"PCF2127A" : RTC chip with TCXO and quartz crystal demo Please refer >> http://mbed.org/users/okano/notebook/nxp_pcf2172a-demo-code/

Dependencies:   mbed


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Sat Jun 05 02:18:50 2010 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

NXP_PCF2127A.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r e13d786ba650 NXP_PCF2127A.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/NXP_PCF2127A.h	Sat Jun 05 02:18:50 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ *  PCF2127A (Integrated RTC, TCXO and quartz crystal) demo 
+ *  (library)
+ *
+ *  PCF2127A is a "real time clock (RTC)" module which is including a Xtal and TCXO 
+ *  http://www.nxp.com/pip/PCF2127A_2.html
+ *
+ *  This is a just simple operation sample of the PCF2127A.
+ *  In this sample, the PCF2127A is interfaced by I2C through pin9 and 10 of mbed. 
+ *  And also the mbed-pin8 is connected to RTC's /INT pin. 
+ *  The RTC chip is set to generate periodical interrupt in every seconds. 
+ *  This interrupt triggers the update of the terminal and LCD screen. 
+ *  
+ *  RTC initializing part is ported from...
+ *    http://mbed.org/users/roen/notebook/real-time/
+ *
+ *  Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
+ *
+ *  revision 1.0    05-Jun-2010     (a) 1st release
+ *  revision 1.1    05-Jun-2010     (a) class name changed
+ *                              
+ */
+#ifndef        MBED_NXP_PCF2127A
+#define        MBED_NXP_PCF2127A
+#include    "mbed.h"
+//  PCF2127A IIC address
+#define     PCF2127A_addr       0xA2
+//  PCF2127A registers
+#define     Control_1           0x00
+#define     Control_2           0x01
+#define     Control_3           0x02
+#define     Seconds             0x03
+#define     Minutes             0x04
+#define     Hours               0x05
+#define     Days                0x06
+#define     Weekdays            0x07
+#define     Months              0x08
+#define     Years               0x09
+#define     Second_alarm        0x0A
+#define     Minute_alarm        0x0B
+#define     Hour_alarm          0x0C
+#define     Day_alarm           0x0D
+#define     Weekday_alarm       0x0E
+#define     CLKOUT_ctl          0x0F
+#define     Watchdg_tim_ctl     0x10
+#define     Watchdg_tim_val     0x11
+#define     Timestp_ctl         0x12
+#define     Sec_timestp         0x13
+#define     Min_timestp         0x14
+#define     Hour_timestp        0x15
+#define     Day_timestp         0x16
+#define     Mon_timestp         0x17
+#define     Year_timestp        0x18
+#define     Aging_offset        0x19
+class NXP_PCF2127A {
+    NXP_PCF2127A(
+        PinName sda,
+        PinName sdl,
+        char dev_address = PCF2127A_addr,
+        char vControl_1 = 0x03,
+        char vControl_2 = 0x00,
+        char vControl_3 = 0x60
+    )
+            : i2c( sda, sdl ), device_address( dev_address ) {
+        set_register( Control_1, vControl_1 );
+        set_register( Control_2, vControl_2 );
+        set_register( Control_3, vControl_3 );
+    }
+    ~NXP_PCF2127A() {
+    }
+    int is_init_required( void ) {
+        return ( read_register( Seconds ) & 0x80 ? 1 : 0 );
+    }
+    void set_time( void ) {
+        struct tm   dt, *dtp;
+        char        buf[ 8 ];
+        char        c;
+        dtp = &dt;
+        printf("Enter current date and time:\r\n");
+        printf("YYYY MM DD HH MM SS[enter]\r\n");
+        scanf("%d %d %d %d %d %d", &(dtp->tm_year), &(dtp->tm_mon), &(dtp->tm_mday), &(dtp->tm_hour), &(dtp->tm_min), &(dtp->tm_sec) );
+        printf("%d/%d/%d - %d:%d:%d\r\n", (dtp->tm_year), (dtp->tm_mon), (dtp->tm_mday), (dtp->tm_hour), (dtp->tm_min), (dtp->tm_sec) );
+        dtp->tm_year    = 2010;
+        dtp->tm_mon     = 12;
+        dtp->tm_mday    = 31;
+        dtp->tm_hour    = 23;
+        dtp->tm_min     = 59;
+        dtp->tm_sec     = 50;
+        // adjust for tm structure required values
+        dtp->tm_year = dtp->tm_year - 1900;
+        dtp->tm_mon  = dtp->tm_mon - 1;
+        buf[ 0 ]    = Seconds;
+        buf[ 1 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_sec  );
+        buf[ 2 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_min  );
+        buf[ 3 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_hour );
+        buf[ 4 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_mday );
+        buf[ 5 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_wday );
