Fixed algorithm to read 3 bytes of accelerometer data registers

Fork of COG4050_adxl355_adxl357 by valeria toffoli

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Sep 03 10:39:56 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Sep 10 10:01:49 2018 +0000
@@ -3,167 +3,122 @@
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include "ADXL355.h"
 #include "CALIBRATION.h"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 ADXL355 accl(SPI1_CS0, SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCLK);    // PMOD port
 #define pi 3.14159265;
 float angle[3][12] = {  {-55, -125, -147, 33, -128, 52, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
-                        {6, -6, 20, -20, -69, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, 
-                        {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; 
+    {6, -6, 20, -20, -69, 69, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
+    {1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
 float meas[3][12] =  {  {-0.09, 0.16,  -0.31,  0.37,  0.91,  -0.88},
-                            {-0.78, 0.81,  -0.46,  0.49,  -0.28,  0.32},
-                            {0.54,  -0.55, -0.78,  0.76,  -0.20,  0.20}};   
-int main(){
-    pc.baud(9600);
-    pc.printf("SPI ADXL355 and ADXL357 Demo\n");
-    pc.printf("GET device ID\n");
-    accl.reset();
-    uint8_t d; 
-    d=accl.read_reg(accl.DEVID_AD);
-    pc.printf("AD id = %x \r\n",d);
-    d=accl.read_reg(accl.DEVID_MST);
-    pc.printf("MEMS id = %x \r\n",d);
-    d=accl.read_reg(accl.PARTID);
-    pc.printf("device id = %x \r\n",d);
-    d=accl.read_reg(accl.REVID);
-    pc.printf("revision id = %x \r\n",d);
-    pc.printf("GET device data [x, y, z, t] \r\n");
+    {-0.78, 0.81,  -0.46,  0.49,  -0.28,  0.32},
+    {0.54,  -0.55, -0.78,  0.76,  -0.20,  0.20}
+void adxl_init()
+    uint8_t res;
+    //getting Analog Device ID
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.DEVID_AD);
+    pc.printf("AD id = %x \r\n",res);
+    //getting MEMS ID
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.DEVID_MST);
+    pc.printf("MEMS id = %x \r\n",res);
+    //getting DEVICE ID
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.PARTID);
+    pc.printf("DEVICE id = %x \r\n",res);
+    //getting REVISION ID
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.REVID);
+    pc.printf("REVISION id = %x \r\n",res);
+    //setting RANGE
+    accl.set_device(accl.RANGE20);
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.RANGE);
+    pc.printf("RANGE register value = %x \r\n",res); 
+    if(res == 0x01 | res == 0x81 | res == 0xC1 | res == 0x41) {
+        //range of +/-10G
+        pc.printf("RANGE is +/-10G \r\n",res);
+        pc.printf("Sensitivity is %f \r\n",accl.axis357_sens);
+    } else if(res == 0x02 | res == 0x82 | res == 0xC2 | res == 0x42) {
+        //range of +/-20G
+        pc.printf("RANGE is +/-20G \r\n",res);
+        pc.printf("Sensitivity is %f \r\n",accl.axis357_sens);
+    } else if (res == 0x03 | res == 0x83 | res == 0xC3 | res == 0x43) {
+        //range of +/-40G
+        pc.printf("RANGE is +/-30G \r\n",res);
+        pc.printf("Sensitivity is %f \r\n",accl.axis357_sens);
+    } else {
+        pc.printf("Unable to read RANGE Register\r\n");
+    }
+    //setting FILTER
+    //accl.set_filter_ctl_reg(accl.HPFOFF , accl.ODR3HZ);
+    //setting MODE 
-    d=accl.read_reg(accl.POWER_CTL);
-    pc.printf("power control on measurement mode = %x \r\n",d);
-    float x, y, z, w, k, h;
+    //reading PWR CTL Register
+    res = accl.read_reg(accl.POWER_CTL);
+    pc.printf("power control on measurement mode = %x \r\n",res);
+void adxl_stream_results()
+    float x, y, z;
     float t;
+    uint32_t raw_x, raw_y, raw_z, raw_t;
     // save data info a file
-    pc.printf("x \t y \t z \t t\r\n");
-    for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
-        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-        y = accl.convert(accl.scany())*accl.axis355_sens;
-        z = accl.convert(accl.scanz())*accl.axis355_sens;
+     pc.printf("GET device data [x, y, z, t] \r\n");
+    pc.printf("x \t raw x \t y \t raw \t y \t z \t raw z \t t \t raw t \r\n");
+    for(int i=0; i<20; i++) {
+        raw_x = accl.scanx();
+        raw_y = accl.scany();
+        raw_z = accl.scanz();
+        x = accl.convert(raw_x)*accl.axis357_sens;
+        y = accl.convert(raw_y)*accl.axis357_sens;
+        z = accl.convert(raw_z)*accl.axis357_sens;
         t = 25+float(accl.scant()-1852)/(-9.05);
-        pc.printf("%f \t %f \t %f  \t %f   \r\n" , x,y,z,t);
-        wait(0.1);}    
-   // test the calibration procedure
-   test.matrix_reset();
-   pc.printf("Start calibration test (y/n)?\r\n");
-   char calib = pc.getc();
-   switch(calib){
-       case 'y': pc.printf("Select the calibration procedure: 2point or 4point? (2/4)\r\n");
-                char point = pc.getc();
-                if(point == '2'){
-                    pc.printf("Place the device verticaly to obtain x value close to -1, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; y = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        if (x<y) {y=x;}
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,y);
-                        wait(0.1);}
-                    pc.printf("Place the device verticaly to obtain x value close to +1, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; z = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        if (x>z) {z=x;}
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,z);
-                        wait(0.1);}     
-                    float meas[] = {z, y};
-                    test.convert_2p(meas, 0);
-                    pc.printf("The input for the calibration process are: %f  \t %f \r\n" , meas[0], meas[1]);
