This is an digital video camera program using NKK\'s oLED swtich and 4D Systems\' uCam serial camera. It takes image from the uCam and displays on the IS-C15 switch. Some image processing demos are included. This program uses FatFileSytem, SDFileSystem, and TextLCD library. See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqHTaCRHyQs for how it works. CQ出版社の「mbed/ARM活用事例」第10章シリアル接続カメラと有機ELディスプレイ内蔵スイッチで作るmbedディジタル・カメラの作例です。動作の様子は http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqHTaCRHyQs で見れます。
Dependencies: TextLCD mbed SDFileSystem
Files at revision 2:0621feb3adf2
Name | Size | Actions |
[up] | ||
FATFileSystem.lib | 58 | Revisions Annotate |
SDFileSystem.lib | 60 | Revisions Annotate |
TextLCD.lib | 55 | Revisions Annotate |
isc15.cpp | 8891 | Revisions Annotate |
isc15.h | 2186 | Revisions Annotate |
main.cpp | 11377 | Revisions Annotate |
mbed.bld | 66 | Revisions Annotate |
ucam.cpp | 8034 | Revisions Annotate |
ucam.h | 2948 | Revisions Annotate |