ese 519

Dependents:   PROJECT_3D_AUDIO

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mit_hrtf_lib.c	Tue Apr 07 21:09:22 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+/*#                                                                          #*/
+/*#  MIT HRTF C Library                                                      #*/
+/*#  Copyright � 2007 Aristotel Digenis                                      #*/
+/*#                                                                          #*/
+/*#  Filename:  mit_hrtf_lib.c                                               #*/
+/*#  Version:   0.1                                                          #*/
+/*#  Date:      04/05/2007                                                   #*/
+/*#  Author(s): Aristotel Digenis (           #*/
+/*#  Credit:    Bill Gardner and Keith Martin                                #*/
+/*#  Licence:   GNU Library or Lesser General Public License (LGPL)          #*/
+/*#                                                                          #*/
+#include "../include/mit_hrtf_lib.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/normal/mit_hrtf_normal_44100.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/diffuse/mit_hrtf_diffuse_44100.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/normal/mit_hrtf_normal_48000.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/diffuse/mit_hrtf_diffuse_48000.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/normal/mit_hrtf_normal_88200.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/diffuse/mit_hrtf_diffuse_88200.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/normal/mit_hrtf_normal_96000.h"
+#include "../MIT_HRTF_Library/source/diffuse/mit_hrtf_diffuse_96000.h"
+/*	Internal functions for handling the indexing of the -/+40 degree elevation 
+	data which has irregular azimuth positions. */
+int mit_hrtf_findAzimuthFor40Elev(int azimuth);
+int mit_hrtf_findIndexFor40Elev(int azimuth);
+unsigned int mit_hrtf_availability(int azimuth, int elevation, unsigned int samplerate, unsigned int diffused)
+	if(elevation > 90 || elevation < -40)
+		return 0;
+	if(azimuth > 180 || azimuth < -180)
+		return 0;
+    if(diffused > 1)
+        return 0;
+	if(samplerate == 44100)
+		return MIT_HRTF_44_TAPS;
+	else if(samplerate == 48000)
+		return MIT_HRTF_48_TAPS;
+	else if(samplerate == 88200)
+		return MIT_HRTF_88_TAPS;
+	else if(samplerate == 96000)
+		return MIT_HRTF_96_TAPS;
+	return 0;
+unsigned int mit_hrtf_get(int* pAzimuth, int* pElevation, unsigned int samplerate, unsigned int diffused, short* psLeft, short* psRight)
+	int nInternalElevation = 0;
+	float fAzimuthIncrement = 0;
+	int nInternalAzimuth = 0;
+	int nSwitchLeftRight = 0;
+	int nAzimuthIndex = 0;
+	const mit_hrtf_filter_set_44* pFilter44 = 0;
+	const mit_hrtf_filter_set_48* pFilter48 = 0;
+	const mit_hrtf_filter_set_88* pFilter88 = 0;
+	const mit_hrtf_filter_set_96* pFilter96 = 0;
+	const short* psLeftTaps = 0;
+	const short* psRightTaps = 0;
+	const short* psTempTaps = 0;
+	unsigned int nTotalTaps = 0;
+	unsigned int niTap = 0;
+	//Check if the requested HRTF exists
+	if(!mit_hrtf_availability(*pAzimuth, *pElevation, samplerate, diffused))
+		return 0;
+	//Snap elevation to the nearest available elevation in the filter set
+	if(*pElevation < 0)
+		nInternalElevation = ((*pElevation - 5) / 10) * 10;
+	else
+		nInternalElevation = ((*pElevation + 5) / 10) * 10;
+	// Elevation of 50 has a maximum 176 in the azimuth plane so we need to handle that.
+	if(nInternalElevation == 50)
+	{
+		if(*pAzimuth < 0)
+			*pAzimuth = *pAzimuth < -176 ? -176 : *pAzimuth;
+		else
+			*pAzimuth = *pAzimuth > 176 ? 176 : *pAzimuth;
+	}
+	//Snap azimuth to the nearest available azimuth in the filter set.
