This is a simple demo code for the PCA9622_LED8x8 library. arget hardware : "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science

Dependencies:   PCA9622_LED8x8 mbed

Demo program for LED matrix.
4 patterns of moving image are available.

Since the hello world program is too simple, this program has been made for demo purpose ;)

Very simple hello world program is available here.

Import programPCA9622_LED8x8_Hello

This is a very simple sample code for the PCA9622_LED8x8 library. arget hardware : "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science

Component page is available

Please refer to the component page for for more information.

I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science



File content as of revision 0:fa07b945e836:

 *  A demo code for the PCA9622 LED 8x8 library
 *  @author  Tedd OKANO
 *  @version 1.0
 *  @date    03-Dec-2014
 *  This is a sample demo code for the PCA9622_LED8x8 library.
 *  Target hardware : "I2C 8x8 LED matrix board" from Switch Science
 *  The I2C LED controller PCA9622 is used on this module
 *  that ebables to control the LEDs with PWM brightness control.
 *  For more information about the PCA9622:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "PCA9622_LED8x8.h"

//  Choose a target platform from next list
PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( p28, p27 );     //  for 40pin type mbed
//PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( D14, D15 );   //  for Arduino type mbed
//PCA9622_LED8x8  matrix( dp5, dp27 );  //  for mbed LPC1114

Ticker  _ticker;
int     demo_mode   = 0;

void    demo_mode_change();
float   func0( int x, int y, int t );    //  function to make 8x8 image
float   func1( int x, int y, int t );    //  function to make 8x8 image
float   func2( int x, int y, int t );    //  function to make 8x8 image
float   func3( int x, int y, int t );    //  function to make 8x8 image

typedef float (*func_ptr)( int x, int y, int t );

func_ptr    fp[]    = {

int main()
    float   image[ 8 ][ 8 ];  //
    int     count   = 0;

    _ticker.attach( &demo_mode_change, 10 );

    while(1) {

        //  making 8x8 image to "image" array
        for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
            for ( int j = 0; j < 8; j++ )
                image[ i ][ j ]   = (*fp[ demo_mode % (sizeof( fp ) / sizeof( func_ptr )) ])( i, j, count );

        //  set the image into library internal bufer
        matrix.set_data( image );

        wait( 0.05 );

void    demo_mode_change()

float func0( int x, int y, int t )
    //  NXP logo

    static char bm_nxp[] = {
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

        0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xF0, 0x78, 0x3C, 0x1E, 0x0F,
        0xFF, 0x7E, 0xBD, 0xDB, 0xE7, 0x7E, 0x3C, 0x18,
        0x3C, 0x7E, 0xE7, 0xDB, 0xBD, 0x7E, 0xFF, 0xCC,
        0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 0xFC, 0x78, 0x78,

        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

    int     index;
    int     direction   = 0;

    direction   = (t / (sizeof( bm_nxp ) - 8)) & 0x1;
    index       = (t % (sizeof( bm_nxp ) - 8));
    index       = direction ? (sizeof( bm_nxp ) - 8) - index : index;
    index       = index + y;

    return (bm_nxp[ index ] >> (7 - x)) & 0x1;

float func1( int x, int y, int t )
    //  ripple

    const float display_offset          = 3.5;
//const float  display_offset         = 0.0;
    const float size                    = 0.3;
    const float eccentricity_cycle      = 0.0;
    const float eccentricity_amplitude  = 0.0;

    float   xx;
    float   yy;
    float   tt;

    float   s;

    xx  = ((float)x - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * sin( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    yy  = ((float)y - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * cos( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    tt  = sin( (float)t * 0.2 ) + sin( (float)t * 0.1 );

    s   = cos( powf( xx * xx + yy * yy, 0.5 ) - tt );
    return ( powf( s, 4.0 ) );

float func2( int x, int y, int t )
    //  moving dot

    const float display_offset          = 3.5;
//const float  display_offset         = 0.0;
    const float size                    = 0.3;
    const float eccentricity_cycle      = 0.25;
    const float eccentricity_amplitude  = 2.5;

    float   xx;
    float   yy;
    float   tt;
    float   s;
    float   d;

    xx  = ((float)x - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * sin( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    yy  = ((float)y - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * cos( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    tt  = (float)t * 0.2;
    d   = powf( xx * xx + yy * yy, 0.5 ) - tt * 0.0;
    d   = d == 0.0 ? 1e-12 : d;
    d   *= 4.0;

    s   = sin( d ) / d;
    return ( powf( s, 4.0 ) );

float func3( int x, int y, int t )
    //  ripple with offset

    const float display_offset          = 3.5;
//const float  display_offset         = 0.0;
    const float size                    = 0.3;
    const float eccentricity_cycle      = 0.25;
    const float eccentricity_amplitude  = 2.5;

    float   xx;
    float   yy;
    float   tt;

    float   s;

    xx  = ((float)x - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * sin( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    yy  = ((float)y - display_offset + eccentricity_amplitude * cos( (float)t * eccentricity_cycle )) * size;
    tt  = (float)t * 0.2;

    s   = cos( powf( xx * xx + yy * yy, 0.5 ) - tt );
    return ( powf( s, 4.0 ) );