Thermostat class implements basic functionality of a thermostat

--- a/thermostat.h	Thu Feb 13 08:07:46 2014 +0000
+++ b/thermostat.h	Fri Feb 21 06:59:01 2014 +0000
@@ -8,6 +8,22 @@
 //Functions to check user input on joystick
 //sets interrupt on accelerometer (To be implemented)
+//***************************** TESTING ********************************************************//
+//  TEST        TEST DESCRIPTION                                                STATUS          //
+//  1           Time display is inceremented in seconds and date shown          PASS            //
+//              corresponds to date set in code                                                 //
+//  2           Joystick input works as expected up/down to increase            PASS            //
+//              decrease the temperature settting by the selected                               //
+//              granularity and left/right to turn heater on/off                                //
+//              LCD display shows correct changes in values as well                             //
+//  3           Automated thermostatCycle test includes feeding a known         PASS            //
+//              array of temperatures and verifying sample by sample that                       //
+//              the thermostat loop is enabled when it should be. this loop                     //
+//              also checks what happens when the heater is set to on or off                    //
+//              this test issues a PASS status only if the results are correct                  //
+//              for every sample
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "LM75B.h"
 #include "temperatureRecorder.h"
@@ -53,6 +69,7 @@
         void setDay(int,int,int);
         void setTime(int,int,int);
         void getDateandTime(char*,int); //return Date and time as a formatted string in the provided char buffer
+        void ThermostatUnitTest(char *,int);//unit test for thermostat class, injects a synthetic temperature to test the operation
     //private methods
 }; //end of thermostat class prototype