   LINK    LFalse
+        DCB     4, "TRUE"
+xTrue   PUSH    {TOS}   
+        SUBS    TOS, TOS
+        SUBS    TOS, #1
+        RET
+LDecim  LINK    LTrue
+        DCB     7, "DECIMAL"
+xDec    doCol       
+        DCB     Lit8, 10
+        DCB     Base, Store             ; Set Base to 10
+        DCB     Exit
+LBin    LINK    LDecim
+        DCB     3, "BIN"
+xBin    doCol       
+        DCB     Lit8, 2             
+        DCB     Base, Store             ; Set Base to 2
+        DCB     Exit        
+LHex    LINK    LBin
+        DCB     3, "HEX"
+xHex    doCol       
+        DCB     Lit8, 16            
+        DCB     Base, Store             ; Set Base to 16
+        DCB     Exit        
+LHld    LINK    LHex
+        DCB     3, "HLD"
+xHld    PUSH    {TOS}
+        LDR     TOS, =AHLD
+        RET
+LStrPic LINK    LHld
+        DCB     2, "<#"
+xStrPic doCol   
+        DCB     Pad , Lit8, 127, Plus 
+        DCB     Hld, Store
+        DCB     Exit
+LHold   LINK    LStrPic
+        DCB     4, "HOLD"
+xHold   doCol   
+        DCB     Hld, At, Minus1
+        DCB     Dup, Hld, Store, CStore
+        DCB     Exit
+LNumb   LINK    LHold
+        DCB     1, "#"
+xNumb   doCol
+        DCB     Base, At
+        DCB     Extract
+;       DCB     DotS
+        DCB     Hold
+        DCB     Exit
+LNumStr LINK    LNumb
+        DCB     2, "#S"
+xNumStr doCol
+NumStr1 DCB     Numb, Dup
+        DCB     IsNull
+        ZBranch NumStr1
+        DCB     Exit
+LSign   LINK    LNumStr
+        DCB     4, "SIGN"
+xSign   doCol
+        DCB     IsNeg
+        ZBranch Sign1
+        DCB     Lit8, '-', Hold
+Sign1   DCB     Exit        
+LEndPic LINK    LSign
+        DCB     2, "#>"
+xEndPic doCol
+        DCB     Drop, Hld, At
+        dcb     Pad, Lit8, 127, Plus
+        DCB     Over, Minus
+        DCB     Exit
+LStr    LINK    LEndPic
+        DCB     3, "STR"
+xStr    doCol
+        DCB     Dup, ToR, Abs, StrPic
+        DCB     NumStr, FromR, Sign, EndPic
+        DCB     Exit
+LDotR   LINK    LStr
+        DCB     2, ".R"
+xDotR   doCol
+        DCB     ToR, Str, FromR 
+        DCB     Over, Minus, Spaces
+        DCB     Type
+        DCB     Exit
+LUdR    LINK    LDotR
+        DCB     3, "U.R"
+xUDotR  doCol       
+        DCB     ToR, StrPic, NumStr
+        DCB     EndPic, FromR, Over
+        DCB     Minus, Spaces, Type
+        DCB     Exit
+LUDot   LINK    LUdR
+        DCB     2, "U."
+xUDot   doCol       
+        DCB     StrPic, NumStr, EndPic
+        DCB     Space, Type
+        DCB     Exit
+LDot    LINK    LUDot
+        DCB     1, "."
+xDot    doCol   
+        DCB     Base, At, Lit8, 10
+        DCB     Xor
+        ZBranch Dot1
+        DCB     UDot
+        Branch  Dot2
+Dot1    DCB     Str, Space, Type
+Dot2    DCB     Exit    
+LDotS   LINK    LDot
+        DCB     2, ".S"
+xDotS   doCol
+        DCB     Depth               ; (Depth)
+        DCB     Sp0
+        DCB     Lit8, 8 , Minus     ; (depth, Sp)
+        DCB     Swap                ; (Sp, depth)
+DotS1   DCB     Dup                 ; (Sp, depth, depth)
+        ZBranch DotS3               ; (sp, depth)
+        DCB     Dup                 ; (sp, depth, depth)
+        DCB     Lit8, 1, Eq         ; (sp, depth, flag)
+        ZBranch DotS2               ; (sp, depth)
+                                    ; Here we collect the last element in stack which is in TOS
+                                    ; we need to collect it with Rot. Can be shortened...
+        DCB     Rot, Snap, Cr       ; (sp, depth, TOS)  <<<<<<<<<<<<à remplacer par .
