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I2CLCD Class Reference

I2CLCD class. More...

#include <I2CLCD.h>

Public Member Functions

 I2CLCD (PinName p_sda, PinName p_scl, int p_i2caddr=I2CLCD_ADDR, I2CLCDType p_type=LCD16x2, I2CLCDConfig p_config=LCDCFG_3V)
 put character to LCD
 I2CLCD (I2C &p_i2c, int p_i2caddr=I2CLCD_ADDR, I2CLCDType p_type=LCD16x2, I2CLCDConfig p_config=LCDCFG_3V)
 put character to LCD

Protected Member Functions

virtual int _putc (int)
 put character to LCD
virtual int _getc ()
 get character from LCD

Detailed Description

I2CLCD class.

Definition at line 55 of file I2CLCD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

I2CLCD ( PinName  p_sda,
PinName  p_scl,
int  p_i2caddr = I2CLCD_ADDR,
I2CLCDType  p_type = LCD16x2,
I2CLCDConfig  p_config = LCDCFG_3V 

put character to LCD

p_sdaport of I2C SDA
p_sclport of I2C SCL
p_i2caddrI2C address

Definition at line 66 of file I2CLCD.cpp.

I2CLCD ( I2C &  p_i2c,
int  p_i2caddr = I2CLCD_ADDR,
I2CLCDType  p_type = LCD16x2,
I2CLCDConfig  p_config = LCDCFG_3V 

put character to LCD

p_i2cinstance of I2C class
p_i2caddrI2C address

Definition at line 75 of file I2CLCD.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

int _getc (  ) [protected, virtual]

get character from LCD

Return values:
ASCIIcharacter code

Definition at line 55 of file I2CLCD.cpp.

int _putc ( int  value ) [protected, virtual]

put character to LCD

valueASCII character code
Return values:

Definition at line 23 of file I2CLCD.cpp.