The PCAL9555, PCAL9554 series is a low-voltage 16-bit/8-bit General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) expander with interrupt. This conponent library is compatible to basic operation os GPIO expanders: PCAL9555, PCA9555, PCA9535, PCA9539, PCAL9554, PCA9554 and PCA9538. On addition to this, this library is including mbed-SDK-style APIs. APIs that similar to DigitaiInOut, DigitalOut, DigitalIn, BusInOUt, BusOut and BusIn are available.

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00001 /** GpioBusIn API for GPIO-expander component class 
00002  *
00003  *  @author  Akifumi (Tedd) OKANO, NXP Semiconductors
00004  *  @version 0.6
00005  *  @date    19-Mar-2015
00006  *
00007  *  Released under the Apache 2 license
00008  */
00010 #ifndef     MBED_GpioBusIn
00011 #define     MBED_GpioBusIn
00013 #include    "mbed.h"
00014 #include    "GpioBusInOut.h"
00016 /** GpioBusIn class
00017  *
00018  *  @class GpioBusIn
00019  *
00020  *  "GpioBusIn" class works like "BusIn" class of mbed-SDK. 
00021  *  This class provides pin oriented API, abstracting the GPIO-expander chip. 
00022  *
00023  *  Example:
00024  *  @code
00025  *  #include "mbed.h"
00026  *  #include "PCAL9555.h"
00027  *  
00028  *  PCAL9555    gpio_exp( p28, p27, 0xE8 );    //  SDA, SCL, Slave_address(option)
00029  *  GpioBusIn   nibble( gpio_exp, X0_0, X0_1, X0_2, X0_3 );
00030  *   
00031  *  int main() {
00032  *      while ( 1 ) {
00033  *          switch ( nibble ) {
00034  *              case 0x3: printf( "Hello!\n" ); break; // X0_0 and X0_1 are 1
00035  *              case 0x8: printf( "World!\n" ); break; // X0_3 is 1
00036  *          }
00037  *      }
00038  *  }
00039  *  @endcode
00040  */
00041 class GpioBusIn : public GpioBusInOut
00042 {
00043 public:
00045 #if DOXYGEN_ONLY
00046     /** GPIO-Expander pin names */
00047     typedef enum {
00048     X0_0,           /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
00049     X0_1,           /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
00050     X0_2,           /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
00051     X0_3,           /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
00052     X0_4,           /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
00053     X0_5,           /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
00054     X0_6,           /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
00055     X0_7,           /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
00056     X1_0,           /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00057     X1_1,           /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00058     X1_2,           /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00059     X1_3,           /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00060     X1_4,           /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00061     X1_5,           /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00062     X1_6,           /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00063     X1_7,           /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00064     X0  = X0_0,     /**< P0_0 pin                                   */
00065     X1  = X0_1,     /**< P0_1 pin                                   */
00066     X2  = X0_2,     /**< P0_2 pin                                   */
00067     X3  = X0_3,     /**< P0_3 pin                                   */
00068     X4  = X0_4,     /**< P0_4 pin                                   */
00069     X5  = X0_5,     /**< P0_5 pin                                   */
00070     X6  = X0_6,     /**< P0_6 pin                                   */
00071     X7  = X0_7,     /**< P0_7 pin                                   */
00072     X8  = X1_0,     /**< P1_0 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00073     X9  = X1_1,     /**< P1_1 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00074     X10 = X1_2,     /**< P1_2 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00075     X11 = X1_3,     /**< P1_3 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00076     X12 = X1_4,     /**< P1_4 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00077     X13 = X1_5,     /**< P1_5 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00078     X14 = X1_6,     /**< P1_6 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00079     X15 = X1_7,     /**< P1_7 pin (for 16-bit GPIO device only)     */
00081     X_NC = ~0x0L    /**< for when the pin is left no-connection     */
00082     } GpioPinName;
00083 #endif
00085     /** Create an GpioBusIn, connected to the specified pins
00086      *
00087      *  @param gpiop    Instance of GPIO expander device
00088      *  @param p<n>     DigitalInOut pin to connect to bus bit p<n> (GpioPinName)
00089      *
00090      *  @note
00091      *    It is only required to specify as many pin variables as is required
00092      *    for the bus; the rest will default to NC (not connected)
00093      */
00094     GpioBusIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop,
00095                GpioPinName p0,         GpioPinName p1  = X_NC, GpioPinName p2  = X_NC, GpioPinName p3  = X_NC,
00096                GpioPinName p4  = X_NC, GpioPinName p5  = X_NC, GpioPinName p6  = X_NC, GpioPinName p7  = X_NC,
00097                GpioPinName p8  = X_NC, GpioPinName p9  = X_NC, GpioPinName p10 = X_NC, GpioPinName p11 = X_NC,
00098                GpioPinName p12 = X_NC, GpioPinName p13 = X_NC, GpioPinName p14 = X_NC, GpioPinName p15 = X_NC );
00099     GpioBusIn( CompGpioExp &gpiop, GpioPinName pins[ 16 ] );
00101     /**
00102      *  Destractor
00103      */
00104     virtual     ~GpioBusIn();
00106     /** A shorthand for read()
00107      */
00108     operator int( void );
00110 private:
00111     GpioBusIn& operator= ( int rhs );
00112     GpioBusIn& operator= ( GpioBusIn& rhs );
00113 }
00114 ;
00116 #endif  //  MBED_GpioBusIn