Changes done in ECG and BT

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of merged_code2_20sept_2017_4th_oct_2017 by nikita teggi

--- a/ecgg.cpp	Sat Sep 16 06:54:42 2017 +0000
+++ b/ecgg.cpp	Wed Sep 20 07:48:55 2017 +0000
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
 #include "main.h"
 //#include "test_type.h" //Added on  31/5/17_Nidhin
+void low_pass_filter(uint32_t pid);
+void swap(uint32_t *ptr);
 #define MAX_HR_THRESHOLD 205
 #define MIN_HR_THRESHOLD 25
@@ -30,6 +33,8 @@
     uint8_t lead_reg=0;      // added on 14/06 to check lead -off 
+    FILE *fpeecg1;
+    pc.baud(baud_rate);
     //----------------------- Structure for Bluetooth  Added Nidhin 1/6/2017-------------------//
@@ -113,67 +118,68 @@
     //uint32_t ecg_buf[N_ECG];
     Timer t;
-    //------------------ Declaration for Peak value detection ------------------------------------
-  uint32_t ecg_samp1[1] ; 
-  uint32_t ecg_samp2[1]; 
-  uint32_t ecg_samp3[1];  // to Stores sample 1, 2 & 10th sample
-  uint32_t fppos;  // Variable to hold pointer position
-  uint32_t hi_val;
-  uint32_t pk_val[20];
-  uint16_t pk_pos[20]={0};
-  int32_t hi_dif = 0; //diff between high value and it's consecutive value
-  uint16_t j=0; // int count1 = N_ECG/fs, a_dif=0, fs1 = fs ,h=0;
-  int32_t m =0;       // Variable to move the file pointer in fseek fun
-  int32_t samp_10 = 28;       // Variable to move to 10th sampple from current
-  char buffer3[32];
+    /********** Declaration for Peak value detection ***************/
+    int32_t ecg_samp1[1] ;                                                      //changed from uint32_t to static double, because LPF output is of static double type - by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    int32_t ecg_samp2[1];                                                       //changed from uint32_t to static double- by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    int32_t ecg_samp3[1];                                                       // to Stores sample 1, 2 & 10th sample //changed from uint32_t to static double- by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    uint32_t samp_10 = 28;
+    static int32_t hi_val;                                                      //changed from uint32_t to static double- by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    int32_t pk_val[20];                                                         //changed from uint32_t to double - Suhasini - 5-8-17
+    int32_t hi_dif = 0;                                                         //diff between high value and it's consecutive value //changed from uint32_t to static double- by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    uint16_t pk_pos[20]= {0};                                                   // Variable to hold pointer positio
+    uint8_t j=0;                                                                // int count1 = N_ECG/fs, a_dif=0, fs1 = fs ,h=0;
+    uint32_t m = 400; 
     // ------------------------- Declaration for Heart Rate calculation --------------------------
- uint8_t n=0; 
- float pos_dif, HR[10], HR1,t_pos_dif;
- uint8_t t_sec = 60; 
- float HR_sum = 0,HR_avg;
-    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    pc.baud(baud_rate);
-    freqset();               // setting the frequency
-    setupfunc();    
-    //ecgtestsetupfunc();          // For test set up of 1Hz square wave signal
-   lead_reg= ecgsetupfunc();
-   //ORIGINAL sd_open_ECGfile(pid);        // opening the ecg file  COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
- if (lead_reg==0)                    // checking for proper lead contact// 14/06
- {  
-   sd_open_ECGfilee(pid);  // REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin 
-  pc.printf( "Raw data is = \n"); 
- for(int i=0; i<N_ECG; i++)
-   {
-     concatenate_value2= readvalue();
-     pc.printf( "%d\n", concatenate_value2); //ADDED Nidhin 21/6/2017
-     sd_ecgwrite(ecg_ptr); // REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017
-   } 
- sd_close_ecg();          // closing the ECG file REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin
+ uint8_t n=0;
+    float pos_dif;                                                              // changed from float to uint16_t- Suhasini- 8-8-17, changed back to float- 17th aug,2017
+    float HR[10],HR1,t_pos_dif;
+    uint8_t t_sec = 60;
+    float HR_sum = 0,HR_avg;
+    char buffer4[32] = {0};
+    freqset();                                                                  // setting the frequency
