ese 519 include files

Dependents:   PROJECT_3D_AUDIO COG4050_adxl355_tilt COG4050_adxl355_tilt COG4050_adxl355_tilt_4050

diff -r 000000000000 -r 5347612e39a3 Mixer3D.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Mixer3D.h	Tue Apr 07 21:09:51 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include "fft.h"
+#include "complextype.h"
+#include "AudioObj.h"
+#include "World.h"
+#include "mit_hrtf_lib.h"
+#ifndef MIXER3D_H
+#define MIXER3D_H
+Certain features of this 3D Mixer class are optimized for Sonic and thus 
+include many hard-coded pre-allocations. For this reason, it is not 
+recommended to use these methods for purposes other than to Sonic's
+3D mixing, as they will likely break or give undefined results.
+If you wish to make features more general purpose or create your own, it is 
+recommended that you define and pre-allocate your own containers as data 
+members of the 3D Mixer or make sure they comply with the size restrictions
+of the 3D mixing code.
+#define INVALID_ANGLE 9999
+#define MAX_GPS_OBJ_DISTANCE 30 // player must be at or within 10m of a GPS audio object to hear it
+class Mixer3D
+	Mixer3D(int bufSize, int smpRate, int bitD, World *w);
+    ~Mixer3D();
+    /**
+    Pre: The 3DMixer object must be instantiated and have reference to a list of Sonic AudioObj objects to perform processing.
+	Post: Simply call the method and the 3D Mixer will populate the ioDataLeft and ioDataRight arrays with 16-bit signed integer formatted audio data. This
+	  	  audio data is the processed result of 3D mixing on the current buffers of data in the audio objects and their current 3D positions. The ioData 
+		  arrays must be equal to the bufferSize of the 3D Mixer.
+	*/
+	void performMix(short *ioDataLeft, short *ioDataRight);
+	/**
+	Pre: Azimuth must be an angle between -180 and 180. Elevation must be between -90 and 90. The sample rate must be either 44100, 48000, 88200, or 96000 
+	 	 KHz. leftFilter and rightFilter must be pre-allocated according to the number of taps for each sample rate: 128, 140, 256, or 279.
+	Post: leftFilter and rightFilter will be filled with complex data in the frequency domain which represent the HRTF filter at a specified Azimuth 
+		  and Elevation.
+	*/
+	int loadHRTF(int* pAzimuth, int* pElevation, unsigned int samplerate, unsigned int diffused, Complex *&leftFilter, Complex *&rightFilter);
+	/**
+	Pre: The input and filter can be any size relative to each other, as this  method will perform self-contained zero-padding. As such, NFFT must be a 
+		 power of 2 equal to or greater than the larger of the two. All three containers must be pre-allocated and the output length must be equal to 
+		 NFFT. Because of the nature of the 3D Mixer, the NFFT maximum size is 2*bufferSize. Additionally, two containers for the frequency domain 
+		 versions of the input and filter (size 2*bufferSize) are used and already pre-allocated by the 3D Mixer class. nSig and nFil are the numerical sizes
+		 of the input and filter arrays.
+	Post: Output will be filled with the result in the time domain of the input and filter being circularly convolved through a frequency domain dot product. 
+		  The output size will be NFFT samples. There is a side effect of fInput and fFilter being populated with the frequency domain data which was used for 
+		  the convolution.
+	*/
+	void convolution(Complex *input, Complex *filter, Complex *output, long nSig, long nFil, long nFFT);
+	/**
+	Pre: Similar requirements to the normal convolution(), extended to left and right versions of filter and output. As usual, all containers must be 
+		 pre-allocated and nFFT must be at maximum 2*bufferSize.
+	Post: The method will call convolution() twice for both left and right audio data, using the leftFilter and rightFilter and storing the results in
+		  leftOutput and rightOutputThis method will propagate the fInput/fFilter population side effect of convolution().
+	*/
+	void stereoConvolution(Complex *input, Complex *leftFilter, Complex *rightFilter, Complex *leftOutput, Complex *rightOutput, long nSig, long nFil, long nFFT);
+    /**
+     * Returns a vector of valid audio objects to mix, i.e. those that are active and within range
+     */
+    void computeValidAudioObjects(vector<AudioObj*> &validAudioObjectsOut);
+    /**
+    Re-computes and stores elevation and azimuth angles for all
+    audioObjects in this->myWorld
+    */
+    void updateAngles();
+    /**
+     Returns true if x is a power of two, false otherwise
+     */
+    bool isPowerOfTwo(int x);
+    //Data members
+	unsigned int bufferSize, 				//The size of the audio frames.
+				 sampleRate, 				//The sample rate of the audio.
+				 bitDepth, 					//The bit depth of the audio.
+				 filterLength; 					//The MIT KEMAR Filter Size.
+	World *myWorld; 						//A pointer to the world.
+    Player &player;                        //A reference to myWorld's player
+    short *leftFilter, *rightFilter; 		//Arrays for retrieving the integer formatted filter data from the MIT KEMAR HRTF Database.
+    int *prevAzimuths, *prevElevations,
+    	*azimuths, *elevations;
+	Complex	*inputAO, 					 	//Holds the current input of each audio object.
+			*overlapInput,					//Holds the input of the last iteration in case the filter changed and the tail needs recalculation.
+    		*fInput, *fFilter,				//Data arrays to hold frequency domain representation of an input and filter. Used in convolution().
+			**complexLeftFilter, **complexRightFilter,			 	//Holds the complex datatype versions of the current filter.
+			**outputLeft, **outputRight, 	//Holds the output of each current input with the current filter.
+			**overlapLeft,**overlapRight;   //Holds the second half of each 2*bufferSize convolution for next iteration.