+	switch(nInternalElevation)
+	{
+	case 0:		fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_00 - 1);		break;	// 180 5
+	case 10:	
+	case -10:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_10 - 1);		break;	// 180 5
+	case 20:	
+	case -20:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_20 - 1);		break;	// 180 5
+	case 30:	
+	case -30:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_30 - 1);		break;	// 180 6
+	case 40:	
+	case -40:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_40 - 1);		break;	// 180 6.43
+	case 50:	fAzimuthIncrement = 176.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_50 - 1);		break;	// 176 8
+	case 60:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_60 - 1);		break;	// 180 10
+	case 70:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_70 - 1);		break;	// 180 15
+	case 80:	fAzimuthIncrement = 180.f / (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_80 - 1);		break;	// 180 30
+	case 90:	fAzimuthIncrement = 0;												break;	// 0   1
+	};
+	if(*pAzimuth < 0)
+	{
+		nInternalAzimuth = (int)((int)((-*pAzimuth + fAzimuthIncrement / 2.f) / fAzimuthIncrement) * fAzimuthIncrement + 0.5f);
+		nSwitchLeftRight = 1;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		nInternalAzimuth = (int)((int)((*pAzimuth + fAzimuthIncrement / 2.f) / fAzimuthIncrement) * fAzimuthIncrement + 0.5f);
+	}
+	//Determine array index for azimuth based on elevation
+	switch(nInternalElevation)
+	{
+	case 0:		nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_00 - 1));	break;
+	case 10: 
+	case -10:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_10 - 1));	break;
+	case 20:	
+	case -20:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_20 - 1));	break;
+	case 30:	
+	case -30:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_30 - 1));	break;
+	case 40:	
+	case -40:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_40 - 1));	break;
+	case 50:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 176.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_50 - 1));	break;
+	case 60:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_60 - 1));	break;
+	case 70:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_70 - 1));	break;
+	case 80:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_80 - 1));	break;
+	case 90:	nAzimuthIndex = (int)((nInternalAzimuth / 180.f) * (MIT_HRTF_AZI_POSITIONS_90 - 1));	break;
+	};
+	//The azimuths for +/- elevations need special handling
+	if(nInternalElevation == 40 || nInternalElevation == -40)
+	{
+		nInternalAzimuth = mit_hrtf_findAzimuthFor40Elev(nInternalAzimuth);
+		nAzimuthIndex = mit_hrtf_findIndexFor40Elev(nInternalAzimuth);
+	}
+	//Assign pointer to appropriate array depending on saple rate, normal or diffused filters, elevation, and azimuth index.
+	switch(samplerate)
+	{
+	case 44100:
+		if(diffused)
+			pFilter44 = &diffuse_44;
+		else
+			pFilter44 = &normal_44;
+		switch(nInternalElevation)
+		{	
+		case -10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 0:		psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e00[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e00[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 50:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e50[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e50[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 60:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e60[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e60[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 70:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e70[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e70[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 80:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e80[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e80[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 90:	psLeftTaps = pFilter44->e90[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter44->e90[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		};
+		//How many taps to copy later to user's buffers
+		nTotalTaps = MIT_HRTF_44_TAPS;
+		break;
+	case 48000:
+		if(diffused)
+			pFilter48 = &diffuse_48;
+		else
+			pFilter48 = &normal_48;
+		switch(nInternalElevation)
+		{	
+		case -10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 0:		psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e00[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e00[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 50:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e50[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e50[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 60:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e60[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e60[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 70:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e70[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e70[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 80:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e80[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e80[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 90:	psLeftTaps = pFilter48->e90[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter48->e90[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		};
+		//How many taps to copy later to user's buffers
+		nTotalTaps = MIT_HRTF_48_TAPS;
+		break;
+	case 88200:
+		if(diffused)
+			pFilter88 = &diffuse_88;
+		else
+			pFilter88 = &normal_88;
+		switch(nInternalElevation)
+		{	
+		case -10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 0:		psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e00[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e00[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 50:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e50[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e50[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 60:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e60[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e60[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 70:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e70[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e70[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 80:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e80[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e80[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 90:	psLeftTaps = pFilter88->e90[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter88->e90[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		};
