Changes done in ECG and BT

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem ds3231 eeprom_Nikita mbed testUniGraphic_150217

Fork of merged_code2_20sept_2017_4th_oct_2017 by nikita teggi

--- a/ecgg.cpp	Sat Jul 29 10:38:05 2017 +0000
+++ b/ecgg.cpp	Sat Jul 29 11:23:19 2017 +0000
@@ -108,12 +108,13 @@
     Timer t;
     //------------------ Declaration for Peak value detection ------------------------------------
-  uint32_t ecg_samp1[1] ; uint32_t ecg_samp2[1]; uint32_t ecg_samp3[1];  // Buff 12 &3 Stores sample 1, 2 & 10th sample
+  uint32_t ecg_samp1[1] ; 
+  uint32_t ecg_samp2[1]; 
+  uint32_t ecg_samp3[1];  // to Stores sample 1, 2 & 10th sample
   uint32_t fppos;  // Variable to hold pointer position
   uint32_t hi_val;
   uint32_t pk_val[20];
   uint16_t pk_pos[20]={0};
- // unsigned int a; //uint32_t pk=0;
   int32_t hi_dif = 0; //diff between high value and it's consecutive value
   uint16_t j=0; // int count1 = N_ECG/fs, a_dif=0, fs1 = fs ,h=0;
   int32_t m =0;       // Variable to move the file pointer in fseek fun
@@ -126,15 +127,12 @@
  uint8_t t_sec = 60; 
  float HR_sum = 0,HR_avg;
     // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  //  unsigned char chk = 1;
     freqset();               // setting the frequency
     //ecgtestsetupfunc();          // For test set up of 1Hz square wave signal
    lead_reg= ecgsetupfunc();
- //   chk = 1;
    //ORIGINAL sd_open_ECGfile(pid);        // opening the ecg file  COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
  if (lead_reg==0)                    // checking for proper lead contact// 14/06
@@ -151,23 +149,9 @@
-   //sd_close();          // closing the file COMMENTED Nidhin 1/6/2017
-    sd_close_ecg();          // closing the ECG file REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin
+ sd_close_ecg();          // closing the ECG file REPLACED Nidhin 1/6/2017 Nidhin
- // ---------- reading back SD data for processing --------------------
- sd_read_file(15);
- printf("Reading back SD data\n");
- for(int i=10;i<N_ECG;i++)
- {
- ecg_buf= sd_read();
- //printf("%d\n",ecg_buf[i]);
- }
-  sd_close();    */
  //----------------------------- PEAK DETECTION AND HEART RATE CALCULATION ---------------------------------------------------
  // -------------------------------------- PEAK DETECTION -------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -184,24 +168,16 @@
 fread(ecg_samp2, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read Sample 2
 fseek(fpeecg1, samp_10, SEEK_CUR);   // Moving to tenth sample
 fread(ecg_samp3, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fpeecg1);  // Read 3rd sample
-//pc.printf("ecg_samp1 = %d , ecg_samp2 = %d, ecg_samp3 = %d\n",ecg_samp1[0],ecg_samp2[0],ecg_samp3[0] ); //Test  Value held by buffer each round
 hi_val = ecg_samp1[0]; //To find the high value
-//printf("high value= %d\n",hi_val);
-//a = i;
-//printf("a= %d\n",a);
 hi_dif = hi_val-ecg_samp3[0];
   // ---------------------------- If hi_val is greater than next ten input values, then compare the hi_val with the tenth input value. 
   //     If the diff is greater than 10000, then it is a valid peak (pls chk the below condition)-------------------------------------
-  //   if((hi_dif > 10000) && ((a+10) < N_ECG))
     if(hi_dif > 10000)
-   //  if(a_dif <= 0) ------------------------ add this condition if needed ----------------------
-   //  {
      pk_val[j] = hi_val; //if condition satisfied, put the "pk" value into "pk_val" buffer
      pc.printf("peak value= %d\n",pk_val[j]);
      pk_pos[j]=i; // also save the peak's position
@@ -211,16 +187,13 @@
      j = j+1;
      m = m + 480; //similar reason to considering 28, but to skip 120 samples. this cond. is satisfied only when we hit a peak - suhasini_26thjune17
-  //   printf("j after peak detection is= %d\n",j);
-  //   }
-     }
+    }
      m = m+4; // this is when we do not hit a peak and have to continue searching thru, hence move to the next sample and not skip 120 samples- - suhasini_26thjune17
-     // store the peak value position in "pk_pos" 
+ }
 m = m+4;
@@ -236,12 +209,10 @@
   pos_dif = pk_pos[i+1] - pk_pos[i];                 // difference between two consequtive peaks
   pc.printf("peak position diff is = %f\n",pos_dif);
-  //printf("peak position i value is = %d\n",i);
   t_pos_dif = pos_dif/fs;                           // sample difference between peak positions divided by sampling frequency gives the difference value in terms of actual time
   pc.printf("time in seconds is = %f\n",t_pos_dif);
   HR[i] = t_sec/t_pos_dif;                          //HR calculation
   pc.printf("Heart Rate is = %f\n",HR[i]);
- // n = i;
   HR1 = HR[0];
@@ -253,7 +224,6 @@
  HR_avg = HR_sum/(n-1); // To find average of all the individual HRs calculated
  printf("Heart Rate sum is = %f\n",HR_sum);
- //printf("Denominator = %d\n",n);
  printf("Heart Rate avg is = %f\n",HR_avg);
@@ -261,33 +231,25 @@
 if(HR_avg>100 || HR_avg<40) 
         return 1;               // out of range condition returning 1  //nikita//10/7
         BLEMsg_info_ecg.cal_data.cal_sbp_dummy = 0;
-      BLEMsg_info_ecg.cal_data.cal_dbp_OTtyp = HR_avg;  //To be modified after HR code is added. // changed nikita
+        BLEMsg_info_ecg.cal_data.cal_dbp_OTtyp = HR_avg;  //To be modified after HR code is added. 
         structure_file(ptr_BLEMsg_info_ecg, pid); //copy the ECG structure to Main file  //COMMENTED Nidhin 10/6/2017 
         ecgfile_mainfile(pid);                        // copy raw data to the main file and ECG file is cleared. //COMMENTED Nidhin 10/6/2017
         pc.printf("Closed the main file\n");
-  //return HR1;
         return HR_avg; 
         pc.printf("improper lead connection");
-        return 0;                        // returning 0 for improper lead connection
+        return 0;
 pc.printf("closing temporary file\n");
- // fclose(fpeecg1);
-//  pc.printf("temporary file closed\n");
 }   // End of main function
\ No newline at end of file