File manager

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Dependents:   RwSDCard_Xml_GPS



File content as of revision 4:ec62bf823914:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "FileManager.h"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"

char m_GpsInterval[XMLTEXT_SIZE];           // GPS Interval
char m_DataInterval[XMLTEXT_SIZE];          // Data Interval
Variable_Data_TypeDef m_varList[MAX_VAR];   // Variable List
unsigned int m_amountVarList = 0;           // Amount of variable list

/* ###############  Static function prototype  ################## */

static void FileManager_RemoveSpaces(char* s , int size);
static void FileManager_GetXmlText(char *str, char *ret);
static void FileManager_GenerateFileNameWithTime(time_t timestamp, char * file_name);

 * @brief Utility function to Remove space charector from given char array
 * @note  
 * @param char array to process remove spaces
 * @param size of char array
 * @retval space removed char array
static void FileManager_RemoveSpaces(char* s , int size)
    char* cpy = s;  // an alias to iterate through s without moving s
    char* temp = s;

    for (int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
        if (*cpy != ' ')
            *temp++ = *cpy;
    *temp = 0;
 * @brief Utility function to get XML tag
 * @note  Only First tag will be returned
 * @param char array to get XML Text
 * @param char array to be populate XML text
 * @retval XML text 
static void FileManager_GetXmlText(char *str, char *ret)
    int size = strlen(str);
    int i;
    bool begin_text = false;
    char * ret_addr = ret;
    /* initialized our return value */
    memset (ret,' ',XMLTEXT_SIZE);

    /* Loop to check XML tag symbols */
    for(i = 0; i < size ; i++) {

        if (*str == '>') {
            /* Found begining of the tag */
            begin_text = true;
        } else if (begin_text && *str == '<') {
            /* Reach the end of text message */
            begin_text = false;
        } else if (begin_text && *str != ' ') {
            /* Populate the return value */
            *ret = *str;
        /* Move to next char */
    /* Remove space from return value */
    FileManager_RemoveSpaces(ret_addr, XMLTEXT_SIZE);
 * @brief Utility function to get File Name with Date
 * @note  Format file will be YYYY-MM-DD.filename
 * @param timestamp - time structure to get Date 
 * @param file_name - char array to file name 
 * @retval renamed file name
static void FileManager_GenerateFileNameWithTime(time_t timestamp, char * file_name)
    char str[5];
    struct tm * ptm;
    /* Convert timestamp to readable format */
    ptm = localtime ( &timestamp );
    /* Replacing YYYY to the converted year */  
    sprintf(str,"%04d", ptm->tm_year-100 + 2000);
    memcpy(&file_name[4], str, 4);
    /* Replacing MM to converted month */
    sprintf(str,"%02d", ptm->tm_mon+1);
    memcpy(&file_name[9], str, 2);
    /* Replacing DD to converted date */
    sprintf(str,"%02d", ptm->tm_mday);
    memcpy(&file_name[12], str, 2); 
 * @brief Function to perform read setup file
 * @note  filename must be defined in FileManager.h, GPS/ Data interval will be stored in dedicated variable
 * @param None
 * @retval None
void FileManager_ReadSetupFile()
    /* Open file in reading mode */
    FILE *fp = fopen(SETUP_FILE_NAME, "r");

    if (fp == NULL) {  
        /* In case of error, print the message */
        printf("\nError! Unable to open file! %s \n", SETUP_FILE_NAME);
    } else { 

        /* Initialized state */
        ReadingFileState  state = STATE_FINDING;
        /* Allocate buffer for reading file */
        char buf[1024];
        /* Read line from the file */
        while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) {
            /* Check the TAG */
            if (strstr (buf,DATA_TAG))
                /* Found the DATA TAG */
                state = STATE_FOUND_DATA;
            } else if (strstr (buf,GPS_TAG))
                /* Found GPS TAG */
                state = STATE_FOUND_GPS;
            } else if (strstr (buf,UPDATE_INTERVAL_TAG))
                /* Found Interval TAG */
                if (state == STATE_FOUND_GPS) 
                    /* Get XML text for GPS Interval */
                    FileManager_GetXmlText(buf, m_GpsInterval);
                    printf("\r\n-found GPS interval %s ", m_GpsInterval);
                    state = STATE_FINDING;
                else if(state == STATE_FOUND_DATA) 
                    /* Get XML text for Data Interval */
                    FileManager_GetXmlText(buf, m_DataInterval);
                    printf("\r\n-found Data interval %s ", m_DataInterval);
                    state = STATE_FINDING;
        /* Ensure file is closed */
 * @brief Function to log GPS Data
 * @note  
 * @param timestamp - time structure to get Date 
 * @param lat       - char array for lattitude
 * @param longti    - char array for longtitude
 * @retval None
void FileManager_LogGPSData(time_t timestamp ,char lat[], char longti[])
    /* Get File name */
    char file_name[] = GPS_LOG_FILE_NAME;
    /* Generate file name with time stamp */
    /* Open file with "APPEND" mode */
    FILE *fp  = fopen(file_name, "a");

    if (fp == NULL) 
        /* if it can't open the file then print error message */
        printf("Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",file_name);
    else {  
        /* Print some message for information */
        printf("\r\n Writing to Gps Log File (%s)....",file_name);

        /* Write the line with lattitude and longtitude */
        fprintf(fp, "%d,%s,%s\n",timestamp,lat,longti); 

