Fixed algorithm to read 3 bytes of accelerometer data registers

Fork of COG4050_adxl355_adxl357 by valeria toffoli

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADXL35x/ADXL355.h	Tue Aug 07 12:49:37 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+#ifndef ADXL355_H_
+#define ADXL355_H_
+class ADXL355
+    // -------------------------- //
+    // REGISTERS                  // 
+    // -------------------------- //
+    typedef enum {
+        DEVID_AD = 0x00,
+        DEVID_MST = 0x01,
+        PARTID = 0x02,
+        REVID = 0x03,
+        STATUS = 0x04,
+        FIFO_ENTRIES = 0x05,
+        TEMP2 = 0x06,
+        TEMP1 = 0x07,
+        XDATA3 = 0x08,
+        XDATA2 = 0x09,
+        XDATA1 = 0x0A,
+        YDATA3 = 0x0B,
+        YDATA2 = 0x0C,
+        YDATA1 = 0x0D,
+        ZDATA3 = 0x0E,
+        ZDATA2 = 0x0F,
+        ZDATA1 = 0x10,
+        FIFO_DATA = 0x11,
+        OFFSET_X_H = 0x1E,
+        OFFSET_X_L = 0x1F,
+        OFFSET_Y_H = 0x20,
+        OFFSET_Y_L = 0x21,
+        OFFSET_Z_H = 0x22,
+        OFFSET_Z_L = 0x23,
+        ACT_EN = 0x24,
+        ACT_THRESH_H = 0x25,
+        ACT_THRESH_L = 0x26,
+        ACT_COUNT = 0x27,
+        FILTER = 0x28,
+        FIFO_SAMPLES = 0x29,
+        INT_MAP = 0x2A,
+        SYNC = 0x2B,
+        RANGE = 0x2C,
+        POWER_CTL = 0x2D,
+        SELF_TEST = 0x2E,
+        RESET = 0x2F
+    } ADXL355_register_t;
+    // -------------------------- //
+    // -------------------------- //
+    // Modes - POWER_CTL  
+    typedef enum {
+        DRDY_OFF = 0x04,
+        TEMP_OFF = 0x02,
+        STANDBY = 0x00,
+        MEASUREMENT = 0x01
+    } ADXL355_modes_t;    
+    // Activate Threshold - ACT_EN  
+    typedef enum {
+        ACT_Z = 0x04,
+        ACT_Y = 0x02,
+        ACT_X = 0x01
+    } ADXL355_act_ctl_t;
+    // High-Pass and Low-Pass Filter - FILTER 
+    typedef enum {
+        HPFOFF = 0x00,
+        HPF247 = 0x10,
+        HPF62 = 0x20,
+        HPF15 = 0x30,
+        HPF3 = 0x40,
+        HPF09 = 0x50,
+        HPF02 = 0x60,
+        ODR4000HZ = 0x00,
+        ODR2000HZ = 0x01,
+        ODR1000HZ = 0x02,
+        ODR500HZ = 0x03,
+        ODR250HZ = 0x04,
+        ODR125Hz = 0x05,
+        ODR62HZ = 0x06,
+        ODR31Hz = 0x07,
+        ODR15Hz = 0x08,
+        ODR7Hz = 0x09,
+        ODR3HZ = 0x0A
+    } ADXL355_filter_ctl_t;
+    // External timing register - INT_MAP 
+    typedef enum {
+        OVR_EN = 0x04,
+        FULL_EN = 0x02,
+        RDY_EN = 0x01
+    } ADXL355_intmap_ctl_t;
+    // External timing register - SYNC 
+    typedef enum {
+        EXT_CLK = 0x04,
+        INT_SYNC = 0x00,
+        EXT_SYNC_NO_INT = 0x01,
+        EXT_SYNC_INT = 0x02
+    } ADXL355_sync_ctl_t; 
+    // polarity and range - RANGE 
+    typedef enum {
+        RANGE2G = 0x01,
+        RANGE4G = 0x02,
+        RANGE8G = 0x03,
+        RANGE10 = 0x00,
+        RANGE20 = 0x02,
+        RANGE40 = 0x03
+    } ADXL355_range_ctl_t;
+    // self test interrupt - INT 
+    typedef enum {
+        ST2 = 0x02,
+        ST1 = 0x01
+    } ADXL355_int_ctl_t;
+    // -------------------------- //
+    // FUNCTIONS                  //  
+    // -------------------------- //
+    // SPI configuration & constructor 
+    ADXL355(PinName cs_pin , PinName MOSI , PinName MISO , PinName SCK );
+    void frequency(int hz);
+    // Low level SPI bus comm methods 
+    void reset(void);
+    void write_reg(ADXL355_register_t reg, uint8_t data);
+    void write_reg_u16(ADXL355_register_t reg, uint16_t data);
+    uint8_t read_reg(ADXL355_register_t reg);
+    uint16_t read_reg_u16(ADXL355_register_t reg);
+    uint32_t read_reg_u32(ADXL355_register_t reg);
+    // ADXL general register R/W methods 
+    void set_power_ctl_reg(uint8_t data);
+    void set_filter_ctl_reg(ADXL355_filter_ctl_t hpf, ADXL355_filter_ctl_t odr);
+    void set_mode(ADXL355_modes_t mode);
+    void set_clk(ADXL355_sync_ctl_t data);
+    void set_device(ADXL355_range_ctl_t range);
+    uint8_t read_status();
+    // ADXL X/Y/Z/T scanning methods   
+    uint32_t scanx();
+    uint32_t scany();
+    uint32_t scanz();
+    uint16_t scant();
+    // ADXL activity methods 
+    void set_activity_axis(ADXL355_act_ctl_t axis);
+    void set_activity_cnt(uint8_t count);
+    void set_activity_threshold(uint16_t data_h, uint16_t data_l);
+    void set_inactivity();
+    // ADXL interrupt methods 
+    void set_interrupt1_pin(PinName in, ADXL355_intmap_ctl_t mode);
+    void set_interrupt2_pin(PinName in, ADXL355_intmap_ctl_t mode);
+    void enable_interrupt1();
+    void enable_interrupt2();
+    void disable_interrupt1();
+    void disable_interrupt2();
+    void set_polling_interrupt1_pin(uint8_t data);
+    void set_polling_interrupt2_pin(uint8_t data);
+    bool get_int1();
+    bool get_int2();
+    // ADXL FIFO methods 
+    uint16_t fifo_read_nr_of_entries();
+    void fifo_setup(uint8_t nr_of_entries);
+    uint32_t fifo_read_u32();
+    uint64_t fifo_scan();
+    // ADXL tilt methods 
+    // TBD
+    // SPI adxl355;                 ///< SPI instance of the ADXL
+    SPI adxl355; DigitalOut cs;
+    const static uint8_t _DEVICE_AD = 0xAD;     // contect of DEVID_AD (only-read) register 
+    const static uint8_t _RESET = 0x52;         // reset code 
+    const static uint8_t _DUMMY_BYTE = 0xAA;    // 10101010
+    const static uint8_t _WRITE_REG_CMD = 0x00; // write register
+    const static uint8_t _READ_REG_CMD = 0x01;  // read register
+    const static uint8_t _READ_FIFO_CMD = 0x23; // read FIFO
+    const static uint8_t _SPI_MODE = 0;         // timing scheme
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