+        DCB     MRot                ; (TOS, sp, depth) Put TOS at the right place 
+        Branch  DotS3               ; and leave
+DotS2   DCB     Swap, Dup, At       ; (Depth,Sp,@Sp)
+        DCB     Snap, Drop, Cr      ; (Depth,Sp)        <<<<<<<<<<<<à remplacer par .
+        DCB     Lit8, 4, Minus      ; (Depth,Sp)
+        DCB     Swap, One, Minus    ; (Sp,Depth)
+        Branch  DotS1
+DotS3   DCB     Drop, Drop          ; ()
+        DCB     Exit
+LCComa  LINK    LDotS
+        DCB     2, "C,"
+xCComa  doCol
+        DCB     Exit
+LHComa  LINK    LCComa
+        DCB     2, "H,"
+xHComa  doCol       
+        DCB     Lit32           
+        DCD     Transit
+        DCB     Dup, MRot   
+;       DCB     Hstore
+;       DCB     Dup, At, CComa              
+;       DCB     PlusOne, At, CComa  
+        DCB     Exit    
+LComa   LINK    LHComa
+        DCB     1, ","
+xComa   doCol       
+        DCB     Lit32           
+        DCD     Transit
+        DCB     Dup, MRot           ;(TRansaddr, word, Transaddr)
+        DCB     Store               ;(Transaddr)
+;       DCB     Dup, At, HComa              
+;       DCB     TwoPlus, At, HComa  
+        DCB     Exit        
+LtoIn   LINK    LComa
+        DCB     3, ">IN"
+xtoIn   PUSH    {TOS}       
+        LDR     TOS, =AtoIn
+        RET
+LPad    LINK    LtoIn
+        DCB     3, "PAD"
+xPad    PUSH    {TOS}       
+        LDR     TOS, =APAD
+        RET
+LnTib   LINK    LPad
+        DCB     4, "#TIB"
+xnTib   PUSH    {TOS}       
+        LDR     TOS, =AnTib
+        RET
+        LTORG
+;(RS0)------------------------------ Headerless
+xRS0    LDR     RPTR, =Begin
+        RET
+LQuit   LINK    LnTib
+        DCB     4, "QUIT"
+xQuit   doCol
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     Begin               ; Set RPTR Return Stack Pointer to
+        DCB     RS0                 ; beginning of RAM
+        DCB     False, State, Store ; Set Interpret Mode
+        ; ...........   
+        DCB     Exit
+LAbort  LINK    LQuit
+        DCB     5, "ABORT"
+        ;...................
+        DCB     Exit    
+;(INTERPRET)------------------------(word--) Still to be clean
+LInterp LINK    LAbort
+        DCB     9, "INTERPRET"
+xInter  doCol
+Interp  DCB     nTib, At            ; Get # of char entered
+        DCB     toIn, At            ; get # of char processed
+        DCB     Eq
+        ZBranch Intrp5              ; Still some char to process
+        DCB     Lit8, '>', Emit     ; Prompt
+        DCB     Lit32               
+        DCD     TIB
+        DCB     Lit8, 50, Accept    ; Refill with a new line    
+;       DCB     DotS                ;                                       Debug <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<           
+        DCB     Dup, Zero, Eq       ; Is it a null line?
+        ZBranch Intrp4              ; No 
+        DCB     Drop                ; Discard length
+        Branch  Intrp2              ; and retry
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     AnTib 
+        DCB     Store               ; Update #TIB
+        DCB     Zero, toIn, Store   ; Point to the beginning
+        DCB     Bl                  ; space is the separator
+        DCB     Word                ; Try to find a WORD                                        
+        DCB     Dup, CAt            ; Get length
+        DCB     Zero, Eq, Not       ; Not a blank line?
+        ZBranch Intrp3              ; no get new one
+                                    ; we have a string !
+        DCB     Find                ; try to find it in dictionary
+        DCB     Dup                 ; Duplicate flag from Find 0 mean not found
+        ZBranch Intrp8              ; Not a Word
+        DCB     State, At           ; c'est de       <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+        DCB     Eq                  ;  la daube      <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+        ZBranch Intrp7
+        ;
+        ; compile 
+        ;
+        Branch  Intrp9  
+        DCB     Execute
+        Branch  Intrp10
+Intrp8  ; Traitement peut-etre nombre
+        DCB     Drop, Drop
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     Mess2, Count, Type, Type    ;   debug   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
+        ; not a word may be a number
+        ;
+        Branch  Interp
+        DCB     Exit
+LCallR0 LINK    LInterp
+        DCB     6               
+        DCB     "CallR0"
+xCallR0 doCol
+        ;...............;
+        DCB     Exit
+;(DIGIT?)---------------------------(char, base --u f) 
+LisDigit LINK   LCallR0
+        DCB     6, "DIGIT?"
