A project similar to http://mbed.org/users/lhiggs/code/UM6_IMU_AHRS_2012/, where I'm trying to log data from a UM6 (CH Robotics orientation sensor) and a GPS transceiver to an sd card. I've adapted LHiggs code to include ModGPS. For sum reason a soon as I pick up a gps signal the UM6 data freezes i.e. the time and gps signals continue to print out but the UM6 signals fixes on a single value.

Dependencies:   MODGPS MODSERIAL SDFileSystem mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Thu May 23 14:08:06 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu May 23 15:02:07 2013 +0000
@@ -22,17 +22,21 @@
 //============= Main Program =========================================//
 int main() {
     pc.baud(115200);  // baud rate to pc interface
-    tick.attach(&LogData, 0.001); // attaches LogData function to 'tick' ticker interrupt every 0.5s
+    FILE *fp = fopen("/local/ticker4.txt", "w");
+    tick.attach(&LogData, 0.01); // attaches LogData function to 'tick' ticker interrupt every 0.5s
     while(1) {
         while(enable) {
             if(flag==1) {  // prints counter value every interrupt raises flag
-                pc.printf("%2d \n",counter);
+                fprintf(fp,"%d \n",counter);
+                pc.printf("%d \n",counter);
             }    // end if(flag=1) loop
         }       // end while(enable) loop
+    fclose(fp);
     myled=0; // turns off LED when enable switch off
     counter=0; // resets counter
-  } // end while(1) loop
+    } // end while(1) loop
 } // end main() loop