+    setupfunc();
+    lead_reg = ecgsetupfunc();
+    if (lead_reg==0)
+     {                                                                          // checking for proper lead contact
+        sd_open_ECGfilee(pid);                                                  //open temporary ecg.csv file to write 2000 samples of data
+        pc.printf( "Raw data is = \n");
+        for(int i=0; i<N_ECG; i++) {
+            concatenate_value2= readvalue();
+            pc.printf( "%d\n", concatenate_value2);                            
+            sd_ecgwrite(ecg_ptr);                                               //writing data to temporary file ECG.csv
+        }
+        sd_close_ecg();                                                         // closing the ECG file REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin
+        low_pass_filter(pid);                                                   // low pass filter calculation function
  //----------------------------- PEAK DETECTION AND HEART RATE CALCULATION ---------------------------------------------------
  // -------------------------------------- PEAK DETECTION -------------------------------------------------------------
  // ----------------------------------------- Main loop --------------------------------------------------
- sprintf(buffer3, "/sd/%d_ECG.csv", pid);    // For opening a specific file    
- fpeecg1 = fopen(buffer3, "r");
+ sprintf(buffer4, "/sd/%d_ECG_lpf.csv", pid);    // For opening a specific file    
+ fpeecg1 = fopen(buffer4, "r");
-for(uint16_t i=0;i<(N_ECG-10);i++){
+for(uint16_t i=0;i<((N_ECG-4)-10);i++){
 rewind(fpeecg1);               // Go to start of file each time
 fseek(fpeecg1, m, SEEK_CUR);   // Update the count value according to move pointer //// after every calc. the pointer moves to 0th position, as we have used fseek, hence to make it jump to the respective position by "m" bytes this command is used
-fread(ecg_samp1, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read sample 1
-fread(ecg_samp2, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read Sample 2
+fread(ecg_samp1, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read sample 1
+fread(ecg_samp2, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read Sample 2
 fseek(fpeecg1, samp_10, SEEK_CUR);   // Moving to tenth sample
-fread(ecg_samp3, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read 3rd sample
+fread(ecg_samp3, sizeof(int32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read 3rd sample
@@ -181,8 +187,8 @@
 hi_dif = hi_val-ecg_samp3[0];
   // ---------------------------- If hi_val is greater than next ten input values, then compare the hi_val with the tenth input value. 
-  //     If the diff is greater than 10000, then it is a valid peak (pls chk the below condition)-------------------------------------
-    if(hi_dif > 10000)
+  //     If the diff is greater than 4000, then it is a valid peak (pls chk the below condition)-------------------------------------
+    if(hi_dif > 4000)
      pk_val[j] = hi_val; //if condition satisfied, put the "pk" value into "pk_val" buffer
      pc.printf("peak value= %d\n",pk_val[j]);
@@ -209,12 +215,13 @@
+pc.printf("to enter HR loop\n");
  // ----------------- HEART RATE LOGIC --------------------------- 
  for(uint16_t i = 0;i < n-1;i++)
   pos_dif = pk_pos[i+1] - pk_pos[i];                 // difference between two consequtive peaks
-  pc.printf("peak position diff is = %f\n",pos_dif);
+  pc.printf("peak position diff is = %d\n",pos_dif);
   t_pos_dif = pos_dif/fs;                           // sample difference between peak positions divided by sampling frequency gives the difference value in terms of actual time
   pc.printf("time in seconds is = %f\n",t_pos_dif);
   HR[i] = t_sec/t_pos_dif;                          //HR calculation
@@ -263,4 +270,91 @@
         return 0;
 pc.printf("closing temporary file\n");
-}   // End of main function
\ No newline at end of file
+}   // End of main function
+/************************* LOW PASS FILTER FUNCTION **************************/
+void low_pass_filter(uint32_t pid)
+    FILE *fpecg1;                                                               // FILE pointer to read raw data ECG file  added by Suhasini 5-8-17
+    FILE *fpeecg_lpf;                                                           // FILE pointer to read and write into LPF output file   added by Suhasini 5-8-17
+    static uint32_t ecg_raw_temp[5];                                            // changed by rohit on 13 sep 
