
Dependencies:   MAX44000 nexpaq_mdk

Fork of LED_Demo by Maxim nexpaq

Sat Sep 17 16:21:40 2016 +0000
checking in to share

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 1 /*
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 2 * np_apis.h
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 3 *
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 4 * Created on: July 14, 2016
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 5 * Author: Alan.Lin
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 6 *
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 7 * Copyright: NexPack Ltd.
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 8 */
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 9
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 10 #ifndef NP_APIS_H_
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 11 #define NP_APIS_H_
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 12
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 13 #include <stdint.h>
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 14 #ifdef __cplusplus
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 15 extern "C" {
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 16 #endif
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 17
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 18 typedef void (*my_VOID_UCUC)(uint8_t*, uint8_t);
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 19 typedef struct {
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 20 uint16_t command;
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 21 my_VOID_UCUC function;
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 22 } MDK_REGISTER_CMD;
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 23
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 24 extern MDK_REGISTER_CMD *mdk_cmd_func_table_ptr;
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 25 extern uint8_t mdk_cmd_func_number;
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 26 #ifdef __cplusplus
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 27 }
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 28 #endif
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 29
nexpaq 0:b86eda0e990d 30 #endif /* NP_APIS_H_ */