+xisDigit doCol
+        DCB     ToR                 ;(char)
+        DCB     Lit8, '0', Minus    ;(num)
+        DCB     Dup                 ;(num,num)
+        DCB     Lit8, 9,  Gt        ;(num, flag)
+        ZBranch isDigit1
+        DCB     Lit8, ('A'-'9'-1)   
+        DCB     Minus   
+isDigit1                            ;(num)
+        DCB     Dup, FromR, ULess
+        DCB     Exit
+;(CHAR)-----------------------------( -- char) 
+LChar   LINK    LisDigit
+        DCB     4, "CHAR"       
+xChar   doCol
+        DCB     Bl, Word, Plus1, CAt
+        DCB     Exit
+;(EXTRACT)-----------------------------( n base -- n c) 
+LExtract LINK   LChar
+        DCB     7, "EXTRACT"    
+xExtract doCol
+        DCB     Zero, Swap, UMSMod, Swap, Digit
+        DCB     Exit
+;(')--------------------------------( -- address) 
+LTick   LINK    LExtract
+        DCB     1, "'"          
+xTick   doCol       
+        DCB     Bl, Word, Find, Not
+        ZBranch Tick1
+        DCB     Count, Type, Bl, Emit
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     Mess3
+        DCB     Count, Type, Cr
+Tick1   DCB     Exit
+;( ( )------------------------------( -- )      
+LParan  LINK    LTick
+        DCB     1, "("          
+xParan  doCol           
+        DCB     Lit8, ")", Word
+        DCB     TDrop
+        DCB     Exit
+;(M/MOD)----------------------------( d, n -- r, q) 
+LMSMod  LINK    LParan
+        DCB     5, "M/MOD"          
+xMSMod  doCol
+        DCB     Dup, IsNeg, Dup, ToR                
+        ZBranch UMSMod1
+        DCB     Neg, ToR, DNeg, FromR       
+UMSMod1 DCB     ToR, Dup, IsNeg             
+        ZBranch UMSMod2
+        DCB     RAt, Plus
+UMSMod2 DCB     FromR, UMSMod, FromR
+        ZBranch UMSMod3
+        DCB     Swap, Neg, Swap
+UMSMod3 DCB     Exit 
+;( /MOD )---------------------------( n, n -- r, q)         
+LSMod   LINK    LMSMod
+        DCB     4, "/MOD"           
+xSMod   doCol
+        DCB     Over, IsNeg, Swap, MSMod
+        DCB     Exit
+        LTORG
+;( MOD )----------------------------(n, n -- r )        
+LMod    LINK    LSMod
+        DCB     3, "MOD"            
+xMod    doCol
+        DCB     SMod, Drop
+        DCB     Exit
+;( N>Tok )------------------------------( n, n -- q )       
+LDiv    LINK    LMod
+        DCB     1, "/"          
+xDiv    doCol
+        DCB     SMod, Swap, Drop
+        DCB     Exit
+;( N>Tk)----------------------------(  )        
+LNTTk   LINK    LDiv
+        DCB     4, "N>Tk/"          
+xNTTk   doCol   
+        DCB     Tick                ;(xt1)
+;               DCB     DotS
+        DCB     Plus1               ; Arrh Thumb code !!!!!
+;               DCB     DotS
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     TokTab
+        DCB     Dup, ToR            ; (xt1, TokTab)
+NTTk1   DCB     TDup, At            ;(xt1,TokTab,xt1,xt2)
+;               DCB     DotS
+        DCB     Eq                  ;(xt1,TokT,f)
+        ZBranch NTTk2
+;               DCB     DotS
+        DCB     FromR, Minus, Abs   ;(xt1, Tok#) 
+        DCB     Slash4, Swap, Drop
+        Branch  NTTk3
+NTTk2   DCB     Lit8, 4, Minus      ;(xt1, TokT-4)  
+        Branch  NTTk1
+NTTk3   DCB     Exit
+Mess1   DCB     11,"ENORA-Forth"
+Mess2   DCB     5, "Error"
+Mess3   DCB     7, "Unknown"
+Mess4   DCB     3, "Ok>"
+DP0     DCD     Begin
+NextEntry EQU   .       