+    static uint32_t ecg_raw[5];                                                 // Buff of 5 samples created to Stores input samples for LPF  added by Suhasini - 5-8-17
+    static uint32_t lpf_op[5]= {0.0};                                            // for LPF output   added by Suhasini - 5-8-17 // changed from double to int32_t- 16-8-17
+    uint32_t lpf_4samp = 0;                                                     // Variable to move 16 samples back from current in input file - changed by Suhasini- 5-8-17
+    char buffer3[32];
+    char buffer4[32];                                                           // Added by Suhasini - 5-8-17
+    const float b[5]= {0.0000624,0.0002495,0.0003743,0.0002495,0.0000624};      //Numerator co-efficients of low-pass butter-worth filter of order=4
+    const float a[5]= {1.0000,-3.5078,4.6409,-2.7427,0.6105};                   //Denominator co-efficients of low-pass butter-worth filter of order=4
+    sprintf(buffer3, "/sd/%d_ECG.csv", pid);                                    // opening raw data file to read
+    fpecg1 = fopen(buffer3, "r");                                               // to read data from the above opened temp file
+    pc.printf("entered raw data file\n");
+    sprintf(buffer4, "/sd/%d_ECG_lpf.csv", pid);                                // opening empty file to write lpf data
+    fpeecg_lpf = fopen(buffer4, "a");                                           // to read data from and write data into the above opened file // changed from "a+" to "a"
+    pc.printf("entered LPF data file\n");
+    fwrite(&lpf_op, sizeof(int32_t), 4, fpeecg_lpf);
+    pc.printf("first 4 LPF data %d\n %d\n %d\n %d\n", lpf_op[0],lpf_op[1],lpf_op[2],lpf_op[3]);
+    pc.printf("low pass filter output is= %d\n",lpf_op[4]);                     //message to display LPF output
+    fread(&ecg_raw, sizeof(uint32_t), 5, fpecg1);
+   // pc.printf("first 4 RAW data %d\n %d\n %d\n %d\n %d\n", ecg_raw[0],ecg_raw[1],ecg_raw[2],ecg_raw[3],ecg_raw[4]);
+    for (uint16_t i = 1; i < (N_ECG-4); i++) {                                  // reduced loop length to check i/p and o/p timing
+        //fseek(fpecg1, lpf_4samp, SEEK_CUR);                                     // Update the count value according to move pointer
+       // fread(&ecg_raw, sizeof(uint32_t), 5, fpecg1);                            // Read sample 1 of i/p
+       /**********rohit***************/
+        //fread(&ecg_raw_temp, sizeof(uint32_t), 5, fpecg1);
+        //memcpy(ecg_raw, ecg_raw_temp,sizeof(ecg_raw));
+       // fread(ecg_raw, sizeof(uint32_t), 5, fpecg1); 
+    /*********** filter output for the ECG data for a low-pass butter-worth filter of order=4 is as follows******************/
+        (lpf_op[4]) = (int32_t)(b[0]*((ecg_raw[4]))) + (int32_t)(b[1]*((ecg_raw[3]))) + (int32_t)(b[2]*((ecg_raw[2]))) + (int32_t)(b[3]*((ecg_raw[1]))) + (int32_t)(b[4]*((ecg_raw[0]))) - (int32_t)(a[1]*lpf_op[3]) - (int32_t)(a[2]*lpf_op[2]) - (int32_t)(a[3]*lpf_op[1]) - (int32_t)(a[4]*lpf_op[0]);
+        fwrite(&lpf_op[4], sizeof(int32_t), 1, fpeecg_lpf);
+        //pc.printf("pointer to output value is= %ld\n",ftell(fpeecg_lpf));
+        pc.printf("%d\n",lpf_op[4]);                                            // to print LPF output on hyperterminal
+        swap(lpf_op);
+      /*  
+        lpf_op[0] = lpf_op[1];
+        lpf_op[1] = lpf_op[2];
+        lpf_op[2] = lpf_op[3];
+        lpf_op[3] = lpf_op[4];
+    */
+      //  rewind(fpecg1);                                                    commented by rohit
+        // rewind(fpeecg_lpf);                                              // commented by nikita 5/09/17 // no need to rewind as single array member result is stored in the file
+     //   lpf_4samp = (i*4);                                                // commented by rohit
+        //  lpfop_4samp = (i*4);  
+        swap(ecg_raw);                                                      // 8 changed to 4, because datatype has been changed from double to int32_t- suhasini- 16/8/17  /// commented by nikita 5/09/17 // not used anywhere//
+       fread(&ecg_raw[4], sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpecg1);
+       pc.printf("5th samples: %d\n",ecg_raw[4]);
+       //fseek(fpecg1, -16 , SEEK_CUR);
+       // memset(ecg_raw,0,sizeof(ecg_raw));
+    }
+    fclose(fpecg1);
+    fclose(fpeecg_lpf);
+    pc.printf("temporary file closed after LPF\n");
+void swap(uint32_t *ptr)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<4;i++)
+ ptr[i] = ptr[i+1];   
\ No newline at end of file