        /* Close file once it done */
 * @brief Function to log RMS Data
 * @note  sequence must be in the same order with variableList
 * @param timestamp - time structure to get Date 
 * @param var       - float array to be log in the file
 * @param size      - size of the float array
 * @retval None
void FileManager_LogRMSData(time_t timestamp ,float * var, int size)
    /* Get File name */
    char file_name[] = RTL_LOG_FILE_NAME;
    /* Generate File name with timestamp */
    if (!FileManager_IsFileExist(file_name))
        /* If file is not exist, log the header */
    /* Open file with "APPEND" mode */
    FILE *fp  = fopen(file_name, "a");

    if (fp == NULL) 
        /* In case of error, print the error message */
        printf("Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",file_name);
        /* Print some message for information */
        printf("\r\n Writing to Log File (%s)....",file_name);

        /* Write timestamp */
        fprintf(fp, "%d",timestamp); 

        /* Write variable data */
        for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            fprintf(fp, ",%f",var[i]);
        /* Write new line as we done */
        fprintf(fp, "\n");

        /* Close the file */
 * @brief Function to log RMS Header
 * @note  sequence must be in the same order with variableList
 * @param timestamp - time structure to get Date 
 * @retval None
void FileManager_LogRMSHeader(time_t timestamp)
    /* Get File name */
    char file_name[] = RTL_LOG_FILE_NAME;
    /* Generate file name with time */
    /* Open file in append mode */
    FILE *fp  = fopen(file_name, "a");

    if (fp == NULL) 
        /* In case of error, print the error message */
        printf("Error! Unable to open file %s!\n",file_name);
        /* opened file so can write */
        printf("\r\n Writing to Log File (%s)....",file_name);

        /* Write the header to the file  */
        fprintf(fp, "%s",RMS_HEADER_TIME);  
        for(int i = 0; i < m_amountVarList; i++)
            fprintf(fp, ",%s",m_varList[i].varName); 
        /* Write new line as done */
        fprintf(fp, "\n");

        /* Close the file */
 * @brief Function to log Mini RMS System Data
 * @note  this file is only for debug
 * @param gps_interval - 
 * @retval None
void FileManager_LogSystemData(float gps_interval)
    /* Open the file in append mode */
    FILE *fp = fopen(MINIRMS_LOG_FILE_NAME, "a");

    if (fp == NULL) {  
        /* In case of error, print the msg */
        printf("Error! Unable to open file!\n");
        /* Write some message, which is TBD */    
        fprintf(fp, "\nStart Mini-RMS System with Gps Interval = %f",gps_interval); 
        fclose(fp);  // ensure you close the file after writing
 * @brief Utility to delete file 
 * @note
 * @param filename - file name to be deleted
 * @retval None
void FileManager_Deletefile(char filename[])
    printf("Deleting file '%s'...",filename);
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");  // try and open file
    if (fp != NULL) {  // if it does open...
        fclose(fp);    // close it
        remove(filename);  // and then delete
    // if we can't open it, it doesn't exist and so we can't delete it
 * @brief Utility to check file available 
 * @note
 * @param filename - file name to be checked
 * @retval true - file is exist , false - file is not exist
bool FileManager_IsFileExist(char filename[])
    bool exist = false;
    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "r");  // try and open file
    if (fp != NULL) {  // if it does open...
        fclose(fp);    // close it
        exist = true;
    return exist;
 * @brief Utility to get GPS Interval 
 * @note  must be after read the setup file
 * @param None
 * @retval GPS interval
int FileManager_GPSInterval()
    /* Return interval in int */
    return atoi( m_GpsInterval );
 * @brief Utility to get Data Interval 
 * @note  must be after read the setup file
 * @param None
 * @retval Data interval
int FileManager_DataInterval()
    /* Return interval in int */
    return atoi( m_DataInterval );
 * @brief Function to read the variable list file 
 * @note  Recommended to call this function at initilization phase 
 * @param None
 * @retval pointer to variable list
Variable_Data_TypeDef * FileManager_ReadVarFile()
    /* Open the file with reading mode */
    FILE *fp = fopen(VARIABLE_FILE_NAME, "r");

    if (fp == NULL)
        /* if it can't open the file then print error message */ 
        printf("\nError! Unable to open file! %s \n", VARIABLE_FILE_NAME);
        return NULL;
        /* opened file so can write */ 

        /* Allocate buffer for reading  */
        char buf[1024];
        int index = 0;
        /* Initialize return value */
        memset(m_varList, ' ', sizeof(m_varList));
        /* Read line from the file */
        while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) 
            /* Check the TAG */
            if (strstr (buf,VAR_NAME_TAG)) 
                /* Found variable TAG, populate it*/
                FileManager_GetXmlText(buf , m_varList[index].varName);

            else if (strstr (buf,VAR_ADDR_TAG)) 
                /* Found variable  address TAG, populate it*/
                FileManager_GetXmlText(buf , m_varList[index].varAddress);

        /* Close File */
        /* Populate amount  */
        m_amountVarList = index;
        /* Return variable list */
        return m_varList;
 * @brief Function to amount of variable for data logging
 * @note  Must be called after readVarFile
 * @param None
 * @retval amount of variable list
int FileManager_GetAmountVarList()
    return m_amountVarList;
 * @brief Function to get variable list
 * @note  Must be called after readVarFile
 * @param None
 * @retval pointer to variable list
Variable_Data_TypeDef * FileManager_GetVarList()
    return m_varList;