Decide right or left for you

Dependencies:   mbed LCD_DISCO_F469NI TS_DISCO_F469NI BSP_DISCO_F469NI

Project description

Nothing more simple: this is a high quality project allowing the user to download cosmos random to find a direction in your life when you have no idea where to go.

The decisions are restrained to RIGHT or LEFT.


  • Cosmos download via SCP (secure copy using SSH for data transfer).
  • Countdown displays the remaining downloading time.
  • Pick randomly RIGHT or LEFT and display the choice with an arrow and text.
  • Track the number of decision.
  • Home button to download again the cosmos.


  1. Plug the board to USB to supply the board with some electricity (if using USB micro ('USB USER' plug) you must put the jumper JP2 on 'USB', if using USB mini ('USB ST-LINK' plug) you must put the jumper JP2 on 'STLK').
  2. Wait a very short moment so the board boot and the touchscreen initialize (a green screen should appears).
  3. Touch anywhere on the touchscreen to start the cosmos downloading.
  4. Observe the random direction extracted from the cosmos.
  5. Touch again as many time as needed to decide again (the number of decision is displayed in the top left corner). NB: each cosmos download contains an infinity of random direction.
  6. If desired you can download again the cosmos via the home screen by touching the home button.
  7. If needed (the cosmos may be busy or broken), you can reset the board and go back on the home screen by pushing the black button or by plugging/unplugging the USB power cable.



Any injury resulting from an abnormal of the decider code cannot be imputed to the author of this code.


This is a fantasy, don't take it for serious.

Revisions of TS_DISCO_F469NI.lib

Revision Date Message Actions
1:3552145ac2b0 2015-12-18 Add TS library File  Diff  Annotate
0:0e730157c767 2015-12-18 Initial version File  Diff  Annotate