+		//How many taps to copy later to user's buffers
+		nTotalTaps = MIT_HRTF_88_TAPS;
+		break;
+	case 96000:
+		if(diffused)
+			pFilter96 = &diffuse_96;
+		else
+			pFilter96 = &normal_96;
+		switch(nInternalElevation)
+		{	
+		case -10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e_10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e_20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e_30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case -40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e_40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 0:		psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e00[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e00[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 10:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e10[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e10[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 20:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e20[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e20[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 30:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e30[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e30[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 40:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e40[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e40[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 50:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e50[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e50[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 60:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e60[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e60[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 70:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e70[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e70[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 80:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e80[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e80[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		case 90:	psLeftTaps = pFilter96->e90[nAzimuthIndex].left;
+					psRightTaps = pFilter96->e90[nAzimuthIndex].right;		break;
+		};
+		//How many taps to copy later to user's buffers
+		nTotalTaps = MIT_HRTF_96_TAPS;
+		break;
+	};
+	//Switch left and right ear if the azimuth is to the left of front centre (azimuth < 0)
+	if(nSwitchLeftRight)
+	{
+		psTempTaps = psRightTaps;
+		psRightTaps = psLeftTaps;
+		psLeftTaps = psTempTaps;
+	}
+	//Copy taps to user's arrays
+	for(niTap = 0; niTap < nTotalTaps; niTap++)
+	{
+		psLeft[niTap] = psLeftTaps[niTap];
+		psRight[niTap] = psRightTaps[niTap];
+	}
+	//Assign the real azimuth and elevation used
+	*pAzimuth = nInternalAzimuth;
+	*pElevation = nInternalElevation;
+	return nTotalTaps;	
+int mit_hrtf_findAzimuthFor40Elev(int azimuth)
+	if(azimuth >= 0 && azimuth < 4)
+		return 0;
+	else if(azimuth >= 4 && azimuth < 10)
+		return 6;
+	else if(azimuth >= 10 && azimuth < 17)
+		return 13;
+	else if(azimuth >= 17 && azimuth < 23)
+		return 19;
+	else if(azimuth >= 23 && azimuth < 30)
+		return 26;
+	else if(azimuth >= 30 && azimuth < 36)
+		return 32;
+	else if(azimuth >= 36 && azimuth < 43)
+		return 39;
+	else if(azimuth >= 43 && azimuth < 49)
+		return 45;
+	else if(azimuth >= 49 && azimuth < 55)
+		return 51;
+	else if(azimuth >= 55 && azimuth < 62)
+		return 58;
+	else if(azimuth >= 62 && azimuth < 68)
+		return 64;
+	else if(azimuth >= 68 && azimuth < 75)
+		return 71;
+	else if(azimuth >= 75 && azimuth < 81)
+		return 77;
+	else if(azimuth >= 81 && azimuth < 88)
+		return 84;
+	else if(azimuth >= 88 && azimuth < 94)
+		return 90;
+	else if(azimuth >= 94 && azimuth < 100)
+		return 96;
+	else if(azimuth >= 100 && azimuth < 107)
+		return 103;
+	else if(azimuth >= 107 && azimuth < 113)
+		return 109;
+	else if(azimuth >= 113 && azimuth < 120)
+		return 116;
+	else if(azimuth >= 120 && azimuth < 126)
+		return 122;
+	else if(azimuth >= 126 && azimuth < 133)
+		return 129;
+	else if(azimuth >= 133 && azimuth < 139)
+		return 135;
+	else if(azimuth >= 139 && azimuth < 145)
+		return 141;
+	else if(azimuth >= 145 && azimuth < 152)
+		return 148;
+	else if(azimuth >= 152 && azimuth < 158)
+		return 154;
+	else if(azimuth >= 158 && azimuth < 165)
+		return 161;
+	else if(azimuth >= 165 && azimuth < 171)
+		return 167;
+	else if(azimuth >= 171 && azimuth < 178)
+		return 174;
+	else
+		return 180;
+int mit_hrtf_findIndexFor40Elev(int azimuth)
+	if(azimuth >= 0 && azimuth < 4)
+		return 0;
+	else if(azimuth >= 4 && azimuth < 10)
+		return 1;
+	else if(azimuth >= 10 && azimuth < 17)
+		return 2;
+	else if(azimuth >= 17 && azimuth < 23)
+		return 3;
+	else if(azimuth >= 23 && azimuth < 30)
+		return 4;
+	else if(azimuth >= 30 && azimuth < 36)
+		return 5;
+	else if(azimuth >= 36 && azimuth < 43)
+		return 6;
+	else if(azimuth >= 43 && azimuth < 49)
+		return 7;
+	else if(azimuth >= 49 && azimuth < 55)
+		return 8;
+	else if(azimuth >= 55 && azimuth < 62)
+		return 9;
+	else if(azimuth >= 62 && azimuth < 68)
+		return 10;
+	else if(azimuth >= 68 && azimuth < 75)
+		return 11;
+	else if(azimuth >= 75 && azimuth < 81)
+		return 12;
+	else if(azimuth >= 81 && azimuth < 88)
+		return 13;
+	else if(azimuth >= 88 && azimuth < 94)
+		return 14;
+	else if(azimuth >= 94 && azimuth < 100)
+		return 15;
+	else if(azimuth >= 100 && azimuth < 107)
+		return 16;
+	else if(azimuth >= 107 && azimuth < 113)
+		return 17;
+	else if(azimuth >= 113 && azimuth < 120)
+		return 18;
+	else if(azimuth >= 120 && azimuth < 126)
+		return 19;
+	else if(azimuth >= 126 && azimuth < 133)
+		return 20;
+	else if(azimuth >= 133 && azimuth < 139)
+		return 21;
+	else if(azimuth >= 139 && azimuth < 145)
+		return 22;
+	else if(azimuth >= 145 && azimuth < 152)
+		return 23;
+	else if(azimuth >= 152 && azimuth < 158)
+		return 24;
+	else if(azimuth >= 158 && azimuth < 165)
+		return 25;
+	else if(azimuth >= 165 && azimuth < 171)
+		return 26;
+	else if(azimuth >= 171 && azimuth < 178)
+		return 27;
+	else
+		return 28;
\ No newline at end of file