Fork of KS0108 by Ryan Tseng

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/KS0108.h	Mon Jun 18 16:46:41 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+#ifndef KS0108_H
+#define KS0108_H
+#define VERSION 2.0
+#include <mbed.h>
+#include "SystemFont5x7.h"
+// Commands
+#define LCD_ON              0x3F
+#define LCD_OFF             0x3E
+#define LCD_SET_ADD         0x40
+#define LCD_SET_PAGE        0xB8
+#define LCD_DISP_START      0xC0
+//Controller directives
+#define LEFT                0
+#define RIGHT               1
+#define BOTH                3
+#define NONE                4
+// Colors
+#define BLACK               0xFF
+#define WHITE               0x00
+//Screen dimensions
+#define SCREEN_HEIGHT    64
+#define SCREEN_WIDTH    128
+#define CHIP_WIDTH         64
+//helper functions 
+#define absDiff(x,y) ((x>y) ?  (x-y) : (y-x))
+#define swap(a,b) \
+uint8_t t;\
+    t=a;\
+    a=b;\
+    b=t;\
+} while(0)    
+// Font Indices
+#define FONT_LENGTH         0
+#define FONT_FIXED_WIDTH    2
+#define FONT_HEIGHT         3
+#define FONT_FIRST_CHAR     4
+#define FONT_CHAR_COUNT     5
+#define FONT_WIDTH_TABLE    6
+/*************************Callback function definietion for fonts *********************/
+typedef unsigned int (*FontCallback)(unsigned int*);
+/*************************Callback function    for reading font array*********************/
+static unsigned int ReadData(unsigned int* ptr) {  
+    return *ptr;
+#define MAX_IMG_SIZE 128*64
+typedef struct {      
+     unsigned int imgWidth;
+    unsigned int imgHeight;         
+    unsigned char imgarray[MAX_IMG_SIZE];
+typedef struct {
+    unsigned int x;
+    unsigned int y;
+    unsigned int page;
+} LCDCoord;
+class KS0108  {
+   /**
+    *@brief Constructor, initializes the lcd on the respective pins.
+    *@param control pins     RST,DI,RW,E,CS2,CS1
+    *@param databus        DB0-DB7    data pins
+    *@return none
+    */
+    KS0108 (PinName _RST,PinName _DI, PinName _RW, PinName _E, PinName _CS1, PinName _CS2, PinName DB0, PinName DB1, PinName DB2, PinName DB3, PinName DB4, PinName DB5, PinName DB6, PinName DB7);
+   /**
+    *@brief Write instruction to the specific controller.
+    *@param Command     command to send to the controller
+    *@param side         controller side can be LEFT or RIGHT
+    *@return none
+    *
+    */
+    void  WriteInstruction(unsigned int Command,unsigned int side);
+    /**
+     *@brief Write data byte to the controller.
+     *@param data     data send to the controller chip
+     *@param side     selected controller can be LEFT or RIGHT
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void  WriteData(unsigned int data ,unsigned char side);
+    /**
+     *@brief Write data byte to the controller (overloaded function).
+     *
+       *@param data     data send to the controller chip
+     *@return none
+     */
+    void  WriteData(unsigned int data);
+    /**
+     *@brief Write data byte to the screen on specific page and column
+     *@param page     page varies from 0-7 for each side
+     *@param col     col varies from 0-64 for each side
+     *@param data     info to be written on given coordinates
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void  WriteDataColPag(unsigned int page, unsigned int col,  unsigned int data);
+    /**
+     *@brief Read data from display
+     *@param none
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    unsigned int ReadData();
+    /**
+     *@brief Read status of display , and check if it's busy
+     *@param none
+     *@return status     status of display
+     *
+     */
+    unsigned int ReadStatus();
+    /**
+     *@brief Select controller chip
+     *
+     *@param side     controller side can be LEFT or RIGHT
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void SelectSide(unsigned char side);
+       /**
+     *@brief Set cursor to specified coordinates
+     *
+     *@param  x     row
+     *@param  y     column
+     *@return none
+     */
+    void GotoXY(unsigned int x, unsigned int y); 
+    /**
+     *@brief Clears display
+     *
+     *@param none
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void ClearScreen();
+    /**
+     *@brief Turn on display
+     *
+     *@param none
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void TurnOn();
+    /**
+     *@brief Turn Off display
+     *
+     *@param none
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void TurnOff();
+    /*******************************Graphic functions************************************************/
+    /**
+    *@brief Set pixel to specific location on the screen.
