Webserver only w/o any other functions, single thread. Running on STM32F013+W5500

Dependencies:   NTPClient W5500Interface Watchdog device_configuration eeprom_flash mbed-rpc-nucleo mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of F103-Serial-to-Ethernet by Chau Vo

--- a/protocol_rpc.txt	Mon Jun 13 22:41:29 2016 +0000
+++ b/protocol_rpc.txt	Mon Jun 13 23:06:38 2016 +0000
@@ -47,4 +47,19 @@
     /uart/baud 9600
     /uart/putc 60: send ASCII code, '<'
     /uart/getc x: return ASCII code
-    /uart/puts helloworld: print helloworld to serial port
\ No newline at end of file
+    /uart/puts helloworld: print helloworld to serial port
+7. RPCVariable
+  + Declare normal variables and associate them with RPCVariable, e.g. int wheels, float speed, char banner
+  + Commands:
+    /speed/write 34.5
+    /speed/read x
+    /wheels/write 64
+    /wheels/read x
+    /banner/write c
+    /banner/read x
+8. RPCFunction
+  + Declare a function and associate it with RPCFunction
+  + Commands:
+    /func_name/run x
\ No newline at end of file