Demonstration of very basic functions of sc16is740 UART connected via i2c. Demonstrates clock setting, input, output

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jul 30 13:28:03 2016 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);
+const int addr = 0x90;
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
+BusOut myleds(LED1, LED2, LED3, LED4);
+int writereg(int reg,int val)
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(addr);
+    i2c.write(reg <<3); 
+    int aa=i2c.write(val);
+    i2c.stop();
+    return(aa);
+int readreg(int reg)
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(addr);
+    i2c.write(reg <<3); 
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(addr|1);
+    int; //0=nack
+    i2c.stop();
+    return(aa);
+int main()
+    {
+        int bb;
+        i2c.start();
+        bb=i2c.write(addr);
+        i2c.stop();
+        pc.putc(48+bb);
+        writereg(0x03,0x83); //LCR
+        writereg(0x00,24);   //DLL
+        writereg(0x01,00);   //DLH
+        bb=readreg(0x00);    //DLL
+        bb|=readreg(1)<<8;   //DLH
+        pc.printf("baud %d ",bb);
+        writereg(0x03,0x03); //LCR
+  //      writereg(0x02,0x01); //FCR
+        pc.printf("lsr: %d ",readreg(0x05)); //LSR
+        while(1)
+        {
+            int aa=readreg(0x05); //LSR
+            if ((aa & 0x20) && pc.readable())
+            {
+                writereg(0x00,pc.getc()); //THR
+                //pc.printf("fifo: %d",readreg(0x08)); //TXLVL
+            }
+            if ((aa & 0x01) && pc.writeable())
+            {
+                pc.putc(readreg(0x00)); //RHR
+            }
+        }
+    }
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