+    *@param x coordinate varies from 0-128
+    *@param y col varies from 0-64
+    *@param color color of pixel, can be BLACK or WHITE
+    *@return none
+    *
+    */
+    void SetPixel( unsigned int x,  unsigned int y,  unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y1
+     *@param Xaxis1   x coordinate of one side
+     *@param Xaxis2   x coordinate of one side
+     *@param Yaxis   y coordinate both points
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+     void HLine(unsigned int Xaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2 ,unsigned int Yaxis,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw a horizontal line
+     *@param Xaxis1
+     *@param Xaxis2
+     *@param width
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void HLineShort(unsigned int Xaxis, unsigned int Yaxis,unsigned int width ,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws a vertical line
+     *@param Xaxis
+     *@param Yaxis1
+     *@param Yaxis2
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void VLine(unsigned int Xaxis, unsigned int Yaxis1 ,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw a vertical line of a given width starting from X, Y 
+     *@param Xaxis
+     *@param Yaxis
+     *@param height    Height of line
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void VLineShort(unsigned int Xaxis,unsigned int Yaxis, unsigned int height ,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws a line from x1,y1 to x2,y2.
+     *@param x1   x coordinate of one side
+     *@param y1   y coordinate of one side
+     *@param x2   x coordinate of other side
+     *@param y2   y coordinate of other side
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void Line(unsigned int x1,unsigned int y1,unsigned int x2,unsigned int y2, unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws a slanty line from x1,y1  to x2,y2
+     *@param lX1   x coordinate of one side
+     *@param lY1   y coordinate of one side
+     *@param lX2   x coordinate of other side
+     *@param lY2   y coordinate of other side
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void SlantyLine(unsigned int lX1, unsigned int lY1, unsigned int lX2,unsigned int lY2,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws a line from x,y at given degree from inner_radius to outer_radius.
+     *@param x
+     *@param y
+     *@param inner_radius
+     *@param outer_radius
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void DegreeLine(unsigned int x, int y,unsigned int degree,unsigned int inner_radius,unsigned int outer_radius, unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw a filled rectangle
+     *
+     *@param Xaxis1
+     *@param Yaxis1
+     *@param Xaxis2
+     *@param Yaxis2
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void FullRectangle(unsigned int Xaxis1, unsigned int Yaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2 ,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+        Added by Ann
+        Draws a filled rectangle from right to left (instead of left to right)
+    **/
+    void ReverseFullRectangle(unsigned int Xaxis1, unsigned int Yaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2 ,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw an empty rectangle
+     *@param Xaxis1
+     *@param Yaxis1
+     *@param Xaxis2
+     *@param Yaxis2
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void EmptyRectangle(unsigned int Xaxis1,unsigned int Yaxis1, unsigned int Xaxis2,unsigned int Yaxis2,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw a rectangle with round corners
+     *@param Xaxis1 x-coordinate of the top left point
+     *@param Yaxis1 y-coordinate of the top left point
+     *@param width  rectangle width
+     *@param height rectangle height
+     *@param radius radius of the edges
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void RoundRectangle(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int radius, unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *Draws a triangle .
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void Triangle ( int topx, int topy, int rightx, int righty);
+    /**
+     *Draws a right angle triangle .
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@param 
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void RightTriangle ( int topx, int topy, int rightx, int righty);
+    /**
+     *Draws an empty circle centered a x,y with radius R and specific color.
