Test for PinDetect library. Use constant "#define DIRECTINT" to compile two different versions of the program comparing the status registers related to the interrupt states when using the PinDetect Libraries vs the InterruptIn library.
Dependencies: C12832_lcd PinDetect mbed
Fork of Bootcamp-Pushbutton_Debounce_Interrupt by
Test for PinDetect Library; use "#define DIRECTINT" constant to compile two versions which show how the library works vs the actual InterruptIn library.
2014-02-17, by nleoni [Mon, 17 Feb 2014 06:35:57 +0000] rev 2
Test for PinDetect Library; use "#define DIRECTINT" constant to compile two versions which show how the library works vs the actual InterruptIn library.
2014-02-15, by avnisha [Sat, 15 Feb 2014 07:24:47 +0000] rev 1