-                    pc.printf("The result (Sensibility and Bias) is: %f  \t %f \r\n" , test.adxl355_sensitivity.S[0], test.adxl355_sensitivity.B[0]);
-                    }
-                else if(point == '4'){
-                    pc.printf("Place the device verticaly to obtain x value close to 0, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; y = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        y=(y+x)/2;
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,y);
-                        wait(0.1);}
-                    pc.printf("Rotate the device to obtain x value close to -1, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; z = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        if (x<z) {z=x;}
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,z);
-                        wait(0.1);}
-                    pc.printf("Place the device verticaly to obtain x value close to 0, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; w = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        w=(w+x)/2;
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,w);
-                        wait(0.1);}
-                    pc.printf("Rotate the device verticaly to obtain x value close to +1, press any character to start the aquisition \r\n");
-                    pc.getc();
-                    x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens; k = x;
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        if (x>k) {k=x;}
-                        pc.printf("%f  \t %f \r\n" , x,k);
-                        wait(0.1);}     
-                    float meas[] = {y, z, w, k};
-                    test.convert_4p(meas, 0);
-                    pc.printf("The input for the calibration process are: %f  \t %f \t %f \t %f \t \r\n" , y, z, w, k);
-                    pc.printf("The result (Sensibility and Bias) is: %f  \t %f \r\n" , test.adxl355_sensitivity.S[0], test.adxl355_sensitivity.B[0]);
-                    }
-                else {pc.printf("Input value not recognized \r\n"); pc.printf("%c \r\n",point);}
+        pc.printf("%f \t %d \t %f \t %d \t %f \t %d \t %f \t %d \r\n" , x, raw_x, y, raw_y, z, raw_z, t, raw_t);
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+int main()
+    pc.baud(9600);
+    pc.printf("SPI ADXL355 and ADXL357 Demo\r\n");
+    pc.printf("04/09/2018 V1.0\r\n");
+    accl.reset();
+    adxl_init();
+    adxl_stream_results();
+    while(1) {
+        pc.printf("Do you want to repeat the measurement (y/n)?\r\n");
+        char calib = pc.getc();
+        switch(calib) {
+            case 'y': {
+                adxl_stream_results();
-       case 'n': pc.printf("No calibration test \r\n"); 
-                break;
-       default:  pc.printf("Input value not recognized \r\n"); 
+            }
+            case 'n': {
+                pc.printf("Thank you for evaluating the ADXL355/357\r\n");
+                pc.printf("You may now close the serial terminal\r\n");
-       }     
-    // test reading angle
-   pc.printf("Start reading angle after calibration (y/n)?\r\n");
-   calib = pc.getc();
-   switch(calib){
-       case 'y': pc.printf("Select the procedure for angle measurement: 1axis, 2axis or 3axis? (1/2/3)\r\n");
-                char point = pc.getc();
-                pc.printf("x \t y \t z \t pitch \t roll \t tau \r\n");
-                if(point == '1'){
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        y = accl.convert(accl.scany())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        z = accl.convert(accl.scanz())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        w = asin(x/9.81)*180/pi;
-                        k = asin(y/9.81)*180/pi;
-                        h = asin(z/9.81)*180/pi;
-                        pc.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f  \r\n" , x,y,z,w,k,h);
-                        wait(0.1);}   
-                    }
-                else if(point == '2'){
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        y = accl.convert(accl.scany())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        z = accl.convert(accl.scanz())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        w = atan(x/z)*180/pi;;
-                        k = atan(y/z)*180/pi;;
-                        h = 0;
-                        pc.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f  \r\n" , x,y,z,w,k,h);
-                        wait(0.1);}
-                    }
-                else if(point == '3'){
-                    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
-                        x = accl.convert(accl.scanx())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        y = accl.convert(accl.scany())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        z = accl.convert(accl.scanz())*accl.axis355_sens;
-                        w = atan2(x,sqrt(pow(y,2)+pow(z,2)))*180/pi; 
-                        k = atan2(y,sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(z,2)))*180/pi;
-                        h = atan2(sqrt(pow(x,2)+pow(y,2)),z)*180/pi;
-                        pc.printf("%f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f \t %f  \r\n" , x,y,z,w,k,h);
-                        wait(0.1);} 
-                    }  
-                else {pc.printf("Input value not recognized \r\n"); pc.printf("%c \r\n",point);}
+            }
+            default:
+                pc.printf("Input value not recognized, try again! \r\n");
-       case 'n': pc.printf("No calibration test \r\n"); 
-                break;
-       default:  pc.printf("Input value not recognized \r\n"); 
-                break;
-       }  
+        }
+    }
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