Single instance HTTP Server using new Ethernet Interface with bug fix for URL arguments

Fork of HTTPServer by Henry Leinen

--- a/HTTPConnection.h	Tue May 28 01:56:14 2013 +0000
+++ b/HTTPConnection.h	Tue May 28 21:20:58 2013 +0000
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
     HTTP_RT_CONNECT     /*!< CONNECT request */
 } HTTPRequestType;
 /** class HTTPConnection, encapsulates one connection being made throught the HTTPServer
@@ -58,17 +57,21 @@
             /** Specifies the request type received
-            HTTPRequestType             request;
+            HTTPRequestType                         request;
             /** The uri associated with the request.
-            std::string                 uri;
+            std::string                             uri;
             /** Contains the HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/1.0 version requested by client.
-            std::string                 version;
+            std::string                             version;
             /** Map of headers provided by the client in the form <HeaderName>:<HeaderValue>
-            std::map<std::string, std::string>    headers;
+            std::map<std::string, std::string>      headers;
+            /** Map of arguments that came with the uri string
+            */
+            std::map<std::string, std::string>      args;
         } HTTPMessage;
         /** Public constructor for HTTPConnection objects.
@@ -99,11 +102,37 @@
         TCPSocketConnection m_Tcp;
         HTTPMessage m_Msg;
+        /** parse a HTTP request line from the content of the buffer. 
+        * @param buffer : the request received from the client in the form <RequestType> <uri> <Http Version>
+        * @returns -1 if the request is invalid or 0 if the request is valid
+        */
         int parse(char *buffer);
+        /** parses the received string in \c buffer for HTTP request headers.
+        * @param buffer : buffer which contains the string to parse for headers.
+        * @returns -1 in case of an error, otherwise returns 0
+        */
         int parseHeader(char *buffer);
         int receiveHeaders(const char* buffer, int nBuffSize);
+        /** Function which receives a line from the current Socket
+        * @param szline : will contain one line received from the socket
+        * @param nMaxLen : the size of the buffer. If the line is longer than the buffer the line is cropped at the end.
+        * @param nTimeout : if the timeout elapses, only the portion that has been received within this time will be returned.
+        * @param szLineTerm : the \c end-of-line character to be used to detect the end of the line.
+        * @returns -1 in case of an error or timeout, -2 in case of an empty line or the number of received characters.
+        */
         int receiveLine(char* szLine, int nMaxLen, int nTimeout = -1, char szLineTerm = '\n');
+        /** parse the receoved \c uri_string for arguments which will be stored in the \c args map.
+        * @parse uri_string : the uri string which was received from the client.
+        * @parse args : the args map which will receive the argument:value touples from the \c uri_string.
+        * @returns -1 if an error occured, otherwise returns 0.
+        */
+        int parseUriArgs(char *uri_string, map<string,string>& args);
 #endif // __HTTPConnection_H__
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