+        buf[ 6 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_mon  + 1   );
+        buf[ 7 ]    = i2bcd( dtp->tm_year - 100 );
+        c    = read_register( Seconds );
+        while ( c == read_register( Seconds ) )
+            ;
+        i2c.write( device_address, buf, 8 );
+    }
+    time_t time( time_t *tp ) {
+        struct tm   dt, *dtp;
+        time_t      t;
+        char        buf[ 8 ]    = { Seconds };
+        dtp = &dt;
+        i2c.write( device_address, buf, 1 );
+        i2c.read( device_address, buf, 7 );
+        dtp->tm_sec     = bcd2i( buf[ 0 ] );
+        dtp->tm_min     = bcd2i( buf[ 1 ] );
+        dtp->tm_hour    = bcd2i( buf[ 2 ] );
+        dtp->tm_mday    = bcd2i( buf[ 3 ] );
+        dtp->tm_wday    = bcd2i( buf[ 4 ] );
+        dtp->tm_mon     = bcd2i( buf[ 5 ] ) - 1;
+        dtp->tm_year    = bcd2i( buf[ 6 ] ) + 100;
+        t   = mktime( dtp );
+        if ( tp )
+            *tp  = t;
+        return( t );
+    }
+    void set_alarm( char addr, char s ) {
+        char    v;
+        v   = i2bcd( s );
+        set_register( addr, v );
+    }
+    void clear_intr( void ) {
+        set_register( Control_2, 0x00 );
+    }
+    I2C     i2c;
+    char    device_address;
+    void set_register( char addr, char data ) {
+        char    b[ 2 ];
+        b[ 0 ]    = addr;
+        b[ 1 ]    = data;
+        i2c.write( device_address, b, 2 );
+    }
+    char read_register( char addr ) {
+        char    data;
+        data    = addr;
+        i2c.write( device_address, &data, 1 );
+        i2c.read( device_address, &data, 1 );
+        return ( data );
+    }
+    char i2bcd( char n ) {
+        return ( ((n / 10) << 4) | (n % 10) );
+    }
+    char bcd2i( char bcd ) {
+        return ( ((bcd >> 4) * 10) + (bcd & 0x0F) );
+    }
+#endif  // end of "#ifndef MBED_NXP_PCF2127A"
diff -r 000000000000 -r e13d786ba650 main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Jun 05 02:18:50 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ *  PCF2127A (Integrated RTC, TCXO and quartz crystal) demo
+ *
+ *  PCF2127A is a "real time clock (RTC)" module which is including a Xtal and TCXO 
+ *  http://www.nxp.com/pip/PCF2127A_2.html
+ *
+ *  This is a just simple operation sample of the PCF2127A.
+ *  In this sample, the PCF2127A is interfaced by I2C through pin9 and 10 of mbed. 
+ *  And also the mbed-pin8 is connected to RTC's /INT pin. 
+ *  The RTC chip is set to generate periodical interrupt in every seconds. 
+ *  This interrupt triggers the update of the terminal and LCD screen. 
+ *  
+ *  RTC initializing part is ported from...
+ *    http://mbed.org/users/roen/notebook/real-time/
+ *
+ *  Released under the MIT License: http://mbed.org/license/mit
+ *
+ *  revision 1.0    05-Jun-2010     (a) 1st release
+ *  revision 1.1    05-Jun-2010     (a) class name changed
+ *                              
+ */
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "TextLCD.h"
+#include "NXP_PCF2127A.h"
+TextLCD         lcd(p24, p25, p26, p27, p28, p29, p30); // rs, rw, e, d0, d1, d2, d3
+NXP_PCF2127A    rtc( p9, p10 );
+InterruptIn     intr( p8 );
+BusOut          leds( LED4, LED3, LED2, LED1 );
+void time_intr( void );
+void led_ctrl( void );
+int main() {
+    printf( "----------------- PCF2127 demo started.\r\n" );
+    leds    = 1;
+    if ( rtc.is_init_required() ) {
+        lcd.locate( 0, 0 );
+        lcd.printf( "please set time from terminal" );
+        rtc.set_time();
+        lcd.cls();
+    }
+    intr.fall( &time_intr );
+    while ( 1 )
+        ;
+void time_intr( void ) {
+    struct tm   dt, *dtp;
+    time_t      t;
+    char        s[ 30 ];
+    dtp = &dt;
+    rtc.clear_intr();
+    t       = rtc.time( NULL );
+    dtp     = localtime( &t );
+    strftime( s, 30, "%H:%M:%S, %Y/%b/%d %a", dtp );
+    printf( "%s\r\n", s );
+    strftime( s, 20, "%H:%M:%S PCF2127", dtp );
+    lcd.locate( 0, 0 );
+    lcd.printf( "%s", s );
+    strftime( s, 20, "%Y/%b/%d(%a)", dtp );
+    lcd.locate( 0, 1 );
+    lcd.printf( "%s", s );
+    led_ctrl();
+void led_ctrl( void )
+    static char direction   = true;
+    leds        = direction ? leds << 1 : leds >> 1;
+    direction   = (leds & 0x9) ? !direction : direction;
diff -r 000000000000 -r e13d786ba650 mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Sat Jun 05 02:18:50 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@