+VLatest EQU     LNTTk
+;---------End of Dictonary
+zor     B       zor
+;  Testing Area             |
+;xDouble    doCol   
+;       DCB     Dup, Plus           ; : Double Dup + ;
+;       DCB     Exit
+;xQuad  doCol
+;       DCB     Double              ; : Quad Double Double ;
+;       DCB     Double
+;       DCB     Exit
+; ------Test1------------OK 
+;       DCB     0
+;test1  DCB     Lit8, 127
+;loop1  DCB     Dup, Emit, Minus1 
+;       DCB     Dup
+;       ZBranch Loop12
+;       Branch  loop1
+;Loop12 DCB     Lit8, 0xD, Emit
+;       DCB     Lit8, 'F', Emit
+;       DCB     Lit8, 'I', Emit
+;       DCB     Lit8, 'N', Emit
+;Loop13 Branch  Loop13
+; ------End Test1 --------
+; ------Test3------------OK 
+;test3  DCB     Lit32 
+;       DCD     21836
+;       DCB     Lit8, 7
+;       DCB     UMSMod
+;       DCB     Snap
+;       DCB     Lit8, 0xD , Emit
+;       DCB     Drop, Snap
+; ------End Test3 --------
+; ------Test3------------OK 
+;test4  DCB     Lit8, 7, Double
+;       DCB     Lit8, 203
+;       DCB     Min
+;       DCB     Snap, Drop, Cr
+;       DCB     Lit8, 7, Double
+;       DCB     Lit8, 203
+;       DCB     Max
+;       DCB     Snap, Drop, Cr
+;l4     Branch  l4
+; ------End Test4 --------
+;test6  DCB     One
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Digit
+;       DCB     Snap, Cr
+;       DCB     Emit
+;       DCB     Ten
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Digit
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Emit
+;Loop6  Branch  Loop6
+;test7  DCB     Lit8, 127
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Lit8, 0
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Lit8, 255
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Within
+;       DCB     Snap, Drop, Cr
+;Loop7  Branch  Loop7
+;test8  DCB     Lit8, 3
+;       DCB     Double
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;       DCB     Double
+;       DCB     Snap,  Cr
+;Loop8  Branch  Loop8
+;test9  DCB     Lit8, ">", Emit
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     TIB+1
+;       DCB     Lit8, 50
+;       DCB     Accept
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     TIB
+;       DCB     CStore
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     TIB
+;       DCB     Find
+;       ZBranch test91
+;       DCB     Execute
+;       Branch  test9
+;test91 DCB     Drop
+;       Branch  test9
+;test10 DCB     Words
+;       Branch  test10
+;test11 DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     test11c
+;       DCB     Lit8, 4, Plus
+;       DCB     Find, Swap
+;       DCB     Snap, Bl, Emit, Drop, Snap
+;test11b    Branch  test11b
+;test11c    DCB     4, "TEST"
+;test12 DCB     Lit8, 'a'
+;test12b    DCB     Dup, Toupp
+;       DCB     Snap, Bl, Emit, Drop, Snap, Cr
+;       DCB     Plus1
+;       Branch  test12b
+;test13 DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     TIB
+;       DCB     Lit8, 50, Accept
+;       DCB     Snap, Drop
+;       Branch  test13
+;test14 DCB     Sp0, Snap, Cr
+;       DCB     Depth, Cr
+;       DCB     Snap, Drop,  Cr
+;test14a    Branch  test14a
+;test15 DCB     Lit8, 3, Lit8, 5
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     xPlus
+;       DCB     Execute
+;       DCB     Snap
+;test15b    Branch  test15b
+;test16 DCB     One, Lit32
+;       DCD     xDouble
+;       DCB     Minus1
+;       DCB     Execute
+;       DCB     Snap
+;test16b    Branch test16b
+;test17 DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     APAD
+;       DCB     Dup, Lit8, 40, Swap, CStore
+;       DCB     Plus1, Lit8, 40, Lit8, 'h', Fill
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     APAD
+;       DCB     Count, Type
+;       Branch  .
+;Test17a    Branch  Test17a
+test18  DCB     Lit8, 0, nTib, Store
+        DCB     Lit8, 0, toIn, Store
+        DCB     Dec
+        DCB     Lit32
+        DCD     Mess1
+        DCB     Count, Type, Cr
+        DCB     Inter
+;       : test begin dup if 1- else drop exit then again ; 
+;       DCB     Lit32
+;       DCD     1000000 
+;       DCB     Lit8,'A', Emit, Cr
+;test191    DCB     Dup                 
+;       ZBranch test192
+;       DCB     Minus1              
+;       Branch  test191
+;test192    DCB     Lit8,'B', Emit, Cr
+;test193    Branch  test193
+; This is the token table 
+; The very last one entry is token 0 preceding is token 1 ...
