Webserver only w/o any other functions, single thread. Running on STM32F013+W5500

Dependencies:   NTPClient W5500Interface Watchdog device_configuration eeprom_flash mbed-rpc-nucleo mbed-rtos mbed

Fork of F103-Serial-to-Ethernet by Chau Vo

--- a/readme.txt	Sat Oct 04 20:25:45 2014 +0000
+++ b/readme.txt	Tue Oct 21 20:39:15 2014 +0000
@@ -1,88 +1,4 @@
-1. DISCOVERY Command
-    + UDP broadcast: to port 11000
-    + Send: NNIODS
-    + Receive: NNIO IP-address
-1a. Query Command: IP, subnet, gateway, mac
-    + Send: NNIOTP
-    + Receive: 10000
-    + Send: NNIOUP
-    + Receive: 11000
-4. Set time using NTP Command    
-    + Send NNIOTM
-    + Receive:
-      DIS: if NTP is disabled
-      ERR: if cannot update time
-      Successful: Fri Sep 26 20:28:01 2014 {0A}
-5. Set new network configuration
-    + Send: 19 bytes in total, NNIO + 15-byte
-      NNIO         4-byte IP address    4-byte subnet    4-byte gateway   3-byte MAC
-      4E 4E 49 4F    C0 A8 00 78         FF FF FF 00       C0 A8 00 01     00 00 01
-6. Set TCP server info (only when the device is as a TCP client)
-    + Send: 12 bytes in total, NNIO + 8 bytes
-      NNIO         1-byte auto flag        1-byte time period (s)      4-byte IP       2-byte port (LSB MSB)
-      4E 4E 49 4F  'Y' or others            05 (5s)                   C0 A8 00 09       E0 2E (0x2EE0 = 12000)
-4. Receiving Protocol: 58-bytes in total
-Ex in hex
-ID: 4E 4E 49 4F
-OP: 4F 4F 4F 4F 51
-IP: C0 A8 00 78
-DO: 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
-AO: 80 00 80 00 (no DAC)
-UART: 32-byte
-CR: 0D
-    + Field ID (4-bytes) = NNIO
-    + Field OP (5-bytes): output control enable flag
-      Byte 1: Digital output
-      Byte 2: Analog output 0
-      Byte 3: Analog output 1
-      Byte 4: UART output
-      Byte 5: Command (Q: query status)
-      'O': enable controlling output
-      Others: disable controlling output
-      If Command is 'Q', device will update its outputs if needed and send its status including new outputs
-    + Field IP (4-bytes): device IP address
-    + Field DO[n] (8-bytes): digital output values
-      'H': output set to high
-      'L': output set to low
-    + Field AO_0 (2-bytes): 16-bit analog output value, channel 0
-      no DAC
-    + Field AO_1 (2-bytes): 16-bit analog output value, channel 1
-      no DAC
-    + UART output (32-bytes): max 32 bytes, stop string by NULL
-    + End char: CR
-5. Sending Protocol: 39-bytes in total
-    + Field ID (4-bytes) = NNIO
-    + Field MAC (6-bytes)
-    + Field IP (4-bytes)
-    + Field DI[n]: 8-bit digital input values
-      'H' if input is HIGH
-      'L' if input is LOW
-    + Field DO[n]: 8-bit digital output values
-      'H' if output is HIGH
-      'L' if output is LOW
-    + Field AI_0 (2-bytes): analog 16-bit input value, normalised, channel 0
-      1st byte = LSB, 2nd byte = MSB
-    + Field AI_1 (2-bytes): analog 16-bit input value, normalised, channel 1
-      1st byte = LSB, 2nd byte = MSB
-    + Field AO_0 (2-bytes): 16-bit analog output value, channel 0
-      no DAC, fixed
-    + Field AO_1 (2-bytes): 16-bit analog output value, channel 1
-      no DAC, fixed
-    + End char: CR
-6 Commands:
-    + QUERY STATUS ('Q')
\ No newline at end of file
+0. Wait for 2s after resetting for ethernet to work.
+1. When auto update enabled and no TCP server is running, module will try to connect to server which results in a timeout every 15s.
+   This makes UDP packets take more time to be received and processed by the module. The result is slow UDP commands, such as Discovery.
+   To make it faster, start a TCP server on Hercules. The module will connect to it to transmit updates.
\ No newline at end of file