+     *@param CenterX   center x coordinate 
+     *@param CenterY   center y coordinate
+     *@param Radius    circle radius
+     *@param color     Color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     */
+    void EmptyCircle(unsigned int CenterX, unsigned int CenterY, unsigned int Radius,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     * Circle fill Code is merely a modification of the midpoint
+     * circle algorithem which is an adaption of Bresenham's line algorithm
+     *
+     *
+     * Adapted from arduino lib
+     *
+     *@param  CenterX center x coordinate
+     *@param CenterY  center y coordinate
+     *@param Radius   circle radius
+     *@param color    Color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     */
+    void FullCircle(unsigned int CenterX, unsigned int CenterY, unsigned int Radius,unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *Draws an ellipse.
+     *@param CX   x coordinate of one side
+     *@param CY   y coordinate of one side
+     *@param XRadius   x coordinate of other side
+     *@param YRadius   y coordinate of other side
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     *
+     * Ported the algorithm found at
+     *
+     */
+    void PlotEllipse(long CX, long  CY, long XRadius,long YRadius, int color);
+    void Plot4EllipsePoints(long CX,long  CY, long X, long Y, int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Round a double
+     *@param double
+     *@return value
+     *
+     */
+    double dfloor( double value );
+    /*****************************Bitmaps *****************************************************************/
+    /**
+     *@brief Draws an image on screen.
+     *@param PictureData  128x64 image array
+     *@return none
+     *
+     *
+     */
+    void FullScreenBMP (unsigned char *ImageData);
+    /**
+     *@brief Draw a 1-bit bitmap
+      *
+     *@param  image struct containing img size and array
+     *@param x x-coordinate
+     *@param y y-coordinate
+     *@param color can be BLACK or WHITE
+     *@return none
+     */
+    void DrawBitmap(const unsigned int * bitmap, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int color);
+    /**
+     *@brief Static function , mplemented to read an array
+     *@param  ptr     data array
+     *@return none
+     */
+    unsigned int ReadArrayData(const unsigned int* ptr); 
+    /*************************************Font functions **************************************/
+   /**
+    *@brief Print a character on specified coordinates
+    *
+    *@param  page     row
+    *@param  col     column
+    *@param  c     integer value
+    *@return none 
+    */
+    void Putchar (int page, int col,unsigned char c);
+   /**
+    *@brief Print a string on specified coordinates
+    *
+    *@param  str     char array
+    *@param  x     row
+    *@param  y     column 
+    *@return none 
+    */
+    void PutString(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,char* str);
+   /**
+    *@brief Print a float on specified coordinates
+    *
+    *@param  val     float value
+    *@param  x     row
+    *@param  y     column
+    *@return none 
+    */
+    void PrintFloat(float val, unsigned int x,unsigned int y);
+   /**
+    *@brief Print an integer on specified coordinates
+    *
+    *@param  val     integer value
+    *@param  x     row
+    *@param  y     column
+    *@return none 
+    */ 
+    void PrintInteger(int val,unsigned int x,unsigned int y);
+   /**
+    *@brief Select a specific font
+    *
+    *@param  font          font array
+    *@param  color         font color , can be BLACK or WHITE
+    *@param  callback    function pointer to load font
+    *@return none 
+    */
+    void SelectFont(unsigned int* font,unsigned int color, FontCallback callback);
+    /**
+     *@brief Print a character
+     *
+     *@param  c     char
+     *@return none
+     */
+    int PrintChar(char c);
+    /**
+     *@brief Print a character string 
+     *
+     *@param  str     char string
+     *@return none
+     */
+    void PrintString(char* str);
+    /**
+     *@brief Print a number 
+     *
+     *@param  n     number
+     *@return none
+     */
+    void PrintNumber(long n);      
+    BusInOut DB;
+    DigitalOut RST;
+    DigitalOut DI;
+    DigitalOut RW;
+    DigitalOut E;
+    DigitalInOut CS2;
+    DigitalInOut CS1;
+    bool    Inverted;                  
+    LCDCoord                Coord;
+    FontCallback            FontRead ;
+    unsigned int            FontColor;
+    unsigned int*            Font;
+    unsigned int color;