+; This table grow as you create new words in decreasing addresses
+            SPACE ((256-95)*4)                                  ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< a updater!!!!
+NToken      EQU (TokTab-.)/4 +1
+wxTick      DCD xTick
+wxUDot      DCD xUDot
+wxDot       DCD xDot
+wxEndPic    DCD xEndPic
+wxSign      DCD xSign
+wxNumStr    DCD xNumStr
+wxStrPic    DCD xStrPic
+wxStr       DCD xStr    
+wxAbs       DCD xAbs
+wxNumb      DCD xNumb   
+wxHold      DCD xHold   
+wxExtract   DCD xExtract
+wxHld       DCD xHld
+wxPad       DCD xPad
+wxUMSMod    DCD xUMSMod 
+wxMSMod     DCD xMSMod
+wxSMod      DCD xSMod
+wxNeg       DCD xNeg
+wxRAt       DCD xRAt
+wxIsNull    DCD xIsNull
+wxUless     DCD xULess
+wxMul       DCD xMul
+wxDotS      DCD xDotS
+wxInter     DCD xInter
+wxnTib      DCD xnTib
+wxtoIn      DCD xtoIn   
+wxState     DCD xState
+wxRS0       DCD xRS0
+wxTrue      DCD xTrue
+wxFalse     DCD xFalse
+wxDNeg      DCD xDNeg
+wxDPlus     DCD xDPlus
+wxDMinus    DCD xDMinus
+wxIsNeg     DCD xIsNeg          
+wxTDup      DCD x2Dup
+wxUMPlus    DCD xUMPlus
+wx2Drop     DCD x2Drop              
+wxFill      DCD xFill               
+wxFoursta   DCD xFoursta
+wxMRot      DCD xMRot
+wxRot       DCD xRot
+wxDec       DCD xDec
+wxBin       DCD xBin
+wxBase      DCD xBase
+wxToupp     DCD xToupp
+wxFind      DCD xFind
+wxUpper     DCD xUpper
+wxCount     DCD xCount
+wxType      DCD xType           
+wxAt        DCD xAt
+wxCAt       DCD xCAt
+wxWord      DCD xWord
+wxWords     DCD xWords
+wxCStore    DCD xCStore
+wxFromR     DCD xFromR
+wxStore     DCD xStore
+wxSwap      DCD xSwap
+wxAccept    DCD xAccept
+wxKey       DCD xKey
+wxBCode     DCD xBCode          ; Note there is no token for ;CODE
+wxTen       DCD xTen
+wxTwo       DCD xTwo
+wxOne       DCD xOne
+wxZero      DCD xZero
+wxWithin    DCD xWithin
+wxToR       DCD xToR
+wxDigit     DCD xDigit
+wxNot       DCD xNot
+wxXor       DCD xXor
+wxOr        DCD xOr
+wxAnd       DCD xAnd
+wxEq        DCD xEq
+wxLt        DCD xLt
+wxGt        DCD xGt
+wxOver      DCD xOver
+wxMax       DCD xMax
+wxMin       DCD xMin
+wxCr        DCD xCr
+wxBl        DCD xBl
+wxSpace     DCD xSpace
+wxSpaces    DCD xSpaces
+wxLf        DCD xLf
+wxDrop      DCD xDrop
+;wxUSMod    DCD xUSMod
+wxZBra      DCD xZBra
+wxSlash4    DCD xSlash4
+wxDepth     DCD xDepth
+wxSp0       DCD xSp0
+wxSpAt      DCD xSpAt   
+wxEmit      DCD xEmit
+wxBra       DCD xBra
+wxExit      DCD xExit   
+wxPlus      DCD xPlus
+wxdoLit32   DCD doLit32 
+wxdoLit16   DCD doLit16
+wxdoLit8    DCD doLit8
+wxExecute   DCD xExec
+wxMinus     DCD xMinus
+wxDupNZ     DCD xDupNZ
+wxDup       DCD xDup
+wxSnap      DCD xSnap
+wxMinus1    DCD xMinus1 
+TokTab      DCD xPlus1  
+        AREA |.data|, DATA
+Begin   EQU .       
+        SPACE   DataStackLength
+        SPACE   RAMForIAP
+        SPACE   ReturnStackLength
+DLatest DCD 0
+Latest  DCD 0
+VState  DCD 0
+VBase   DCD 0
+AnTib   DCD 0
+AtoIn   DCD 0
+Transit DCD 0
+AHLD    DCD 0
+TIB     SPACE   128
+APAD    SPACE   128
+RomBuff SPACE   BuffSize
+fin     EQU     .
+        END